Banri Settsu/The Blue of a Sky Someday

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Meeting with a Gamer Tutor!

Backstage Stories
Banri... A teach-in-trainin'.
Banri(Pretty sure one came to my high school? ... I don't got memories of interactin' with 'em, so I dunno.)
Banri(In the first place, no one 'round me was aimin' to be a teacher, so I dunno what one would even act like...)
Banri(If we're talking this kind of performance, then I guess it would be that person to ask?)
Banri... I'll try contactin' him.
Banri"Are you free this evening?" and send...
BanriWelp, got that appointment done.
TsumugiHmm, a teacher-in-training...
TsumugiHow about something like... actually trying to teach someone something? For starters, you could look after the student group's studies.
BanriTsumugi-san and Chikage-san, and some~times Itaru-san, look after them, right. Even without me, you guys seem fine.
BanriPlus, just teachin' someone something and the sense of teachin' someone as a teacher would be different, I'm pretty sure...
TsumugiHmm, that's true.
TsumugiAh, if you really want to try teaching someone... Just a second.
TsumugiRight, what about something like this? Do you want me to check if there are any restrictions?
Banri... Seriously?
IzumiBanri-kun as a short-term home tutor!?
TaichiBan-chan as a tutor!?
BanriY'all are too shocked!
YukiNot being shocked would be more surprising.
IzumiWhy a home tutor...?
BanriA little while ago, I discussed how to get into my role with Tsumugi-san.
TsumugiSo, when I was meeting with the business that helps me with my tutoring work, they just happened to be recruiting for a short-term, intensive 1-month long home tutor, so I introduced Banri-kun to them.
TsumugiThe child he's supposed to teach is a boy who's a 1st-year in middle school, so his studies shouldn't be too complicated, and it's perfect for the timing of creating Banri-kun's role.
IzumiI see, if he's a 1st-year in middle school, then Banri-kun should be fine.
KazunariWhat's the kiddo you're supposed to teach like?
BanriRight after he started school, it seems like he began skipping out, but lately, he's started goin' to school again.
TsumugiHe's supposed to be a rather smart child, but because of his extended absence, it seems like he's not able to keep up with his studies anymore...
BanriSo, I'm basically gonna be helpin' him with his homework and test prep durin' the short-term intensive tutoring period.
Yuki... Are you going to be able to get rid of how you stink of delinquent? Aren't you just going to scare him?
KumonIf the kid is bad at remembering things, Banri seems like he would beat it into him by brute force—!
TaichiNo, he might be taken with Ban-chan's surprising leaderliness and be like "Big Bro, I'll follow you forever!!" or something!
YukiThat would be because he's a delinquent.
IzumiBanri-kun... You'll watch your language so that you don't scare that boy, right?
BanriHey, I can do that kinda thing in a snap!
KazunariI don't think that you have to be that careful! Settsuar, even at uni you've got amaze communication skills, so I'm sure you'll be okaysies!
TsumugiMm, I think so, too. Banri-kun, if there's anything that you're troubled about, feel free to come and ask me about it.
TaichiBan-chan, I'm cheering for you!!
BanriYeah, yeah.
BanriIt's a pleasure to meet you. I'll be the person in charge of teaching Takashi-kun; my name is Banri Settsu. Though it may be just for a short while, I'm looking forward to working with you.
Banri(They told me to come dressed in my suit for the play, so I put it on, but don't I fit the part pretty good?)
MotherIt's a pleasure to meet you, too; I'm Takashi's mother. I'll be leaving my son in your care from today on. Come on, you greet him too, Takashi.
BanriIt's nice to meet you, Takashi-kun. Let's do our best together.
MotherGoodness, Takashi... I'm so sorry, Sensei, this one's shy in front of people he doesn't know.
BanriIt's fine.
MotherBecause this is the first session, I'll be here as well, but usually at this time, I'm out of the house. Will you two be fine alone from now on?
BanriYes, it's no problem. During that time, I'll watch over Takashi-kun.
MotherI'm so glad that you said that. Well then, when time is up, I'll speak to you again. Takashi, do your best.
BanriLooking forward to working with you.
BanriWell, let's start with working on your homework.
BanriTakashi-kun, is there anywhere you don't understand?
BanriAh, this part is wrong. This is an application of a previous problem, so try using this formula and solving it.
BanriAha. This time you got it right.
Banri(Hmm... He ain't resistin' to studyin', and if you point out a mistake, he just corrects himself... He just doesn't wanna respond, huh...)
