Ride on a Galaxy Train/Episode 9

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Ride on a Galaxy Train
Episode 9
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TsumugiCome to think of it, I don’t see Misumi-kun—did he go somewhere?
IzumiHuh, you’re right.
He should’ve been here just a moment ago though…
GuyDirector, Tsukioka.
TsumugiAh, Guy-san.
Good job with the announcement.
GuyThank you. According to the train staff, it seems we still stay this way for 2 or 3 hours.
TsumugiIs that so…
Then it might take another hour and a half to 2 hours, huh?
IzumiWe have flashlights and our phone lights, but there are young children here too, so I’m worried.
Masumi-kun didn't prepare his magic, so I think there are limits to what he can do…
MisumiI’m back~!
I brought something nice over!
TsumugiSomething nice?
MisumiHehe, it’s a planetarium I borrowed from Kumon!
We can use it since it runs on batteries. This’ll lighten things up!
I’ll turn it on~
Passenger AWahh…!
Passenger BWow, it’s pretty…!
IzumiThat’s really amazing…!
GuyYes, it’s sparkling beautifully.
IzumiThis is a great idea since it also brightens up the inside of the car.
Thanks, Misumi-kun.
ItaruGJ, GJ.
You brought a planetarium, huh?
BanriThe passengers like it too, so it works.
MasumiIt’s brighter and a bit easier to see our surroundings now.
TsumugiSay… This came to me when I saw the planetarium, but why don’t we perform our play now?
MasumiRight now…?
TsumugiYeah. I think the car’s interior matches the theme we came up with for our play.
ItaruI see, that’s true.
GuyIt seems possible to give the passengers the illusion that the train they’re riding themselves is travelling through the night sky, just as Chigasaki described before.
BanriThe passengers can feel at ease watchin’ the performance too.
MisumiI like that idea!
IzumiYeah, you’re right.
I wonder where the conductors are.
GuyThey’re outside getting in contact with some outside parties. And they seem busy.
IzumiThen I guess we can’t get permission right away, huh…
(But in this train that’s stopped and lost its power…)
(Our priority as a Theatre troupe should be to entertain the guests, right?)
I’ll worry about permission later… so let’s perform the play right now!
BanriNow we’re talking.
IzumiIt’s still a little dark, so I’ll shine the flashlight at everyone’s feet.
GuyPlease do.
TsumugiConsidering the time, the play should be as long as possible… right?
GuyYes. We have no choice but to do that.
ItaruI’m worried whether I have the stamina though…
MisumiIf you can’t keep up, I’ll carry you~!
ItaruSeriously? TY then if I get worn out halfway.
IzumiSorry, it was supposed to be a short play at first.
MasumiIt’s not your fault.
BanriWell, we’ll just do it ‘til the end.
IzumiThank you. Do your best, everyone.
IzumiAlright, I’ll make an announcement to the guests.
“Excuse me, passengers. MANKAI Company’s play will begin now. Please enjoy it until the end.”
Passenger AWait, what? A play?
Passenger BI can’t wait to see what kind of play it is.
Conductor“Are you awake?”
???“This is…? What the, my head feels foggy…
I can’t even remember who I am.”
Conductor“You are currently riding a train that runs through the galaxy…
And this train is on its way towards the moon.”
“Also, you are a crew member of this train.”
Pollux[1]“I’m a crew member?”
Conductor“Yes. Every man here is one.”
Pollux“Are all of you crew members too?”
Hamal“Yeah. Actually, we have no memories of what happened before we woke up either. But the conductor just told us so earlier.”
Aldebaran“But when he tells us that, it does make us think it was true.”
Pollux“I see… that’s how I feel too.”
Conductor“Everyone must be hungry, right?
Let’s eat before we start working.”
Nashira“Yeah, thank you very much.”
Zaniah“Heh, it looks delicious. Itadakimasu.
Pollux“Yep, it’s tasty!”
Hamal“This tastes great too—try a bite.”
Nashira“Please show me your ticket.”
