ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign Remembrance Talks/Episode 8

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
8/24: Azami Izumida (June 15, 2021)
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AzamiI gotta thank you and the others for lettin' me take part in the showdown act against GOD-za.
I had beef with Shifuto at that time. It was hella frustratin' not being able to do anything.
But some busybody told me not to give up, and in the end, I made up my mind to let out my feelings through my performance.
You can't ever do such a thing if you ain't an actor.
I gotta admit I didn't have any particular reason for doing theater at first. I could only be this serious because you're always takin' me seriously, Director.
I learned a lot through that showdown act, and I needa improve more both as an actor and as a makeup artist.
I'm gonna pull out all the stops until the final performance of the MANKAI Show. So you better watch over me until the very end, 'kay, Director.
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Dita here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
8/24: Azami Izumida (June 15, 2021)
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AzamiI’m thankful that I got the chance to stand on stage against GODza for the showdown ACT. I’m also thankful for everyone in the troupe, and to you, too, Director.
When Shifuto and I were fighting at that time, I wasn’t sure if there was anything that I could do. It was super frustrating.
But thanks to some meddlesome people who told me not to give up, I decided to show my feelings through my acting.
You probably wouldn’t have expected that you can make up with people by putting your feelings into your performance— not unless you’re actors, that is.
Things may have started out differently, but even till now, I think the reason I’ve become this dedicated to acting is ‘cause I could seriously face it head on together with the Director.
The showdown ACT gave me some great experience, so now I’ve gotta keep on improving myself— both as an actor and as a make-up artist. Right?
I’ll be giving all that I can until the finale of the MANKAI Show too. That’s why you better properly watch over me until the end, Director.
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