Ride on a Galaxy Train/Episode 7

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Ride on a Galaxy Train
Episode 7
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Tsumugi(I heard he was taking a small trip on a sleeper train… but I was surprised it really was the same train.)
IzumiAh, Tsumugi-san! Welcome back.
We're just discussing who will help out where right now.
TsumugiI see.
Crew member ASo then, shall you two go on ahead?
GuyYes, I got it.
Banri‘Kay, Guy-san and I will help prep the dining car.
IzumiYeah, please do.
Crew member BCan some of you assist with the sales?
ItaruMasumi and I will go for that.
Conductor AShall you come with me to verify the tickets?
Conductor BAnd will you come with me to the lead car?
We are departing soon, so I’d like you to make an announcement.
TsumugiI understand.
I’ll do my best to do a good job with the announcement.
Conductor BYour voice and speaking manner are calm and easy to understand, so I think you’ll do fine if you just speak as you usually do.
TsumugiGreat, thank you very much.
GuySo we will still start helping now as well?
Conductor’s announcement“Thank you very much for taking this sleeper train. Our departure is on time.”
“Today, 2 conductors and 3 crew members will accompany you until the last stop. Please let a crew member know if you require any assistance.”
Tsumugi’s announcement“In addition, 6 members from the Theatre troupe, MANKAI Company, are on board today as staff members.”
“We have also prepared an event after your meal, so please do look forward to it.”
GuyThat’s Tsukioka announcing, huh?
BanriHe’s doin’ pretty well, isn’t he?
Izumi(I wonder how it’s going at the shop?)
Elderly female guest AThis store here sells the train’s limited-edition mineral water, right?
Elderly female guest BShall we buy some since we’re here?
ItaruWelcome. Are you fine with these 3 items?
These cookies over here are also limited-edition products…
Elderly female guest AOh, is that so? My, the packaging looks lovely and stylish.
This young lad is also handsome so I think I’ll buy it.
MasumiWe also have special shopping bags for a fee.
Would you like one?
Elderly female guest BThis is nice too~!
I’d like one of them as well, as a memento.
Itaru & MasumiThank you very much.
Izumi(Because of their recommendations, the customers are buying things one after another…
It’s kind of impressive…)
Conductor ATickets, please.
Ikaruga-kun, please double-check their tickets and room number.
You’re ok!
Elderly male guest AOhh, could you be one of the Theatre troupe helpers the announcement just mentioned?
MisumiYeah, that’s right!
Elderly female guest CUfufu, you sure are cheerful.
He’s quite adorable, like a grandchild.
MisumiHehe~, please relax and enjoy your stay!
We also have an event after the meal so please stay and watch~.
Elderly male guest AYes, I am looking forward to it.
Tsumugi’s announcement“It will be dinnertime in 15 minutes. Please make your way to the dining car, everyone.”
SotaAh, it’s teacher Tsumugi’s voice!
Sota’s motherIt really is.
Shall we head to the dining car as well?
Sorry, I forgot something in our room.
I’ll go get it, so you can go on ahead.
Sota’s fatherAre you sure? Alright, then we’ll head over first.
MasumiHe was just talking about Tsumugi.
ItaruThat kid’s probably Tsumugi’s tutoring student who Guy-san mentioned earlier.
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