Ride on a Galaxy Train/Episode 4

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Ride on a Galaxy Train
Episode 4
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MisumiYou see, kitty~!
I’m going to ride a sleeper train this time.
CatMeow, meow~.
MisumiYep! Hehe, I can’t wait~.
Huh, it’s getting a bit dark.
It doesn’t look like the weather will be nice today…
MisumiThere might just be a full moon the day we ride the train!
CatMeow. Meow, meow~.
MisumiSo there really will be, huh!
Then I wonder if I’ll be able to gaze at the moon with Tsumugi~.
SotaTeacher Tsumugi! As a study break from my exams, my dad said he’s going to take me on a ride on a sleeper train for a short trip!
TsumugiEh!? That’s sudden.
Actually, I’m also going to ride on a sleeper train soon.
SotaWait, really!? Amazing—the timing’s perfect!
TsumugiAhaha, it really is.
But I’m glad you get to take a rest. Sota-kun’s father offered to take you since he understands how hard you’re working, right?
SotaHehe, maybe?
*thunder rumbles*
Tsumugi & Sota!?
TsumugiT-that surprised me. That was thunder, huh?
And also… a sudden rainstorm? The rain sounds heavy too.
TsumugiSota-kun? What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?
SotaT-teach. A lightning strike won’t cause a power outage, will it?
Sota-kun, could it be you’re not good with dark places?
Tsumugi(So that’s why. I had no idea…)
It’ll be alright. I don’t think there’s going to be a power outage if it’s just this much.
And I’m sure the rain will pass soon too.
SotaI see… that’s a relief.
TsumugiWhy don’t we talk about something else to take your mind off it.
SotaYeah. Thank you, teach.
IzumiAlright then, let’s tentatively decide on the direction of the play today.
GuyI brushed over some works with trains and sleeper trains, but I think many incidents happen in them after all.
MasumiThere were lots about fighting and solving mysteries.
ItaruThat’s true.
But in terms of our location, it seems it’d be impossible to do a battle-themed play.
BanriBy the way, did you settle on the time slot we’ll perform?
IzumiIt’s supposed to be after dinner.
BanriAight, I see.
So since it’s before bedtime, a play that’ll calm people down would be good, right?
TsumugiIn that case, since it’s nighttime and our costumes make us look like crew members, how about we act as the crew of a train that travels through the galaxy?
Little children might be there too, so we could tell a cheerful story that makes the night less scary.
MisumiWahh~, I like that!
It’ll be a story of a train running through the starry sky~!
IzumiYeah, the movie we borrowed from Itaru-san is also popular with people of all ages, so I think that's great!
MasumiI agree.
ItaruIt'd be interesting if we could pull off a performance that gives the audience the illusion that the train they’re riding themselves is travelling through the night sky.
BanriOhh, now that's a galaxy brain idea.
IzumiAlright, we’ll go in that sort of direction!
Next is the simple cast though…
MisumiIf it’s a story about a train, then the ones appearing would be a driver or conductor~?
GuyThere are crew members as well.
ItaruThe role of the guests can be the real passengers.
BanriLemme see, it was Tsumugi-san who suggested this story, so how about Tsumugi-san plays the conductor?
GuyYes, I think that works.
IzumiWhat do you think, Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiI’d like to do it, since everyone else is saying so as well.
I’ll do my best.
MisumiIt suits you, Tsumugi~!
TsumugiFufu, thank you.
MasumiSo Tsumugi’s the conductor, and everyone else is the crew?
ItaruYeah. Let's go with that.
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