Masumi Usui/MANKAI☆New Year

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New Spring Create

Backstage Stories
TasukuUsui? Good work.
MasumiWhy are you guys here…
JuzaWe were called by Director.
YukiYou came over since you thought you were the only one called, didn’t you?
IzumiAh, all four of you are here!
Thanks for gathering, everyone.
YukiWhat did you wanna talk about?
IzumiSo you see, I'm planning to send New Year's cards to places that usually take care of our Theatre troupe—.
Since I’m going out of my way, I’d like to make New Year’s cards that scream MANKAI Company. I wondered if you guys would help me out with that.
TasukuIt’s the season for New Year’s cards already, huh?
JuzaThat was quick.
IzumiThere are limits to the ideas I can come up with on my own…
So I’d love all of your help. What do you think?
MasumiI got it.
I’ll make a New Year’s card that’ll make you happy.
TasukuUsui doesn’t hesitate.
YukiThat’s the Psycho Stalker for you…
Well, I mean, it does sound fun brainstorming and making them.
JuzaPreparin’ New Year’s cards… I’ll lend a hand if there’s anythin’ I can do.
TasukuI don’t mind helping either…
But what should we do, starting off?
IzumiRight, I’d like to decide what to do first…
How about dressing up for New Year's and taking a picture, for example?
YukiWhy not?
If possible, I wanna wear a cute kimono.
TasukuAlright, then that works for the main design, right?
What else should we do?
MasumiWhat about writing something with brush strokes?
JuzaBrush strokes…
If we’re talkin’ brush pens, then I can do that too.
MasumiIn that case, Juza will write the words with a brush.
Are the words “Happy New Year” fine with you, Director?
IzumiAhh, yep.
YukiThe Psycho Stalker’s making suggestions voluntarily…
MasumiI want to show Director I’m a capable man.
YukiIt falls apart if you say that, you know?
TasukuHave you decided how many copies you’re going to send out?
IzumiHmm, we’ll give some to the theatre troupes and companies who help us out, the shopping district, and also…
JuzaSounds like quite a lot, huh?
TasukuWill you order them from a vendor for that amount?
I-it’s too late to place an order now, isn’t it…
I’ll try my best with the dorm’s printer!
YukiI bet that’ll be a lot of effort. Are you sure?
TasukuI’ll do the printing.
Usui, can you get the postcards for us?
MasumiI got it.
Director, let’s buy them together when you go shopping.
IzumiOkay, sounds good!
YukiIt’s fine if I choose the kimonos we’ll wear for the photoshoot, right?
JuzaI’ll write “Happy New Year” with a brush pen…
TasukuWe can work out the specific layout and other details together after we’ve collected the materials for the picture and text.
Masumi…Does that work, Director?
IzumiYeah. Thanks, everyone!
Ah, Tasuku-san!
Are you heading out?
TasukuYeah. We were low on ink when I checked the printer earlier, so I’m just on my way out to buy some more.
It seems we’re going to use up a lot for these New Year's cards.
IzumiYou’re in charge of the lettering and printing, right, Tasuku-san?
TasukuYeah. Speaking of which, Hyodo’s in charge of writing, and it looks like he’s been doing calligraphy since this morning.
IzumiAh, he is!
Director and Tasuku-san?
IzumiI heard you’re writing the brush letters for the New Year’s cards. How’s it going?
JuzaWell… I tried writin’ a few sheets. But when I think about the fact we’re sending them out to a buncha people, I get nervous and can’t write well.
IzumiEh, that’s not true!
You’re writing them really beautifully!
TasukuYeah, I think your writing’s neat and impressive.
JuzaI’m glad to hear you say that, but I’m not entirely convinced.
I wanna write a few more and then discuss with everyone.
TasukuNo problem.
Let's decide what would look best for this year’s New Year's cards together.
IzumiFufu, I’m looking forward to it!
YukiThis one’s good too, but maybe I’ll go with this one…
IzumiBoth of you have frowns on your faces. What’s up?
YukiAh, perfect timing. Come here for a second.
IzumiIs this about the New Year’s cards?
YukiYeah. I’m kind of debating over the kimono designs.
I’d like to hear you opinion.
Which one do you like between these two?
IzumiHmm~, they’re both great so it’s hard to choose…
But I think this one might fit everyone better.
YukiHeh, you’ve got nice taste.
I wasn’t sure, but I also thought this one would suit us more.
IzumiAhaha, that’s great then!
And what are you fretting over, Masumi-kun?
MasumiThis. While looking at the kimonos Yuki chooses, I’m jotting down the positions we’ll take the photo in along with the placements of the text.
IzumiWow, there’s so many patterns!
So you’re wondering which composition to use from these, huh?
Masumi*Sigh*, you’re cute when you’re trying to figure it out with me…
YukiThere he goes again.
IzumiMasumi-kun, if you’re having a hard time deciding, then why don’t we think about the composition together?
MasumiI’d be glad… but I’m alright.
I'm the one who said I'll make a New Year's card you'll be happy with, so I'll think about it some more on my own.
YukiI have no idea who he’s cooperating with.
IzumiAhaha. I’m happy about that, of course. But don’t forget about your own tastes.
MasumiOur own tastes… I got it.
Director. We’ve finished the design for the New Year’s cards, so have a look.
YukiWell, we nailed the Company’s vibe, didn’t we?
IzumiAll of you look amazing in the kimonos!
Woah, the letters turned out cute too!
MasumiJuza’s letters are beautiful, so I could have left it as is. But I wanted to make it look more like a New Year's card, so I processed it a bit.
…Do you like it, Director?
IzumiYeah, I think it’s wonderful!
YukiWhy are you talking like you did it all by yourself?
TasukuThe four of us picked out and added some illustrations to make it look like a design.
JuzaI was worried, but that helped.
IzumiI’m glad I relied on you guys.
The New Year’s cards turned out really lovely!
MasumiI’m happy if you’re happy.
YukiAlright, alright.
Say, Director, can we use these too?
IzumiWe bought a huge amount of postcards, so feel free to if you have people you want to send them to.
YukiCool, I guess I’ll give one to my sister.
Masumi…Then I’ll send one to grandma.
TasukuI’ll send one to my brother too.
IzumiHow about you, Juza-kun?
JuzaI’ll send one to Yuzo-san. He took care of me at his workshops, invited me to guest star, and he even let me join his rehearsals.
…I’d like him to keep watchin’ over my acting from now on.
Masumi…That sounds good.
YukiCome to think of it, I’m personally indebted to that theatre company too.
TasukuWell, naturally, we’re going to send a New Year’s card to Yuzo-san from the Company. But I’m sure he’ll be happy to personally receive one from Hyodo too.
IzumiYeah, I think Yuzo-san will love that!
Alright, I’m going to send these New Year’s cards to the other people who we’re indebted to.
Seriously, thanks, everyone.
I can’t wait for New Year’s.
MasumiNew Year’s… I’ll be the very first one to greet Director when we ring in the new year.
YukiThat’s legit all you think about.
…But I’ll send a message over to you after I return home.
JuzaI’ll send a greetin’ with Kumon and Muku.
TasukuYeah, I’ll send one too.
IzumiFufu, I can’t wait to read all of your messages!
