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Previous Event Story
TsuzuruI’m back.
OmiI’m back.
KazunariI’m back~!
IzumiWelcome back everyone!
Here, have some Valentine’s chocolates!
TsuzuruWah, thank you very much!
I’m happy.
KazunariIt’s chocolates from Director-chan~!
OmiThank you again, this year. I’ll eat it carefully.
IzumiYou’re welcome. It’s all thanks to everyone that the Actor’s Cafe’s Valentine’s event was a success.
So these are a thank you for all of your hard work.
OmiSomehow, I see something…
TsuzuruUwah, Manager!
ManagerI want one too! Everyone got one after I came back, but I still haven’t gotten one yet!
IzumiI-I just didn’t have the right timing to hand you one.
There’s also one for Manager!
IzumiYup, here.
Manager too, during the Actor’s Café, thanks for all of your hard work!
ManagerTh-Thank you very much~~~!!!
Wah! It’s Valentine’s chocolates!
Uu, the Actor’s Cafe was also worth doing!
I only broke two plates!
TsuzuruSo two plates broke, huh…
IzumiAh ha ha…
ManagerI’ll eat it carefully! Yay!
Snapshot of happy Manager ⭐️
TsuzuruHaha, that’s good, Manager.
OmiIf you’re happy with this, then it was worth making.
(Slight Time Skip)
Izumi…The only thing that’s left is to hand this over to Chikage-san.
(Somehow I missed him… Let’s go find him.)
IzumiAh, here you are.
ChikageAh, Director-san. Did you need something from me?
IzumiYup, here. It’s Valentine's.
ChikageFor me?
ChikageThanks. But, I don’t like sweets…
IzumiDon’t say that, just open it.
Chikage…This is…
Heart-shaped chocolate…
Is this smell curry roux?
IzumiYup. I thought that I should avoid sweets.
We also made the signature curry together, so I thought that this would be the best for this year.
ChikageFu… Don’t you think of really interesting things, Director-san.
IzumiThe Actor’s Café was a big success thanks to you, Chikage-san.
ChikageThat’s not true.
IzumiNow that’s not true at all. …It’s because Chikage-san took actions in advance on various things.
What should I say about your capabilities… I hope that in the future, Chikage-san can play an invincible role that belongs to you.
ChikageI feel like that’s too high praise for me.
But yea, hopefully someday.
So… should I bite this?
IzumiNo, don’t bite that!
ChikageHaha, I’m kidding. It’ll be cooked properly and deliciously.
Thank you, Director-san.
Previous Event Story