Izumi | F-For the time being, until we give the gem to Tadoru, who would be best to keep a close eye on the gem…? |
Citron | You can leave that to me!!!! |
Guy | No. I will keep a close eye on it in my room. |
Mika | [I will watch over it. The king told me it was my job to watch over the gem all the way up until the exhibition and then I would be the one to bring it back.] |
Guy | [If that is the case, then it means that you will have to remain in Japan for a little bit. |
Mika | [Yes. I must search for a place to sleep….] |
Citron | Director, could you let Mika stay in the dorm for a little white? |
Izumi | Of course, please make yourself at home. |
Guy | [Director says it is alright if you stay here.] |
Mika | [Is… that really alright?] |
Citron | [She said alright. Don’t be shy.] |
Mika | [Thank you very much. I sincerely apologise once again for causing you trouble.] |
Guy | [You can stay in Yukishiro and my room. I will let Yukishiro know about it later.] |
Mika | [Thank you very much] |
Citron | Everyone is here, right? I want to unveil the Zahra gem!!!! |
| Ta-dah, ta-dah!!! |
Sakyo | Hmm, I don’t really feel that excited. |
Chikage | So this is what a national treasure looks like. |
Muku | Wooow! What a pretty necklace! |
Azuma | Yea, as expected of a royal family treasure. |
Izumi | It’s quite lovely! |
Citron | But, this gem has a legend behind it…… This gem… brings misfortune to anyone who wears it… |
Juza | ….! brings misfortune…. To all…. |
Muku | Huh!? B-But it’s so pretty… it can’t be… |
Izumi | Citron, certainly this is another one of your jokes— |
Guy | ….. |
Izumi | (Guy is not denying it either…) |
| …. I-Is this actually true? |
Guy | Yes, that is what the legends say. That is why it had been stopped. |
Izumi | HUH?! |
Citron | …. |
Sakyo | Seems like those guys have gone back to their room. They are always doing something. |
Citron | Sakyo. |
Sakyo | So in the end, neither Guy nor Mika ended up taking it. |
Citron | I just wanted to look at it a little more… that’s what I told them. Then I aid I would bring it to them. |
Sakyo | Despite the legend behind it, you seem quite fond of it. |
Citron | …. Well that so-called legend, it’s a lie. |
Sakyo | A lie? |
Citron | Only I know about that though. |
| From the time when I was a child, I had known that the gem was locked away in the heavily guarded vault of the royal palace. |
| I was charmed by its beauty. I remember I would often go to the vault to look at it. |
| The castle guards would tell me that because of the legend behind it, I could not get close, However that sort of thing did not bother me. |
| And even more so, I thought it was such a pity that it was locked away in such a dark place. |
| It was at that time when my father, who was the king, summoned me. |
| "It seems you really like that gem." |
| "Yes, a lot!" |
| With that answer, that is when the fact that the legend was a lie was revealed. |
| It was a legend created from a certain thing, just a misunderstanding. |
| Even though I said that it would be best if we cleared up the misunderstanding, my father told me that at this point in time it was already too late. |
Sakyo | So wouldn’t it be best just to tell everyone the truth? |
Citron | I thought so too. |
| But, the longer the lie stays with it, the more time it will take to reveal the truth, that is what I think. |
Sakyo | …. |
Citron | Looking at this gem, my father also said that it was a pity it had to be locked up. That sad expression of his, it is something I cannot forget. |