| *Knocking on door* |
Sakuya | Sakyo-san, are you there? |
Sakyo | Sakuma? What is it? |
| |
Sakuya | You came to see my performance today. I heard from Chikage-san and came to thank you! |
Sakyo | There’s no need to thank me. …It was a good performance. |
Sakuya | Really? I’m happy to hear that! |
Sakyo | Is the run of the play ending soon? |
Sakuya | Yeah, in two days. |
Sakyo | Then, once your guest performance is over, Sakuma, we should start working on the fashion show full time. |
| |
Izumi | Everyone, thank you for coming. |
Hisoka | …Tenma and Taichi are here. |
Sakuya | You two aren’t part of the fashion show this time though, right? |
Tenma | Nah. But Sakyo-san called us here. |
Chikage | Ah, I see. Maybe you’re here because it’s a fashion show then? |
Sakyo | Utsuki guessed correctly, I figured since we’re participating in a fashion show, we’d need to practice our walking. |
Sakuya | I get it because you both played models in the Last Runway performance! |
Taichi | Bingo! |
Sakyo | Settsu has also had experience as a model. If you’re able to, help teach us too. |
Banri | Gotcha. |
Misumi | I’ll do my best to practice as a model! |
Taichi | And I’ll do my best to teach~! |
| |
Tenma | You should pull your chin in and straighten your back. You should stick out your chest too… |
Taichi | Keep your eyes looking straight ahead! |
Banri | Don’t bend your knees so much. |
Hisoka | Like this…? |
Tenma | They’re all looking pretty good, aren’t they? |
Taichi | We don’t even have to teach ‘em! |
Tasuku | Is there anything else that might help with the walking? |
Tenma | Yeah, and I know one thing that’s the best way to fix your posture… |
Taichi | Ah, that’s yoga! |
Izumi | That reminds me, you learned yoga from Guy-san during your Last Runway role study, right? |
Sakuya | It is true that some good training helps keep a nice posture! |
Misumi | Well then, let’s all do it! Taichi, please teach us~! |
Taichi | Roger that! |
| |
| N-Next is boat pose…! |
Chikage | Like this? |
Hisoka | Boat… pose… zzz. |
Tasuku | Oi, Mikage, don’t go back to sleep. |
Tenma | I mean, how can you even sleep in that pose? |
Misumi | Ah! Boat pose is a triangle~! |
Tenma | Agh!? Don’t rock around, you’ll lose balance! |
Sakyo | By the way, I’m not sure if it’s because of all the stoic members, but no one seems to be getting tired. |
Izumi | You all seem to have so much energy…! |
Taichi | You’ve all got a crazy amount of strength too! I’m already tired out and I’ve barely started teaching~! |