Yuki Rurikawa/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Shiro

Backstage Stories
Cat AMeow~ Meow~
Cat BMeow meow~
MisumiThere’s a lot of kitties! Hi guys~
MukuWah… They’re sooo cute.
IzumiI’m surprised there’s an island like this nearby.
KazunariIt’s a huge coincidence! I was surprised too when I found out about it, but then I thought that we definitely had to go!
IzumiIt seems like a good reference for you guys to become adventuring cats again for our encore performance... And it has a relaxing effect…
Cat CMeooow.
MukuCan I pet you, Mr. Cat?
IzumiThey seem used to people so it’s probably fine. They’re so cute~
TenmaHey! It doesn’t like anything!
Izumi(That cat sure got away from him pretty fast...)
YukiYou’re still pretty bad at holding cats.
KumonTenma-san, you gotta be a little more gentle!
YukiYou really have no talent for handling cats.
TenmaWhat kind of talent is that!
White catMew?
YukiYou look like Shiro.
White catMeow?
Yuki...Shiro’s the name of the cat I play onstage.
White catMeow.
YukiWhy are you turning around? Do you need to go somewhere?
White catMeow.
Yuki...Are you telling me to follow you?
White catMeow!
YukiGuess I don’t have a choice.
Kazunari...Huh? Yukkii? Where’s he going…?
White catMeow.
Yuki...What is this place, an empty lot...? There’s only junk lying around.
KazunariDon’t tell me, is this a secret base or something?!
Don’t just shout all of a sudden. Actually, when did you…
KazunariSoz dude! I saw you following Shiro, so I followed along!
KazunariDoesn’t that cat remind you of Shiro? He’s all white and fluffy!
Yuki…Oh, I thought the same thing.
KazunariFor reals?! Our compatibility is on point today!
KazunariWow, there’s a lot of cats! Six, just like Natsugumi!
Black catMeeeow.
Striped catMew mew.
Brown catMeow!
YukiI know they have something they want to tell us.
KazunariI don’t know what they want to say!
White catMew….
KazunariHmm…. Okay, let’s call Sumi!
YukiThat was fast.
YukiEven though he went to call the Triangle Alien over, the rest of the members came too...
IzumiEveryone got worried when you two disappeared all of a sudden.
MukuYeah! I thought the cat fairies captured you guys and took you away deep into the mountains….
KumonAnd then Yuki and Kazu-san, who became the fairies’ minions, were standing right in front of us…!
YukiYou guys have some overactive imaginations. It’s not like that.
MukuAnyways, to think there was a place like this.
KumonWe found some cats’ secret hideout, that’s super exciting!
KazunariI think it’s more like they brought us here rather than us finding it~
MisumiHi kitties~!
White catMeow! Meow meow!
KazunariHey, don’t you guys think these cats have the same patterns as the ones in our show?!
TenmaNow that you mention it… You’re right.
Black catMeow.
MisumiHmhm, I see~ In that case, you can rely on these two!
KazunariSumi, what did Shiro want?
MisumiThey’re troubled because they wanna decorate their secret base to be all cutesy but they can’t do it themselves~
YukiI see.
KazunariSo the two people Sumi said they could rely on are…!
MisumiYuki and Kazu!
KazunariWe gotta do this, we had a fateful encounter here after all!
TenmaIt’s fine… Just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of our performance.
YukiI understand. Besides, it’ll be fine if the two of us do it.
YukiKitties, can you guys give us some time? I wanna think about how we’re gonna do this.
White catMew.
MisumiHe said it’s okay~!
KazunariWe’re gonna decorate your base to be totally cute and hella exciting while we’re here!
IzumiAnd just like that, it’s the final show of the encore performance of our second play!
MukuHow do I put this… It’s like it just flew past us!
TenmaWhenever eyes pile up on me, it’s hard to speak cat language....
IzumiAhaha, it’s the same as before.
Our adventure this time was really fun too!
KazunariI agree… It’s fun being with Shiro and the gang on this adventure!
TenmaIt’s not over yet, y’know?
YukiI knyow that! Everyone, get in a circle~!
