Misumi | You see, kitty~! |
| I’m going to ride a sleeper train this time. |
Cat | Meow, meow~. |
Misumi | Yep! Hehe, I can’t wait~. |
| Huh, it’s getting a bit dark. |
| It doesn’t look like the weather will be nice today… |
| Ahh! |
Cat | Meow? |
Misumi | There might just be a full moon the day we ride the train! |
Cat | Meow. Meow, meow~. |
Misumi | So there really will be, huh! |
| Then I wonder if I’ll be able to gaze at the moon with Tsumugi~. |
| |
Sota | Teacher Tsumugi! As a study break from my exams, my dad said he’s going to take me on a ride on a sleeper train for a short trip! |
Tsumugi | Eh!? That’s sudden. |
| Actually, I’m also going to ride on a sleeper train soon. |
Sota | Wait, really!? Amazing—the timing’s perfect! |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, it really is. |
| But I’m glad you get to take a rest. Sota-kun’s father offered to take you since he understands how hard you’re working, right? |
Sota | Hehe, maybe? |
| *thunder rumbles* |
Tsumugi & Sota | !? |
Tsumugi | T-that surprised me. That was thunder, huh? |
| And also… a sudden rainstorm? The rain sounds heavy too. |
Sota | … |
Tsumugi | Sota-kun? What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? |
Sota | T-teach. A lightning strike won’t cause a power outage, will it? |
Tsumugi | Eh? |
| Sota-kun, could it be you’re not good with dark places? |
Sota | Y-yeah… |
| … |
Tsumugi | (So that’s why. I had no idea…) |
| It’ll be alright. I don’t think there’s going to be a power outage if it’s just this much. |
| And I’m sure the rain will pass soon too. |
Sota | I see… that’s a relief. |
Tsumugi | Why don’t we talk about something else to take your mind off it. |
Sota | Yeah. Thank you, teach. |
| |
Izumi | Alright then, let’s tentatively decide on the direction of the play today. |
Guy | I brushed over some works with trains and sleeper trains, but I think many incidents happen in them after all. |
Masumi | There were lots about fighting and solving mysteries. |
Itaru | That’s true. |
| But in terms of our location, it seems it’d be impossible to do a battle-themed play. |
Banri | By the way, did you settle on the time slot we’ll perform? |
Izumi | It’s supposed to be after dinner. |
Banri | Aight, I see. |
| So since it’s before bedtime, a play that’ll calm people down would be good, right? |
Tsumugi | In that case, since it’s nighttime and our costumes make us look like crew members, how about we act as the crew of a train that travels through the galaxy? |
| Little children might be there too, so we could tell a cheerful story that makes the night less scary. |
Misumi | Wahh~, I like that! |
| It’ll be a story of a train running through the starry sky~! |
Izumi | Yeah, the movie we borrowed from Itaru-san is also popular with people of all ages, so I think that's great! |
Masumi | I agree. |
Itaru | It'd be interesting if we could pull off a performance that gives the audience the illusion that the train they’re riding themselves is travelling through the night sky. |
Banri | Ohh, now that's a galaxy brain idea. |
Izumi | Alright, we’ll go in that sort of direction! |
| Next is the simple cast though… |
Misumi | If it’s a story about a train, then the ones appearing would be a driver or conductor~? |
Guy | There are crew members as well. |
Itaru | The role of the guests can be the real passengers. |
Banri | Lemme see, it was Tsumugi-san who suggested this story, so how about Tsumugi-san plays the conductor? |
Guy | Yes, I think that works. |
Misumi | Agreed~! |
Izumi | What do you think, Tsumugi-san? |
Tsumugi | I’d like to do it, since everyone else is saying so as well. |
| I’ll do my best. |
Misumi | It suits you, Tsumugi~! |
Tsumugi | Fufu, thank you. |
Masumi | So Tsumugi’s the conductor, and everyone else is the crew? |
Itaru | Yeah. Let's go with that. |