Sakyo Furuichi/Ginsenkai’s Central Pillar

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Treat Research[1]

Backstage Stories
Izumi.... Ah, look at the time.
(I was completely preoccupied with my work. I need to do some shopping soon.)
Let's go to the kitchen and check the rest of the ingredients before leaving.
IzumiAh, Sakyo-san.
Are you working here?
SakyoYeah, I'm doing a little workaround accounting.
IzumiI'm sorry for leaving that up to you. Thank you for your help as always.
Ah, shall I bring you something to drink?
SakyoNo, it's fine.
By the way, are you going out?
IzumiYes, I'm going to buy some ingredients.
SakyoI'll get ready in five minutes. Wait for me.
I'm going with you.
IzumiEh, but Sakyo-san, aren't you working right now?
SakyoI just reached a good stopping point.
It's fine.
Moreover, today is meat sale day. We can buy more if we go together.
IzumiFufu, certainly.
Let's go then.
IzumiWe were able to buy lots of meat from the sale!
SakyoWell, with that number of people, I'm sure it'll be gone in no time.
IzumiAhaha... You certainly have a point.
SakyoMake sure you don't miss out on special sales at each store in the future.
IzumiThat goes without saying!
???Big bro~!
Big sis~!
IzumiAh, it's Sakoda-san.
Good afternoon.
SakodaGood afternoon!
SakyoOi, Sakoda. Lower your voice.
Where do you think you are?
SakodaI-I'm sorry!
IzumiIt's quite unusual to meet Sakoda-san here at the supermarket.
SakyoIt's probably because he saw us somewhere.
SakodaAs expected of big bro! You can tell right away!
I happened to see big sis 'n big bro walking on the streets, so I followed you into the store!
IzumiI get it now.
SakyoGeez, you don't have to tail me every single time you see me.
SakodaEhh!! Please don't say that!
I jus’ wanna be of any help to you...!
Sakyo...I see. If you really want to be of help, go grab some meat.
...The meats with red bargain stickers are the ones on sale. Got it?
SakodaAye! Count on me!
Izumi(Fufu, the way they talk to each other hasn't changed ever since the beginning...)
SakodaShould I put the bags here?
IzumiI'm sorry for making you carry them all the way to the dorm.
SakodaDon't worry 'bout it! 's my honor to be of any help to big bro 'n big sis!
SakyoI'm going back to work now.
You should go home as well.
Good work!
IzumiSakoda-san, what's the matter?
SakodaNo, it's jus' that big bro's so busy these days...
Dontcha think he looks a 'lil tired?
IzumiCome to think of it...
I'm kind of feeling sorry for leaving all the accounting work to him.
SakodaI wish I could do somethin' for big bro----...
How 'bout giving him a treat!?
IzumiIndeed! It sounds like a great idea.
SakodaAight, once it's decided, I'll buy the stuff right away... Ah.
What the hell should I give him...!?
Ugh, can't think of anythin' at all...!
IzumiThen, how about I do a bit of research on what Sakyo-san needs right now?
SakodaEh, is it okay?
Big sis, I'm counting on you....!
IzumiCan you stop by the dorm again when you have time, then?
IzumiSakyo-san? Would you like to take a quick break?
Sakyo....You made some coffee?
You're right. Thank you.
...... Recently, my eyes get tired easily from looking at all these tiny characters. I bet bon and Rurikawa will say I stink of old man if they hear me say this.
IzumiFufu... I can certainly imagine from the way you're putting it...
IzumiJ-just kidding!
Is there anything I can help with?
SakyoWhat the hell are you talking about?
Aren't your hands full with your work already?
Besides, it is not something I cannot do without the director's help.
Don't worry about it.
Izumi..... I understand.
But please tell me if things get too hard, okay?
We'll be in trouble if Sakyo-san collapses.
Izumi(Sakyo-san's eyes get tired easily these days...
Alright, I'll tell Sakoda-san about this.)
AzamiAren't you hearing heavy footsteps in the hallway?
Yuki…You're right.
SakyoWho's the punk tramping around loudly?
IzumiAh, could it be---
SakodaBig bro---!
I brought you some treats!
AzamiKen-san, you're here.
Azami is here too!
SakodaAye! You're lookin' real tired recently,
so I prepared this with big sis' help!
SakyoJust when did you...
IzumiNo, I simply gave him a hint. It was Sakoda-san who decided and prepared various things.
SakodaBig bro, please accept these!
Come on! Come on!
SakyoStop pushing them on me. What a pain.
YukiTreats? What did you bring?
SakodaRurikawa sis, I'm glad you asked!
First off is a moist rice cracker[2]! It's my most recent favorite!
SakyoSo, it's 'your' favorite.
AzamiCan't believe you can still complain after Ken-san worked hard to bring these here.
SakodaIt's big sis!
Big sis told me you would be happy I'll give you something I like!
IzumiThat's right.
Sakyo-san, how was it?
SakyoWell, thank you, I guess.
SakodaBig bro....!
Goin' through all sorts of trouble to prepare was so worth it!
I have more treats I prepared!
Next is... a heated eye mask!
Big bro, I heard from big sis that your eyes get tired easily these days!
YukiThe older you get, the easier it is for your eyes to get tired.
AzamiI know right.
.....But I do remember talking about that. You're sure good at remembering trivial stuff, huh.
IzumiOf course I'll remember!
After all...
CHOICE 1: "You're an important person" [+]
CHOICE 2: "You said it yourself" [+]
SakodaAnd last but not least! A Fushimi-san-made Sakoda doll!
Please think of it as me and keep it for a while!
SakyoI..... don't need this.
SakodaPlease don't say that!
SakyoFushimi made it for you.
Shouldn't you be the one to take care of it?
SakodaFushimi gave me permission! It's ok!
This doll shall protect and soothe big bro as my substitute.
SakyoNo, I told you, I don't need it.
AzamiIf shitty Sakyo doesn't need it, I'll take care of it.
AzamiMoreover, Ken-san, why do you only have treats for Sakyo? Don't you have anything for me?
SakodaEh! I've done today’s preparations especially for big bro...
I'll buy you anythin' you want next time, okay?
SakyoSakoda brought all these because he knows I am busy.
You're not even doing something tedious right now.
AzamiHaa!? I have lots of things I'm taking care of.
SakodaAhhhh! Please calm down, both of you!
Yuki....What's up with all these pointless arguments?
IzumiAhaha, the feeling they give off is somehow nostalgic, is it not?
Sakyo.....After all, I, the senior group member, should be the priority. Am I right, Sakoda?



  1. Story title originally refers to 差し入れ (Sashiire) or "insertion"it often refers to letter drops, magazine insert but the term also refers to the treats given to people who are working hard for encouragement.
  2. Sakoda refers to ぬれせん (nure sen) or moist senbei which is a type of savory rice cracker but as opposed to typical crispy senbei, moist senbei is wet as it is dipped in soy sauce during cooking process.