Izumi | Well then, I want to decide on the members who will participate in the “VELUDO” project and photoshoot. |
| It seems that the thrift store in town will be in charge of the costumes this time. That’s one of your favorite shops, right, Sakuya-kun? |
Sakuya | Yeah. When I went shopping with Banri-kun the other day, the staff told us about the image they wanted to go for! |
Izumi | And that was…? |
Sakuya | It was cool, tough, and straightforward! |
Izumi | I knew it! That’s the same as what I heard from “VELUDO”. |
Chikage | Cool, tough, and straightforward, huh? I’d say that the members that have that image are… |
Sakuya | I thought of Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san! |
Izumi | Fufu, I think that too. |
Banri | Well, seems ‘bout right. |
Hisoka | I can see that too. |
Izumi | How about it? Sakyo-san, Tasuku-san? |
Sakyo | If that’s the case, I’ll do it. I was thinking of participating in it this time regardless. |
Izumi | Really? |
Sakyo | Yes. I haven’t participated in a “VELUDO” photoshoot or project yet. I was actually hoping to experience something like it soon. |
Tasuku | I only participated in a project of one once, but not the photoshoot. I’d like to do it too if you’ll let me. |
Misumi | Well then, Sakyo and Tasuku are decided~! |
Chikage | And for the rest of the members? |
Izumi | How about we all compare schedules in order to decide? |
| |
Banri | So, this time’s members are… |
Izumi | Sakyo-san, Tasuku-san, Sakuya-kun, Banri-kun, Chikage-san, Misumi-kun, Hisoka-san, I’d like to ask the seven of you to participate! |
Misumi | Kaaay! |
Hisoka | …I’ll do my best. |
Sakyo | Sakuma, what about your guest performance? |
Sakuya | It’ll be over by the time of the photoshoot and the fashion show, so it’s all okay! |
Izumi | At the event, after the show, we’re supposed to parade through the streets with the general public and hand out candy--. |
| I would like you all to participate in that too. |
| |
Sakyo | Right here. |
Chikage | ...Sakyo-san? |
Sakyo | Huh, Utsuki? Strange to run into you here. |
Chikage | So it is. Did you also come to watch Sakuya’s performance, Sakyo-san? |
Sakyo | Yeah, I was told I should come if I’d like. You too? |
Chikage | Same here. He asked me to come when I had time. |
Sakyo | I’m a little surprised you even came. |
Chikage | Haha, is that so? |
| *Buzzer sound* |
| |
Performer A | “When the town is filled with orange pumpkins--.” |
Sakyo | (It’s a Halloween story, huh? It is the season for it after all.) |
Sakuya | “I wonder if I could’ve told them the truth if I had been my real self instead of this fake one.” |
| “No, I had no choice but to live this way. I’ll just have to make my way through this…!” |
Sakyo | (The way he repeatedly grasped onto the accessory around his neck with both hands, as if it were important, is really impressionable.) |
| |
Chikage | It was a honest play, just like Sakuya. |
Sakyo | It was. Even though it was only a guest performance, it was a good performance that caught the eye in all the right places. |
| (When I first met him, I thought he was just some brat, but now he’s become a damn good actor.) |