Taichi | Alright, guys! Let’s go explore the dorm! |
Mirai and Masato | Okay! |
Taichi | First off is the courtyard! |
Mirai | Wow, there’s a lot of flowers here! |
Masato | It’s so beautiful! |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san from Winter Troupe has been taking care of them. |
Mirai | I feel relaxed~! |
Masato | Yup. Me too. |
Izumi | …!? |
| (Someone is pulling me by the arm out of nowhere…) |
Itaru | … |
Izumi | I-Itaru-san…!? |
Juza | “This chick is in our hands now.” |
Izumi | Huh!? Say what!? |
Itaru | Play along, Director-san. |
Izumi | (Play along… Are they doing an etude?) |
| (I don’t really understand, but I guess I’ve gotta play along for now.) |
| “He-Help me!” |
Masato | O-Onee-chan has been caught…! |
Mirai | I’m scared, onii-chan! |
Taichi | “Mi-chan, Ma-kun, get behind me!” |
Mirai and Masato | Okay! |
Taichi | “Who are you!?” |
Juza | “We are servants of the demon king. In order to revive the great demon king, we will take this chick’s heart.” |
Mirai | Don’t take away onee-chan’s heart! |
Masato | Re, return her! |
Taichi | “Don’t do that!” |
| *attacks* |
Juza | “Haa!” |
Taichi | “Whoaah!” |
| *falls down* |
Mirai | Onii-chan! |
Masato | Are you okay? Are you hurt? |
Taichi | “I-I’m fine… But more importantly, Director-sensei is…” |
Juza | “Let’s go. Our lord is waiting.” |
Itaru | “Come with us.” |
Izumi | “He-Help me!” |
Mirai | Onee-chan…! |
Masato | Somebody, please save us…! |
Banri | “–Stop right there!” |
Mirai and Masato | Gold! |
Banri | “Are you okay?” |
Mirai | Please save onee-chan! |
Banri | “Yeah, leave it to me. I’ll save her without fail.” |
| “Hey, you underlings! Your opponent is me!” |
Juza | “Tch, the cunning hero is here. I’ll send you to the space.” |
Banri | “Haa!” |
| *attacks* |
Juza | “…ugh!” |
Banri | “Eat this!” |
Juza | “Urrgh…!” |
Banri | “Haa!” |
| *kicks* |
Juza | “Ugh…!” |
Banri | Cut it out, bastard. Just lose already. You know this is an etude, don’t you? |
Juza | Tch. |
Banri | “Haa!” |
Juza | “Aargh!” |
| “I’ll, I’ll remember this…!” |
Mirai | Gold, you’re so strong even when you don’t transform! |
Masato | Yup. You’re so cool… |
Banri | “Now, hand me Director-chan ba–.” |
Tsumugi | “So slow. What on Earth are you doing?” |
Itaru | “My Lord! I apologize!” |
Banri | “He's… the demon king!?” |
Mirai | O-Onii-chan… |
Masato | Will Gold be alright… |
Taichi | “He’ll be fine. Just believe in Gold.” |
Tsumugi | “The great demon king is waiting for the time he’ll be revived. Itaru, hurry up and take away that girl’s heart!” |
Izumi | “No, Noo!” |
Banri | “You think I’ll let you!?” |
Itaru | “Urrghh! I… lo…st.” |
Izumi | (…Itaru-san’s villain is so weak!) |
Banri | Are you okay? |
CHOICE 1: "Y-Yup." [+]
Izumi | “Y-Yup.” |
Banri | “Get behind me. I’ll protect you.” |
Izumi | “–.” |
Banri | “…What’s wrong?” |
Izumi | “Nothing… I just thought you’re reliable.” |
Banri | “…Well, I’m a hero, after all.” |
CHOICE 2: "Thank you, Gold!" [+]
Izumi | “Thank you, Gold!” |
Banri | “…For some reason, hearing you say that made me kinda embarrassed.” |
Izumi | (A hero who gets embarrassed when someone thanks him… That’s such a fresh trait.) |
Banri | “Step back so you won’t get injured.” |
Izumi | “O-Okay.” |
| (Banri-kun looks like a real hero…) |
Banri | “…Last one is you, huh, demon king.” |
Tsumugi | “I won’t let anyone get in the way of our plan to revive the great demon king!” |
Banri | “Haah!” |
Tsumugi | “Hyaa!” |
Banri | “Aargh!” |
Tsumugi | “Hahaha, you’re all bark and no bite!” |
Banri | “Ughh…” |
Izumi | (This is where we’re supposed to cheer for him, right…!) |
| Good luck, Gold! |
| Come on, you two, give him some encouragement! |
Mirai | Ye-Yeah! |
Masato | Got it! |
Mirai | You can do it, Gold! |
Masato | Good luck! |
Banri | “…I don’t know why, but I’m feeling empowered.” |
| “Take this!” |
| *attacks* |
Tsumugi | “Aargh!!” |
| “…I might have lost today, but I’m sure the great demon king will come back to life…” |
Mirai | Hooray! Gold defeated the demon king!! |
Masato | Thank you for saving us, Gold! |
Banri | "I’ve told you I’d fight if an enemy appears, right?” |
Mirai | Yep! |
Masato | So, so cool…! |
Izumi | (Thank goodness it ended well.) |
Taichi | “Thank you for keeping the peace of the Earth!” |
Chikage | I’m back. It’s quite lively here, huh. |
Izumi | Ah, Chikage-san, this is–. |
Mirai | It’s the great demon king… |
Masato | The great demon king is here… |
Taichi | Huuh!? |
Izumi | (Chikage-san is being treated as the great demon king…!?) |
Banri | Seriously… Just when I thought it’s all settled, the last boss has appeared. |
Chikage | …What in the world is happening here? |
Masato | The great demon king looks strong… |
Mirai | Do your best, Gold…! |
Chikage | …. |
| I see. So I’m the great demon king. |
Banri | With that said… |
| “–Can you accompany me for a bit, great demon king.” |