Chikage Utsuki/Festival of Blooming

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Roommate Mission! Chikage as Itaru

Backstage Stories
ChikageI’m home—.
Chikage Festival of Blooming 1-1.png
ItaruHUH? Freaking small fry! TAKE THAT!
(I’ll just change clothes for now.)
(Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten this evening yet.)
I had lunch late, so it’s not like I need to…)
ItaruWelcome back, senpai.
GJ with the late-night overtime~.
ChikageYou noticed I came back?
That was some huge lag.
ItaruI reached a good point to stop, so I figured I should say something.
ChikageHmm. A good stopping point, you say?
ItaruWhat is it?
By the way, is that a new game?
ItaruI left on time and got my hands on it.
It’s a famous numbered title, and this is the first new release in 6 years.
Just give me 3 days and I’ll lend it to you.
ChikageI’m good, thanks.
Before you try to enable me, shouldn’t you eat those cup noodles sitting on the table? I’m sure they’re soggy by now.
ItaruAh crap. I forgot.
You can have it—.
ChikageNo, thank you.
ItaruShot down instantly.
You know, this brand is good when it’s a little soggy.
ChikageWhat a great discovery born from sloppiness.
I’m going to have something to eat in the lounge. You can take it easy.
KazunariAdd that cheese~ parsley~ and also…
Chikage Festival of Blooming 1-2.png
KazunariChikachon! You gonna use the kitchen?
Hold on a sec. I’m just finishing up~.
ChikageA late-night snack while you’re working?
KazunariYep, you got me~.
And on that note, voila!
Tomato soymilk risotto with oatmeal!
I took a stab at making it since I saw a recipe vid on inste.
ChikageI’m sure Kumon and Azami would enjoy that.
KazunariI know, right? Mayhaps I’ll make it for breakfast tomorrow?
Ah. Do you wanna try some too, Chikachon?
I have extra ingredients, so I can whip some up right away.
Chikage…The difference between the soggy cup noodles is amazing.
ChikageOh, no. It’s nothing.
I suppose I’ll have some.
KazunariI made soymilk curry risotto for Chikachon~!
I just added curry powder though.
ChikageThank you.
I’m digging in.
…It tastes great.
It’s more filling than I expected.
KazunariGreat~. Should I bring some to Itarun for a midnight snack?
He said he was gonna pull an all-nighter.
ChikageNo, he’ll be fine. He has his soggy cup noodles.
Besides, I doubt he has time for that.
KazunariYou think?
ChikageHe was a lot rowdier than usual while playing that game.
I suspect it’s because the new game he bought was harder than he expected, so it’s not going very well for him.
He said he reached a good stopping point. But I bet he just gave up for the moment since he couldn’t win.
KazunariI see~. Mhm, mhm.
ChikageAre you grinning over there?
KazunariIt’s just~, I was thinking your life as roomies seems to be going well.
ChikageReally now?
KazunariWith your personality, I assumed you’d grumble or complain more about sharing a room with Itarun…
Or that one of you would pack up and leave… I think all of us were a teensy bit worried inside~. Myself included.
ChikageI think I do grumble and complain often. But, well, you're right. I suppose I've never thought about calling it quits or switching rooms.
KazunariSee? That’s a good sign, isn’t it!
ChikageThe bar is on the floor.
KazunariAnyways, have you decided what you’re gonna do for the roommate mission?
ChikageNot yet. I still have to think.
KazunariChikachon playing Itarun, huh~…
Yep! I can’t imagine it at all. I know it’s gonna be an absolute hoot though!
How ‘bout you? Think it’s gonna be hard?
ChikagePlaying Chigasaki will be… well, I feel reluctant, but I don’t think it will be difficult.
…However, I doubt simply acting will clear this mission in the true sense of the word.
Having said that, I don’t think I share a bad relationship with Chigasaki. The things I’d like him to fix are…
I already tell him about them all the time, whether it sticks with him or not.
At this point, I don’t think I can think of anything I’d like to say, change, or understand about him by acting as him.
KazunariHm, hm…
In that case—.
Doesn’t that mean you’re satisfied with the way things are now?
ItaruHere you go.
Chikage Festival of Blooming 2-1.png
ItaruSo dirty. Is this actually washed?
…Can you stop giving me that look?
They’re freshly washed. Rest assured.
ChikageI’ll borrow them for a second then.
Heh, they’re comfortable. These clothes.
ItaruIs this how a kid feels when they lend their clothes to their parents…
ChikageOh, right. I’d like to borrow a controller.
ItaruWell, I do use those.
Here you go. It’s okay if this one breaks.
ChikageI’m not going to act that violently.
Or perhaps I should exaggerate my acting a bit?
ItaruPlease put a cap on it.
Alright, I’m starting.
“Ha? Time out?
It’s a Friday night, there’s no way nobody’s on. Damn normies enjoying their lives.”
“I’m gonna banish you shitty small fry to the shadow realm.”
“Rip in peace in pieces.”
Chikage Festival of Blooming 2-2.png
Itaru(That’s probably me when my match up isn’t going well, or when I'm pissed off because I can't beat a lower ranked opponent…)
Chikage“Hell yeah! You really thought, huh? Trash.”
Itaru(Wait, this trash-talking vocabulary…!)
Chikage“Ah, senpai came back without me even realizing, huh?
GJ with the corporate slaving.”
“Woah, it’s already 2AM…”
Itaru(Here’s the turn of events I hate…
It’s me when I’m torn between sleeping or eating, but I’m doing neither.”
Chikage“Should I have some ramen?
Do you want some too, senpai? I’ll share.”
“Eh, clean up my garbage? Of course I will.”
“Tomorrow or the day after that.”
And scene.
That was typical Chigasaki. What do you think?
Itaru…It was good. I’m not aware of my typical movements or facial expressions. But I just naturally accepted that was me.
ChikgeGood to hear.
ItaruThat’s why I have mixed feelings though.
When I'm shown my undisciplined self objectively, it’s not that… I don’t feel sorry or a little ashamed.
ChikageDo you understand what I’m trying to convey to you?
Itaru“Re-evaluate how you live”, right?
ChikageYou’re not wrong. But I’ll give you 40 points.
ItaruHere comes the sudden scoring system.
ChikageEven you yourself feel ashamed of your lifestyle…
But, even so, I have never thought I wanted to switch rooms.
To my great surprise.
ItaruWe all know that’s a lie.
ChikageI’m not counting the times it’s merely crossed my mind.
You can say what you feel out loud. And you can relieve your stress and lift your own spirits by creating a space to release your emotions…
I think that’s one good thing about you that I don’t have.
I wonder if that means in a way, I envy you.
ChikageOf course I do want you to improve and fix your lifestyle.
ItaruThat stings.
ChikageIn any case, you can just stay as you are.
Surprisingly, I don’t dislike seeing you being so free, Chigasaki.
Well… thank you.
I look forward to continuing living together.
ChikageI’ll be in your care.
ItaruShall we take the instant photo now?
I’ll leave the pose to you.
ItaruHere goes.
3, 2, 1—.
Chikage Festival of Blooming 2-3.png
ChikageWhat do you think? I tried to be you.
Itaru82 points.
ChikageI feel like I just barely achieved an “A” rank in this minigame of dodging-the-question.
ItaruOh, that’s my roomie for you. Correct.
ChikageBy the way, I ate this to prepare for my role.
ItaruOh, that’s the cup noodles I like.
ChikageYou told me it tastes good when it’s a little soggy, so I made sure to leave it a little longer before I ate it.
ItaruIt was good, right?
Chikage35 points.
ItaruThat’s the lowest score of the day…
