Crew member A | And finally, this is the observation deck. You may come here when you want to take a look outside. |
Guy | I see. |
Misumi | Can you come outside while the train is running too? |
Crew member A | Yes, you may step out while we are travelling. It’s at the rear, so you are welcome to come here during your breaks. |
Tsumugi | There are some people who feel stuffed being inside the cars all the time, so it’s nice that they can come to the deck even when the train is moving. |
Crew member A | Exactly. That’s why there are lots of guests using this deck here. |
| And that is the end of the interior tour. Now then, everyone, please prepare yourselves to assist us. |
Banri | Roger that. |
Izumi | Alright then, first, why don’t you guys change into your costumes in the rooms they’ve prepared for us. |
Itaru | Will do. |
| |
Conductor A | It will be boarding time for the guests soon. |
| Are you ready? |
Izumi | Yes, everyone has finished changing clothes so we’re fine over here. |
Crew member B | Starting off, we will ask everyone to help guide the guests to their rooms. |
| All you have to do is look at their ticket and lead them to the room with the corresponding number, so I don’t think it’s particularly difficult. |
Crew member A | As I explained in your tour earlier, the room numbers go from 101, 102, etc., from the back. And 201 and so on are on the second floor. |
Crew member C | The doors also have their numbers written on them, so you don’t have to worry about making a mistake. |
| You'll be fine. |
Tsumugi | I still feel a bit nervous even if you say so. |
Banri | The room numbers are written down, so it’ll be a piece of cake. |
Guy | That’s right, it’s no problem. |
Tsumugi | (Everyone besides me seems composed… as expected.) |
Izumi | Good luck, everyone! |
Masumi | I’ll do my best for you. |
Itaru | Well, everyone will be fine, right? |
Conductor B | It’s time now. |
| We’re counting on you all. |
Crew member A | I will show you how it’s done first. |
Passenger | Hello~. |
Crew member A | Hello. May I see your ticket, please? |
Passenger | Sure! |
Crew member A | Thank you very much. I will now guide you to your room. |
Misumi | Mhm, mhm, so you’re supposed to do it like that~. |
Itaru | Alright, I guess I’ll give it a try. |
| Hello. Please show me your ticket. |
Passenger | Yes, here you go! |
Itaru | Thank you very much. I will guide you to your room. |
| Please come this way. |
Masumi | Please show me your ticket. |
Banri | I will guide you to your room. That’s right, this way. |
Izumi | (Yes, everyone’s doing well. They’re just like real staff members.) |
Tsumugi | Alright, I’ll go next. |
| Hello, I’d like to check your ticket, please. |
Sota | EH, teacher Tsumugi!? |
Tsumugi | Ehh? Sota-kun!? |
Sota’s mother | Oh my, Mr. Tsukioka[1]! |
Sota’s father | Eh, why is Mr. Tsukioka here? |
Guy | Do you know him, Tsukioka? |
Tsumugi | He’s a student I’m tutoring. |
| Ah, talking at the entrance will be a bother to the other guests. |
| I will guide you all to your room first. Please step over here. |
| |
| Here is your room. |
Sota’s mother | Thank you very much, Mr. Tsukioka. |
Sota’s father | Once again, thank you for always taking care of Sota. |
Tsumugi | Oh, no, same here. |
Sota | What are you doing here, teach? |
Tsumugi | I’m actually working as the train crew’s helper today. |
Sota | Eh, for real!? Wow, that’s amazing! |
| A helper for the crew sounds super cool! |
| And that look really suits you too…! |
Tsumugi | Fufu, really? Thank you. |
Sota’s father | Come now, Sota. I understand you want to talk to him, but he’s working right now. You shouldn't get in his way. |
Sota | Ugh~… Okaaay. |
Tsumugi | Sorry about that. |
| I will excuse myself now. Please relax and enjoy your stay. |
| Sota-kun, let’s take our time talking at our next tutoring session, alright? |
Sota | Yeah! |