Aldebaran“Go ahead, please enjoy the beautiful twinkling of the stars outside the windows."
Zaniah“Have a nice trip, everyone.”
Passenger AYou really get drawn into the play, huh?
It's like we’re really riding a train travelling through the stars.
Passenger BYeah, yeah! How exciting!
Conductor“Look, you can see the city of stars.”
Pollux“You’re right! It’s beautiful…!”
Conductor“Can you help me with this task over here next?”
Pollux“Yeah, of course.”
Pollux“What is this… it's strange. The crew’s work is fun, and the conductor is a great person and we get along well, but…”
“Sometimes, I remember something…
Are the memories from before I came here coming back to me…?”
Zaniah“You too, huh? Same here.
…Am I really a crew member…?”
Nashira“No… before I woke up, I was…”
Hamal“That’s right, I’m not a crew member. I was a passenger.”
Aldebaran“We were passengers…!”
Conductor“…So you realized, huh?”
Conductor“That’s right, all of you were passengers.
I’m actually the only staff member on this galactic train.”
“But it was lonely…
So I wished to the moon—that I could see from the car window, far, far away—that I wanted a companion."
“And then all of you who were passengers, became my crew members.”
Zaniah“Is something like that even possible…?”
Conductor“…Try to recall the reason all of you wanted to visit the moon.”
Pollux“That was… because there’s a rumour that the moon has mysterious powers."
Conductor“…Right, look outside.
The moon’s not visible from our train’s current position."
“This location is the farthest point from the moon.
So… that’s why it seems its power has faded and everyone’s memories have returned.”
Aldebaran“So you’re telling me you’ve been deceiving us all along!”
Nashira“And everything up until now was all a lie?”
Conductor“…I’m sorry…”
Pollux“Well, it’s true the conductor had us fooled.
But, still…”
*train jolts*
Pollux“Uh!? The train stopped?”
Aldebaran“What the?”
Conductor“! Some shooting stars are blocking the path.
The train can’t continue forward.”
“I have to do something. However, with my power alone, those stars…”
“Everyone! The conductor’s in trouble.
Let’s all work together and do something!”
Zaniah“But… I mean…”
Hamal“…That's.. right… I understand.
I’ll lend you my strength.”
Nashira“I’ll lend my strength as well.”
Aldebaran“Yeah, me too.”
Zaniah“Tch… guess I’ve got no choice. I’ll help out too!”
Conductor“Everyone… thank you!”
Conductor“Thanks to everyone, the train was safely able to start up again.”
Thank you so much.”
“And, once again, I’m so sorry.
I purposely deceived you.”
Aldebaran“Well… the conductor didn’t mean any harm either.”
Hamal“That’s true.”
Nashira“It was also fun spending time on this train.”
Zaniah“I guess… yeah.”
Conductor“Ahh, we're going to arrive at the moon soon.”
“I suppose I’ll be parting with you guys…”
“I’m going to stay on this train.”
Pollux“I can’t deny that I might’ve been fooled at first.”
“But I’ve come to love this train and the conductor.
I want to keep riding this train as a crew member from now as well.”
Zaniah“…Geez, there’s no helpin’ it.
I’ll stay too.”
Zaniah“I don’t hate travellin’ on this train either.
And it’d be better if you had a brilliant crew member like me, right?”
Conductor“Pollux, Zaniah… do you mean it?”
Hamal“Sorry. I can’t stay on this train…
I have someone I want to see…”
“However, I really like this train too.
So I’m sure I’ll take it again.”
Aldebaran“Yeah, me too. I’ll definitely come back for a ride.
I’d love to gaze at the starry sky with everyone.”
Nashira“I promise as well.
Let’s help with the crew’s work like this again when we’re on board.”
Hamal“We’ll come see the conductor as friends next time.”
Conductor“Everyone… thank you. I’m so happy.”
I love all of you and this train as well.”
“Ahh, the moonlight is beautiful…
Everyone, let’s take a journey through the galaxy again together.”
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  1. The characters in this play are named after different stars.
