Special Edition: Veludo Fashion Festa/Episode 6

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Special Edition: Veludo Fashion Festa
Episode 6
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BanriDamn, it’s real busy, huh?
SakyoBecause the event is designated as a fashion show, there are a lot of well-dressed participants fired up.
IzumiIf it’s spirit they’re looking for, we’re no match for them! Our clothes and makeup are perfect.
SakuyaYeah! The thrift store did a great job.
StaffWe’re going to proceed with the photoshoot now, but please don’t be too conscious of the camera, everyone. In fact, please act as naturally as you can.
TasukuWell then, we’ll just do what we’d normally do.
ChikageSome of our members already behave naturally and freely without needing to be told.
HisokaThere are food stalls… Like a festival.
MisumiIt looks fun~! Can we go?
IzumiSure. We have some time before the show, so we can look around a little bit.
SakyoBut be sure to not get your costume dirty. Be especially careful if you eat or drink anything.
StaffDo you mind if I take pictures of you while you visit the stalls? I’m sure I could get some good shots.
IzumiOf course, you can!
HisokaThey’re selling marshmallow treats over there. I wanna go there.
MisumiI also wanna go to a triangle snack shop!
BanriIs that even an actual shop?
SakuyaAh, I also wanna look for some stuff.
ChikageIf they’re going to be shooting, then we should all go together. Well then, let’s start over there--.
SakyoWhat are you going to do, Director-san?
IzumiI’m gonna stay behind here, so all of you can just go off without me!
HisokaI bought ghost marshmallows… Makes me happy.
MisumiAnd I bought triangle snacks~!
TasukuSo, what Ikaruga was really looking for was a puffed grain snack that comes in that cone packaging.
SakuyaIt has a cute jack-o-lantern design on it!
SakyoThere are also zombies and bats on it… It’s full of Halloween-related candy.
HisokaThey’re all almost too cute to eat.
SakuyaAh! There’s the thing I want to buy!
ChikageAre those… masquerade masks?
TasukuI thought I saw people wearing them around earlier, but I didn’t know they were being sold around here.
MisumiDo you wanna wear one too, Sakuya~?
SakuyaNo, not me… But Citron-san asked me to buy a masquerade mask if I could find one.
He heard from someone in the shopping district that these masks were going to be sold at the event.
ChikageI see. Of course, Citron would like something like that.
SakuyaExcuse me, this one, please.
SalespersonHere you are, thank you very much!
SakuyaI’ll send Citron a LIME right away that I got it safely.
*Notification sound*
Ah, he already replied! Umm…
HisokaWhat’s wrong?
SakuyaHe said he wants to see me in this mask and costume, so he wants me to take pictures to send to him...
TasukuSeems like something he’d say.
ChikageWell, there’s no time like the present.
MisumiYeah yeah! I wanna see you wear the mask too, Sakuya!
SakuyaI’ll put it on then.
Um… Here.
BanriOh, looks good. I’ll take the pics for you.
StaffI can take pictures for you too. In return, may I use the “VELUDO” camera to take pictures too?
SakuyaThank you very much. And of course, go ahead!
SakyoAt this rate, Sakuma’s mask might end up being used in the magazine.
TasukuWell, it would be a nice surprise, wouldn’t it?
SakyoI think we’ve seen all the stalls. The fashion show is about to start, so we should head back soon.
Hisoka…Wait, Sakuya’s gone.
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