Citron | The gem that is displayed here, the necklace of the Zahra gem. |
| Actually, this necklace is said to bring misfortune to anyone who wears it. |
Guest A | Huh, that gem really…!? |
Guest B | So this is the necklace that was passed down in that country Zahra. |
Guest C | No way… Such a pretty gem, that’s scary…. |
Citron | But, this is a misunderstanding. Actually, this is not that sort of gem at all. |
| It is a small lie that somehow took on a life of its own and gave this necklace that sort of legend behind it. |
Guest D | A lie? |
Guest E | What does this mean? |
Citron | A long time ago, that gem was shown at an exhibition in Zahra….. And there was a little boy who tried to touch it. |
| No matter what anyone said, no matter how many times they said it, the little boy would not stop trying, |
| In order to keep him from touching the necklace, the boy’s parents quickly thought of a white lie. |
| ‘This gem brings misfortune to people, so you cannot touch it!’ …. They said it rather loudly. |
Izumi | ….! |
Citron | So, the other people listening took this as fact….. And then this small lie turned into a rumor, which slowly began to spread. |
| So with that, no one wanted to get close to the gem. |
| Even though no one would think that such a pretty gem would really…. bring misfortune to people. |
Guest A | So that’s what happened….. |
Guest B | I see… |
Izumi | (Citron is staring at the gem.) |
Citron | ….. Tadoru and staff. |
Tadoru | Yes, yes, wait a moment please~. |
Izumi | (Hmm? Tadoru and the staff are going to open up the necklace’s exhibiton case?) |
Citron | Thank you! |
| Thankkkkkss, could I have some help? |
Sakyo | Hmm? |
Citron | I want to wear this gem! |
Sakyo | Me help? ….. Can I touch it with my bare hands? |
Citron | Yep! |
Sakyo | …. ugh, I think someone like Yukishiro would have done a better job at doing something like this. |
Citron | I wanted Sakyo to help me because you are the first person who noticed how I felt about this gem. |
Sakyo | ….. Hey, I did it. |
Citron | Thank you! |
Guest A | Wow!!! |
Guest B | It’s so lovely! |
Citron | Everyone. Thank you for coming today, thank you very much. |
| As the Zahran International Minister of Arts and Culture, I am so very happy to have been able to show this gem to everyone here in Japan. |
| If you can, please consider coming to visit Zahra. |
Izumi | (Citron is… really minister-like, what a professional closing remark.) |
Guest A | I definitely want to go to Zahra someday! |
Guest B | Thank you for showing us this gem! |
Muku | As expected of Sir Citron! |
Juza | Pretty cool. |
Azuma | As expected of a prince. |
Chikage | There is nothing like getting a misunderstanding cleared up. |
Izumi | Citron seems so happy. |
Citron | Sakyo, thank you so much for your help! |
Sakyo | No problem. So let’s not say this gem causes misfortunate anymore, shall we? |
Citron | Yes! From now on let’s say that this is a gem that brings fortune! |