Yuki——Nyatsugumi, fight on!
Summer TroupeMEOW!
Izumi(The story begins in a small town tucked away in a corner of the World of Cats.)
(One day, Nora comes back to town unexpectedly and tells Shiro and Kuro about his travels.)
Nora“I heard that there’s a great treasure somewhere in this world that will weaken any cat who takes one bite of it,”
“And it’s called… ‘niboshi’.”
Kuro“It’s ‘niboshi’.”
Kuro“Shiro, try saying ‘na ni nu ne no’.”
Shiro“Nya nyi nyu nye nyo.”
Nora“He’s still bad with his N sounds.”
Kuro“Never nab a nanny’s noodles”
Shiro“Nyever nyab a nyanny’s…”
Kuro“Then how about this?! Nine nice nyaight nymphs…. Wait.”
Nora“Kuro can’t say it either!”
Izumi(Yuki-kun’s and Kazunari-kun’s dialogue has a better tempo this time around.)
(Muku-kun’s acting has improved since he’s also played a lead role in a performance. Nora’s gotten manlier compared to the first time he played him.)
Tama“Sounds nice. I wanna go outside too.”
Mike“There’s no way we can go outside though.”
Tama“Yeah, we don’t even know how to do stuff like transfer train lines.”
Mike“I think there’s nyapps you can use for transferring trains, but I can’t use my smartphone very well because of my paw pads….”
Guest A*snrk*…. Ahaha!
Guest BHehe, so the World of Cats has stuff like smartphones and trains!
Izumi(Tenma-kun and Misumi-kun always had stability since the beginning, but it feels like the range of their acting has expanded.)
Shiro“Mew don’t need a nyapp to leave! We’re gonna go look for ‘nyiboshi’ together!”
Mike“But we have work to do at this mansion....”
???“Mike, Tama, come over here.”
Chief“All you guys ever do is slack off, so I don’t have any particular problems with you guys going.”
Mike“We don’t slack off! Don’t say weird human stuff like that!”
Chief“So your job is to play with the broom like it’s a toy and take siestas on top of the laundry?”
Tama“Er… That’s…”
Mike“He’s not even denying it....”
Izumi(Kumon-kun wasn’t here when we originally performed the play, so we had him play the senior cat.)
(It’s not the type of role he usually plays nor does he have a lot of scenes, but it’s good to have a presence.)
Tama“Alright, I’m gonna go look for niboshi too!”
Mike“Fur real, Tama?”
Tama“Chief said it was okay, so you should come with us too!”
Mike“Might as well...”
Chief“Listen up, Mike and Tama. Be sure to listen to them properly and don’t slack off!”
Izumi(After a long journey, the gang arrives at Fish Valley. However, Shiro manages to fall prey to a catnip trap….)
Tama“Get a hold of yourself, Shiro!”
Shiro“Get lost! This catnip is all mine!”
Mike“Hey, what’d you do to Tama?!”
Kuro“If you don’t cut it out Shiro, I’ll get really angry.”
Shiro“Shut up! You’re always acting like some big brother and it’s annoying! I don’t need you Kuro, I can do this all by myself!”
Nora“Kuro’s just worried about you, Shiro.”
Shiro“You’re so pushy! I don’t need ny’all to help me!”
Kuro“——Have it your way then!”
Izumi(They try to make Shiro return to his senses but have no success, so they go their separate ways….)
Izumi(Having come to his senses, Shiro reaches the bottom of Fish Valley all by himself and finally discovers the “niboshi”....)
(He then reunites with Kuro and the others.)
(Shiro was going to give Kuro his niboshi in order to make amends, but the two of them compromise as Kuro was thinking the same thing.)
Nora“In the end, you two really are alike. It’s nice to eat something when everyone gets along.”
Tama“That’s right!”
Mike“Since you guys made up peacefully, we can divide this equally neow.”
Izumi(The five of them happily share the niboshi, savoring its deliciousness with happy smiles on their faces….)
Kuro“Well, we should go home soon.”
Shiro“But I wanna eat more ‘niboshi’!”
