Chikage Utsuki/Send-off Deck Hand

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Play! Battleship

Backstage Stories
Chikage(.....Time to go home)
Female EmployeeUtsuki-san, good work.
Um...Would you like to have dinner with me after this?
Chikage(Now, how do I turn her down--)
*Lime Notification*
....Give me a second.
Female EmployeeAh, sure.
Chikage-san, are you going home late today?
Tsumugi Tsukioka
LIME Icon Tsumugi.png
I'm sorry. We badly need your help right now.
taichi nanao
LIME Icon Taichi.png
Herp me! ><
Chikage(Herp? Did he mean "help"?)
(What in the world is going on?)
Chikage Utsuki
LIME Icon Chikage.png
I'll head home ASAP.
ChikageSorry. Today's not a good time.
Female EmployeeAh, then how about---
ChikageGood work. See you.
Female EmployeeEh, wai--
ChikageI'm home.
IzumiAh, Chikage-san. Welcome home.
TenmaUgh.... There's no end to this... No end to this....
TaichiAhh, my head is spinning...
KumonThis is a magical pencil....
Just slide over the note and ta-dah, the answers will appear magically...
MukuYou can’t, Kyu-chan! Come back down to earth...!
AzamiYuki-san, how's your progress?
YukiI'm about two-thirds done with mine.
ChikageWhat's happening here?
TsumugiWelcome home, Chikage-san.
Actually, everyone is finishing their summer homework.
Considering the practice, work schedules, and plans to have fun, they'll never finish their homework on time if they don't finish it now.
IzumiEveryone is in a hurry to finish their homework.
ChikageSo that's what the LIME message is about.
But other guys can teach them besides me, right?
IzumiWell, that's...
Itaru-san is holing up in his room grinding for his game events.
Sakyo-san told me to 'stop spoiling' them.
ChikageI see.
TsumugiYou're tired from work too. I'm really sorry about this...
ChikageIt's fine.
You helped me too.
ChikageNope. It's nothing.
Let's get started then.
KumonWould you....Could you...?
ChikageYou can apply the same solution to this one.
TaichiUhh....? What should I do with this?
Tsumugi.....Should we take a break?
IzumiI'll make drinks.
KumonHe. His. Him....
TenmaWill... T- to be... Had better....?*
TaichiThe formulas are starting to appear on the candy bag.
AzamiTai-chan, It's not a formula.
YukiIt's the candy's logo.
Stupid dog, can't you get any smarter than this?
TsumugiYou're probably tired.
Let's take a break for now.
ChikageWhy don't we play a game while on break?
ChikageDo you know the battleship game?
TaichiBattleship game?
TenmaIt's my first time hearing about it.
What kind of game is it?
ChikageLet's prepare paper and pencil first.
Each player has to draw a grid on paper. This will become the naval battle map.
You can deploy a warship, destroyer, and submarine. The player who sank all the opponent's ship wins.
Shall we play it?
KumonWow~ Sounds super fun! I wanna play the battleship game~!
TaichiI'm quite confident I can win this game!
TenmaPiece of cake.
YukiThe game is mentally demanding. You can't even solve a simple problem properly, how are you going to win the game, huh?
TenmaWhat did you say!?
MukuYuki-kun, aren't you joining?
YukiNope. I want to finish my homework quickly.
ChikageThen, those who are joining, draw a grid on your papers.
Let's decide the groups for the game.
TaichiAhhh~! My destroyer~!
TenmaHmph. You still have a ways to go.
TaichiI thought I could easily beat Ten-chan when it comes to brain battles.
TenmaWhat do you mean by that ?!
TsumugiAhaha. Everyone is having lots of fun.
ChikageIt also serves as a brain exercise while they're on break. It's perfect, isn't it?
KumonYesー! I sank Ten-chan!
TenmaDamn it...! I lose...
YukiFleet of hacks.
TenmaWho're you calling hack!
ChikageKumon won.
Let's end the game here.
Everyone, let's continue with the homework.
TaichiAlーright! I will do my best to finish the rest!
TenmaOi, Kumon. I'll get my revenge later after finishing our homework.
KumonLet's do that!
IzumiYou were just here, Chikage-san.
Good work, sensei.
ChikageAh, director-san.
IzumiTsumugi was very grateful.
He said English is not his area of expertise so you were a great help.
ChikageI'm glad.
Chikage-san is surprisingly good at taking care of people.
ChikageNot really. It's no big deal to watch over high school students' studies.
IzumiEven so, it's my first time watching people play a battleship game.
For Chikage-san to know such a game, you're very knowledgeable.
ChikageWell, it's something you can play anywhere as long as you have a piece of paper and a pen.
I used to play to kill time.
IzumiIs that so.
(I'm sure he used to play it with Hisoka-san too...)
ChikageWanna play it too?
IzumiEh? No, no, the rules are simple but it's a brain battle, right? I can never beat you in that kind of game.
ChikageHeh...Don't you want to win?
Izumi..... I want to.
Can I get a reward if I win?
ChikageYou're greedy. Well, it won't be interesting if we don't have anything to bet on.
Alright. You can ask for anything.
IzumiThen, you have to share Chikausa's special curry information if I win!
ChikageYour demands never change...
I got it.
I'll take you to the curry shop owned by a former navy officer I once wrote on my blog.
My treat, of course.
IzumiOoh...! I'll definitely win this!
Chikage'Show me what you've got.'
IzumiSho.... what? What did you say just now?
--Let's see how good you really are, director-san.