PSYCHO-PASS 3 × A3! Special Collab/Episode 10

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PSYCHO-PASS 3 × A3! Special Collab
Episode 10
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Kei“Arata. Hey, Arata.”
Arata“… nn?”
Kei"We’re almost there.”
“Get it together. You’ll be directing latent criminals.”
Arata“They’re just people.”
Kei“They have high crime coefficients. Call me if they give you trouble.”
Arata“Don’t worry, Kei. It’s not like latent criminals have actually committed any crimes.”
Kei“Don’t let our bosses hear you say that.”
Arata(yawns) “Yes, sir.”
Kei“Your symptoms again?”
Arata“I tried to get some shut-eye, but I couldn’t.”
Kei“Spend more on psychological care.”
Arata“If that was all it took, we wouldn’t be here today, right?”
Chikage“Yeah. This is our first step.”
Hinakawa“The new inspectors are starting today, aren’t they?”
Todoroki“Can you believe one’s an immigrant? Public Safety’s not what it used to be.”
Irie“The immigrant quotas you hear about? How much do you think he paid for a Public Safety job?”
Kisaragi“If he can handle the world, who he is doesn’t matter.”
Izumi(Yeah, their interactions are perfect. The results of practices are showing)
Kei“Enforcers. From today we’ll be your supervisors. Our orders are absolute, and in principle we don’t accept any questions.”
Todoroki“Yeah yeah, we already know that.”
Irie“Give us your ‘absolute orders’, Inspector.”
“Well then, please activate your Dominators.”
Kisaragi“Is that really necessary? We are only investigating an accident, right?”
Kei“I said we do not accept questions.”
Arata“Another bureau requested it. Let’s pray we won’t need them.”
Dominator“Dominator Portable Psychological Diagnosis and Suppression System has been activated. “
“User authentication, Inspector Shindo Arata.”
“Inspector Kei Mikhail Ignatov.”
“Enforcer Todoroki Tenma.”
“Enforcer Irie Kazumichi.”
“Enforcer Kisaragi Mao.”
“Enforcer Hinakawa Sho.”
“Public Safety Bureau, Criminal Investigation Department, Dominator usage approval confirmed. Valid user.”
Arata“The two would-be tough guys are planning to trip us up. The woman and the thin guy are watching how we act.”
Kei“I’ll take these shady guys and monitor the rescuees. You examine the drone.”
Arata“Got it.”
Izumi(Arata is now examining the drone with Hinakawa and Kisaragi)
(In order to make sure why one of the drone’s passenger, Rick Fellows, was mentally unstable, he conducts a mental trace and finds his whereabout)
(However, it’s already too late--)
Kei“I heard you almost drowned yourself, you idiot.”
Arata“You’re quick to call me an idiot. I just took a little dip.”
Kei“Don’t do a mental trace on a dead man when I’m not there to hold your rope.”
Arata“It’s a shame we were too late.”
Kei“Was it an accidental death?”
Arata“No, that doesn’t add up. He was frightened before the crash. That’s why he left his seat and ran away.”
“He couldn’t call for help due to a service error.”
Kei“His employer was on board as well. Let’s ask him about it.”
Kisaragi“We’ve got a weirdo, huh?”
Hinakawa“But he found a missing person.”
Kisaragi“Probably coincidence.”
Izumi(Arata and Kei are asking details about Rick to his employer, Yonehara Takumi)
Yonehara“What were you thinking? Public Safety doesn’t need to mobilize for an accident!”
Kei“Mr. Yonehara, this was an official request. We just discovered one casualty. Do you mind?”
Yonehara“Of course I mind. Care takes priority. What if my Psycho-pass clouds up?”
Arata… (points the Dominator at him)
Dominator“Crime coefficient is 41. Not a target for enforcement action. The trigger will be locked.”
Arata“He’s clear.”
Yonehara“You’ve got to be kidding me! Don’t you know who I am? I’ll lodge a complaint!”
Arata“He’s gone.”
Kei“What did you expect?”
“… and so?”
Arata“It’s obvious he’s hiding something.”
Kei“But his Psycho-pass was clear.”
Hinakawa“What are the inspectors doing?”
Irie“Having a good time. They think Criminal Investigations is the elite track.”
Todoroki“Damn officials are all the same.”
Irie“Hopefully they don’t die in accidents, like before.”
Kisaragi“Hey, watch your mouth.”
Todoroki“Don’t bring that up again.”
Irie“Yeah, yeah. My bad.”
Izumi(The enforcers are doubting the actions of the two inspectors who just got affiliated to their division…)
Todoroki“A crazy rich kid and a stuck-up foreigner? I can’t stand ‘em.”
Irie“Want me to see if I can find some dirt on them?”
Todoroki“Hey, nerdy boy. You can dig some up, right?”
Todoroki“It’s your fault the rich kid survived. You should’ve sunk him in the sea. Not enough to kill him.”
Hinakawa“What do you mean, “should’ve”?”
Izumi(Guy-san and Tasuku-san… they give off that feeling of bad friends perfectly...)
(Azami-kun is also giving off that timid atmosphere around his character, he got closer to him. It really gives off the feeling of Division 1)
Announcement“Psycho-pass exceeding permissible values in Haneda, Ota.”
“Inspectors on duty, proceed to the scene with Enforcers.”
Irie“On duty? Isn’t that us?”
Hinakawa“They haven’t scheduled the Enforcer shifts yet.”
Todoroki“Perfect. You go.”
Hinakawa“Why me…”
Kisaragi“Does this really call for two inspectors?”
Kei“We want to get used to the job. More importantly, immigrant trouble seems to be on the rise.”
Kisaragi“Yes. Because more residential districts are accepting immigrants, we’re mobilizing more often.”
Kisaragi“How can he sleep next to an Enforcer on duty?”
Kei“Most inspectors don’t?”
Kisaragi“Not really. I don’t know whether to call him bold or unconventional.”
Hinakawa“Please wake up, Inspector Shindo.”
Kei“Speaking of unconventional, I hear there was an inspector like that in Division 1.”
Kisaragi“You mean Ex-Inspector Tsunemori?”
KeiYou know her?”
Kisaragi“No. I didn’t become an enforcer until after that incident. Only Hinakawa has experience working with her.”
Arata(lays on Hinakawa)
Hinakawa“Uwah… !”
“W- wake up, Inspector… “
Arata“Huh? Did I doze off?”
Kisaragi“You were undeniably asleep.”
Izumi(Kisaragi who stays cool no matter the situation… it kind of looks like Yuki-kun and he manages to give off that vibe well)
(Just like Itaru-san predicted)
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  • This part of the stage play is a very faithful adaptation of PSYCHO-PASS 3 Episode 1.