Tsumugi | Good work, Misumi-kun, Director. |
Izumi | Good job. |
Misumi | Hmm, you can’t see the moon after all, huh~? |
Izumi | There’s no moonlight tonight so it’s dark outside the windows, huh? |
| *screech* |
Tsumugi | !? |
Izumi | (They suddenly hit the breaks…!? Woah, I-I’m falling…!) |
Misumi | Director-san…! |
| *catches* |
| Are you ok? |
Izumi | Hah, that surprised me. |
| Thank you for catching me, Misumi-kun. |
| *power goes out* |
| Ehh! |
Tsumugi | A blackout…!? |
Masumi | Director…! |
Itaru | Is everyone ok? |
Izumi | I’m fine over here! |
Misumi | I wonder what happened~? |
Tsumugi | All the guests should be in the dining car, so we should head there as well for the time being. |
Izumi | Good idea. |
Itaru | …Ah, hold on. |
| Tsumugi’s student went back to his room just now. |
Tsumugi | Eh? |
Masumi | I think he’ll come if we wait. |
Tsumugi | Actually, he’s not good with dark places… |
| So he might not be able to make it here by himself. |
| I’ll go get my student, so please go to the dining car first, everyone. |
Izumi | I understand. |
| Please be careful, alright, Tsumugi-san. |
Itaru | Here, Tsumugi. It’s a flashlight from the shop. |
Tsumugi | Thank you, Itaru-kun. That helps. |
| Alright, I’ll be off. |
Misumi | Take care! |
Itaru | Ok, we’ll walk over while lighting the way with this flashlight and the light from everyone’s phones. |
Izumi | Right! |
| |
Tsumugi | (I think their room was supposed to be here…) |
| Sota-kun! |
Sota | Ah, teacher Tsumugi…! |
Tsumugi | I’m glad I found you right away. Are you alright? |
Sota | Y-yeah… I was scared by myself but with the light from my phone, somehow, I… |
Tsumugi | I see, you did your best. |
| Everyone’s in the dining car, so let’s head there too. |
Sota | Ok. |
Guy’s announcement | “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.” |
Tsumugi | (Ah, it’s Guy-san’s voice…) |
Guy’s announcement | “A tree has fallen due to the strong winds and is blocking the track. At this time, the train has stopped.” |
| “We are currently investigating the cause of the power outage.” |
| “The conductors and crew members are handling it, so we ask that you please wait for the time being. We will inform you as soon as we gain any new information.” |
Tsumugi | (…It sounds like it’ll take a little while.) |
| Let’s go, Sota-kun. I’m here with you, and I also have a flashlight, so it’ll be alright. We can go slowly. |
Sota | Yeah, I got it. |
| |
Banri | Would you like some coffee, if you don’t mind? |
Passenger A | Ahh, thank you. |
| It smells nice. It makes me feel calm. |
Itaru | We also have carbonated drinks and orange juice. There you go. It’s dark, so please be careful. |
Izumi | (Use the flashlight to shine on Masumi-kun’s hands… um, I think he means like this?) |
Masumi | This card I have here is a completely ordinary card. |
| If I cast some magic on it, then you see—. |
Child A | Ehh, it disappeared!? |
Child B | You’re amazing, onii-chan! |
Izumi | (The conductors asked us to stay here for the time being, but…) |
| (Banri-kun’s brewing his specialty coffee and Itaru-san’s handing out juice.) |
| (Masumi-kun’s also performing simple magic tricks. |
| Thanks to that, it looks like all the passengers are distracted.) |
Tsumugi | Um, Sota-kun’s parent are… |
Sota | …Ah! |
Sota’s mother | Sota! |
Sota | Mom, dad. |
Sota’s father | I’m glad we could meet up again. |
| Sorry, I thought I’d go pick you up, but it was pitch dark. |
| And then a Theatre troupe member told me Mr. Tsukioka went to go fetch you. |
Sota | Thank you, teacher Tsumugi! |
Sota’s father | You saved us. |
Sota’s mother | We really can’t thank you enough. |
Tsumugi | Not at all, you’re welcome. |
| I'm glad everything's alright. |