Tama“I wish there was niboshi that you could eat and it’d never run out!”
Mike“There’s no way that exists.”
Nora“No, it’s possible that the other valleys have it.”
Shiro“‘Niboshi’... Infinite ‘niboshi’...”
Kuro“It’s like you’re muttering an incantation...”
Shiro“Alright, I’m gonna go look for the infinite ‘niboshi’!”
Tama“I’ll go too!”
Mike“I’ll go if Tama’s going!”
Shiro“Kuro, you come too.”
Kuro“Good grief, guess I don’t have a choice...”
Guest AThat was so funny~
Guest BIt was cute! I laughed a lot!
Izumi(Alright, the guests’ reactions are good too!)
(Everyone has definitely improved since we first performed this play… They’ve become more resolute and enthralling in various ways.)
YukiMew mew mew ♪
MukuMeow meow ♪
KumonMrrreow~! ♪
Guest BLook, it’s a cat dance!
Guest CEverybody’s smiles are so cute…!
Summer TroupeThank mew very much!
Izumi(The final show’s a big success!)
Izumi(Now that the final performance is over, all that’s left is to decorate the secret base.)
YukiPut that branch over there.
YukiSo this cloth….
KazunariGoes over here!
KumonYuki and Kazu-san have amazing communication!
TenmaThey sure are reliable at times like this.....
YukiLess talking, more working.
IzumiAnyways, they did a good job thinking about decorations in such a short time.
MukuThey’re incorporating their individual ideas!
KazunariRight~? We thought we’d use the stuff the cats collected!
YukiSeems all the junk is pretty important to the cats.
MisumiOkay, we’ll do our best to help out too~!
MisumiKazu~ Can we use this triangular branch?
KazunariOoh, nice one Sumi! Let’s put it over here!
YukiI’ll hang this cloth right over… here.
IzumiYuki-kun, how’d you get that cloth?
YukiI asked the hotel to give me any cloth they didn’t need.
IzumiAmazing... Just what I expected from Yuki-kun.
Striped catMeow.
Yuki.....Hm? Do you want me to decorate this toy too?
Striped catMew!
YukiThen let’s clean it up like this… and put it here.
Striped catMeow~
Brown catHiss—!
TenmaHey! Why are you mad?!
KazunariOh Tenten, that goes over here!
Brown catMeooow.
MukuHis mood suddenly got better…!
KumonFor someone who has no clue what the cats are saying, Kazu-san’s amazing!
IzumiMaybe there’s something in the design they communicate with?
YukiSo he’s even showing off his communication skills to cats?
KazunariWe’re done~!
CatsMeow meow!
MisumiThey said “Thanks everyone~!” They seem to really like it~!
KumonI had fun~!
MukuYeah! It’s good to do something like this every once in a while.
Izumi(Everyone looks like they’re done…. The cats seem delighted too, thank goodness!)
It’s almost time for us to head back, so let’s return to the harbor.
IzumiThe cats came to see us off.
Striped catMew mew!
Misumi“You helped us out, so it’s only natural!”
TenmaI thought that cats were just free-spirited animals.... But they’re surprisingly faithful.
MukuIt’s kinda hard to leave when we’ve just become friends...
Black catMeow.
Misumi“Come and play with us again!”
KumonFor real?! Aw yiss~!
White catMeooow.
Yuki….What is it?
KazunariHas Shiro fallen for Yukkii~?
White catMew.
Yuki….It feels nice.
KazunariSomebody’s happy~
YukiShut up.
You know, I was worried up until the last minute, but I’m glad we were able to do a good job decorating.
KazunariYeah~ We did the encore performance and we also reached an understanding with the cat’s secret base, so I feel uber accomplished!
Hey, Kazunari.
Yuki…...You came up with a variety of ideas this time, too. It really helped.
Yukkii! We really are a hella rad designer unit!
*Kazunari tries to hug Yuki, but Yuki dodges*
YukiYeah yeah, it’s time for you to shut up now.
KazunariYou dodged again....! Can’t you give me a half-baked hug?!
YukiI refuse, it’s too stuffy.
