Ride on a Galaxy Train/Episode 5

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Ride on a Galaxy Train
Episode 5
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KumonYou’re going to ride the sleeper train tomorrow, right, Sumi-san!
KumonHuh? What’s wrong, you don’t look that happy…
MisumiThere’s a full moon tomorrow, but it seems like the weather will be bad~.
I wanna look at the moon on the train with Tsumugi, but…
KumonI see…
Ahh, I know!
Then take this with you!
It’s a planetarium you use at home! It also projects the moon, so if by chance the moon doesn’t come out, you can do your moon viewing with this!
MisumiAh! This is the one from Summer troupe’s training camp![1]
KumonYeah, yeah! I think it’s perfect to use in a train car since it runs on batteries, so you can use it even without a power outlet!
MisumiWahh, thanks, Kumon!
KumonHehe, you’re welcome!
TsumugiAnd that’s all the luggage.. there.
ItaruAlright, shall we head to the station?
*door swings open*
MasumiThe wind’s so strong.
TsumugiThe door really flew open just now; are you alright?
ItaruI was a bit surprised, but I’m fine.
GuyLet’s walk over carefully.
TsumugiRight… it’s also quite difficult to walk.
MasumiI’ll be your shield from the wind.
IzumiThanks, Masumi-kun.
MisumiI wonder if the weather’s gonna turn bad later~.
ItaruWell, that’s what the forecast said.
Anyways, it’s easier to walk when I’m behind Misumi.
BanriYou don’t think we’ll walk all the way to the station, only for the train to stop running or somethin’ because of the wind, right…
IzumiI haven’t heard anything, so I think the train will depart as planned…
But it’s a little worrying, huh?
GuyI’m glad we were able to arrive safe and sound.
TsumugiYeah. I was a little relieved.
Conductor AHello.
You’re all from MANKAI Company, right?
IzumiYes. It’s nice to meet you.
Troupe membersNice to meet you.
Conductor BSame here, we’ll be in your care.
The two of us are conductors, and the three over there are crew members.
BanriAre we gonna depart as usual despite the wind?
Conductor BYes, this much is no big deal.
Conductor AAs 1-day crew members, all of you will be working as our helpers.
Starting off, a crew member will give you a tour around the cars.
Crew member AI will be the one showing you around, so please follow me.
Crew member ABy the way, we are currently at the entrance, and there is a shop over there.
This here is the dining car.
ItaruOhh, fancy.
Crew member AThe mealtimes are fixed, but apart from those moments, all the passengers are free to sit down to eat and drink what they’ve purchased from the shops and such.
Also, we will have you perform your play in this slightly wider space over here.
IzumiNot all of you can fit together in this space, so you might have to get creative with the play.
TsumugiThat’s true.
We’ll make sure to move while keeping the space in mind.
IzumiI'm counting on you!
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  1. References Act 10, ep 18
