Staff | MANKAI Company has arrived! |
Izumi | Waah, everyone looks so nice…! The costumes are cool and the makeup is really realistic! |
Tasuku | The theme is dark Halloween, so it seems to be horror makeup. |
Sakyo | Now that you mention it, Bou told me to take a picture of it. |
Chikage | Azami would certainly be interested in this makeup. |
Banri | In the end, Misumi ended up wearin’ the black cat costume, huh? |
Sakuya | Yes! It was between Misumi-san and myself of who would get the black cat costume, and who would get the ghost costume, but in the end--. |
Misumi | I said I wanted the black cat because kitties have triangle ears~! |
Hisoka | Sakyo and Sakuya’s costumes seem to be a set. |
Sakyo | That’s because they’re both supposed to have a ghost motif. |
| |
Staff | Everyone, the shoot is going to start soon! |
Group Members | Okay! |
Cameraman | To start, I’ll be taking pictures of different group combinations. So I need him, him and… him. |
Misumi | Ka~ay! |
Sakuya | Yessir! |
Hisoka | …I’ll do my best. |
| *Camera clicks* |
Cameraman | Try to move more freely! Like that! |
| *Camera clicks* |
Izumi | (Even though the costumes are dark, it’s still a pretty cute combination. Fufu, it makes me feel like smiling.) |
Cameraman | Okay, you three are good now! Then, next is him and him! |
Banri | Chikage-san and I are a pair, huh? I’ll do my best. |
Chikage | Same here. |
| *Camera clicks* |
Cameraman | Alright, smile more boldly! |
Izumi | (The air has completely changed…! There’s a real dark Halloween-like atmosphere that’s almost horror-like between these two.) |
| …I bet Tenma-kun and Taichi-kun would be afraid of Banri's makeup. |
Misumi | Tenma would probably scream~! |
Hisoka | I can see Taichi screaming too… |
Sakuya | Ahaha… |
Cameraman | And next, him and him, please! |
Tasuku | Sakyo-san, we’re up. |
Sakyo | It seems we are. Let’s go. |
Izumi | Do your best! |
| *Camera clicks* |
Cameraman | Keep that expression and look at me! |
Izumi | Wah, the atmosphere changed again because of these two. |
| (The dark Halloween atmosphere, but with a bit of cheerfulness is really unique.) |
Sakuya | I feel like Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san really fit the theme of the costumes this time! |
Izumi | They do. But, I think it fits you too, Sakuya-kun. |
Sakuya | Really? |
Izumi | Yeah. Even though it’s the same dark Halloween theme, it’s interesting because the impression can change quite a bit depending on the combination. |
Cameraman | Yes, okay~! Next, we’ll do solo shots! |
| |
Izumi | Good work, everyone! |
Hisoka | …We can go home already? |
Banri | We were asked to wait while they decide on the cover photo. |
Staff | What do we do? They’re all good. |
Cameraman | Yeah, it’s hard to get rid of any of these this time but…, How about this one? |
Misumi | Ah, it’s Sakyo and Tasuku’s picture! |
Staff | What does the MANKAI Company think? |
Izumi | I agree, I also think this one is good! |
Cameraman | Then this is the decided on cover photo. |
Sakyo | Takato and I are the cover of the next issue, huh? |
Tasuku | I’m surprised too, but I’m glad to have my photo chosen. |
Sakyo | Yeah. |
Sakuya | I also thought that photo looked good! |
Chikage | They do both look good in it. |
Izumi | I’m looking forward to the day this issue of “VELUDO” releases! |