Elegant Vacation/Episode 4

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Elegant Vacation
Episode 4
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TasukuIt’s great that all the members could arrange their schedules and come here to have a look in advance.
CitronGetting a preview is essential for both putting on the best play we can, and having tons of fun!
IzumiWe look forward to working together today.
StaffSame here. Thank you very much. We never imagined that everyone from MANKAI Company would come.
TsuzuruDo you know of our theatre troupe?
StaffOf course we do! By just saying you guys are going to hold a play here, we’ve become the talk of the town too! We’re very grateful.
TsuzuruWe could say the same. We’re delighted that you’ll allow us to act in such an amazing venue.
TaichiBoth the indoor and outdoor pools are hella wide!
KazunariI know, right! There’s places to play everywhere. We’re super thankful!
HomareOh, there’s a spot to the side where you can rest too.
CitronOh, there is! I almost missed it by accident!
HomareHowever, it might be ideal when you want a quiet rest.
CitronYes! It’s a resting spot for those in the know. How lovely~.
StaffYou can’t enter the pool today due to maintenance. But please have fun with all your might on the day of.
Now then, I’ll lead you to the stage.
This is the stage where we will ask all of you to perform your play.
KazunariWowie~! The vibes are immaculate!
HomareThis is marvelous!
TaichiIt’s kinda got a mature vibe. Cool~!
KazunariI’ll snap some pics and send them to Yukki!
TsuzuruI see. So this is how it is?
Then that means…
Izumi(Fufu. Tsuzuru-kun’s taking notes while staring at the stage.)
TasukuWill it work, Minagi?
TsuzuruYep. I can picture it in my mind already.
CitronOH! Is that a water slide I see over there!?
HomareMy, you slide down from such a height!
It looks quite fun.
CitronHomare, let’s slide down together the next time we come!
HomareAbsolutely. Let’s do that!
TaichiI’m getting more and more excited for our play on the stage and to play here~!
TasukuAre all your bags packed?
IzumiYep, I think I’m good to go.
HomareNo issues here either.
KazunariI’m locked and loaded!
TaichiTasuku-san, Tasuku-san!
TaichiI know we’re going to the pool in your car today…
But we have our stage later, so it might be tough driving by yourself. I can drive too, if need be!
TasukuSure. I’ll be counting on you when the times comes.
TaichiYou got it!
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