BanriOh, it's already this late. This problem will probably be the last.
BanriFrom now on, I'll be coming to teach you for a while, so if there are things you don't understand, could you compile them before our next session?
Takashi... You're obviously not a teacher, just a supervisor.
Banri(This is gonna be a harder battle than I thought...)
Banri(I've come 'ere 3 times, and I've tried out a buncha approaches that Tsumugi-san taught me, but the distance between us hasn't shrunk at all. As usual, he doesn't listen to a thing I say...)
Banri(Thought I'd have a kinda hard time, but I didn't think it'd be this bad. ... Are those communication skills Kazunari praised me for seriously ineffective on a middle schooler?)
Banri(He doesn't ask questions, so ain't I just watchin' him do his homework? At this rate, it'll be like Takashi said, and I'll end up bein' just his supervisor...)
Banri(That thing on top of his desk, is that... Did I just find somethin' to talk about?)
Banri(Meh, he's just gonna ignore me.)
Itaru... So, how's tutoring?
Banri... Ugh.
BanriHe's more unsociable than I thought, so... I'm havin' a real hard time. He ignores everythin' I say.
ItaruLol, Banri having a hard time is Schadenfreude tbh.[1]
BanriTch... Damn it, stop makin' fun of me.
Banri... That reminds me, you tutored too, didn't you, Itaru-san?
Banri... How did you teach your students?
ItaruAhh... Public persona full throttle was my default.
BanriJust as expected.
ItaruThat way's easier, you know?
BanriIt's true that I'm usin' my public persona too, though.
ItaruWell, there was this one time I got a high school boy who was in his rebellious phase. That kid, all he did was game even during the time I was supposed to be tutoring him.
BanriThat sounds like a hassle in its own right. How'd you get him to study?
ItaruI said, "If I win in this game, will you come over to your desk?" and challenged him to a showdown with a 100% power refreshing smile.
BanriWhat's up with that... Didn't you just con him?
ItaruIt was a fighting game that I'd played before, so first of all, I pretended to be a total beginner and gave him a handicap that way, see?
BanriYou gave him a handicap...!?
ItaruJust for Round 1. I purposefully took the hard L... And then after that, for the next two rounds, I beat him down without taking a single hit.
BanriJeez... You're so childish.
ItaruI don't wanna lose in a game, so I ended up getting serious. The smug face he made when I lost Round 1 pissed me off, too.
ItaruBut you know, I thought to myself, "Did I really piss him off?" And then...
ItaruHe said, "Sensei, your game sense is crazy!" and instead, he ended up getting really attached to me.
BanriThat's some fast turnaround.
ItaruAfter that, I guess he started to respect me, and he started to do his homework when he would get it.
BanriThat's definitely some kinda cheat trick...
ItaruWell, why not try communicating outside of studying like I did with that boy?
BanriCommunication outside of studyin', huh...
Takashi... Who is it.
BanriIt's Settsu.
*door opens*
TakashiSensei, that outfit...
BanriAh, this? If I wore my usual suit, it'd be pretty weird. Today I'm wearin' my casual clothes.
BanriC'mon, put on your shoes. Today, we're havin' an extracurricular lession—but keep it a secret from your mom.
BanriTakashi, sit over here.
TakashiHuh... Hold on!
BanriLet's see... Think I'll use this character. Hurry up and pick.
TakashiWhat? Ah... A—Alright...
BanriOoh! Usin' that one, huh. I ain't losin' now.
BanriHeh... Nice moves.
Banri(I knew it, Takashi's played this game a lot.)
Banri(... But I've played it more.)
BanriUse this combo... Yep, K.O. Got my 16th win in a row.
Banri'K. Let's take a breather soon.
Takashi... Yeah.
BanriIs cola okay?
Takashi... Thank you.
BanriYa know, you're pretty strong, Takashi. Your throw tech is so good that I started sweatin' there.
TakashiBut, you won every match, Sensei. I couldn't even win a single round...
BanriThat's just the difference in our experience.
TakashiI'm not used to this arcade stick, so if I had been using a controller, I think I could have hit cleaner lines...
BanriYou looked like you've played the fightin' game we were playin' a lot, but your room doesn't have a console, right?
TakashiYou see, when I started middle school, I couldn't make any friends, and I ended up skipping school for a while.
BanriSorry kiddo, but I heard about that before I took the job.
Takashi... So yeah. During that time, all I did was play games inside the house.
TakashiMy mom and dad got worried over that, so they hid all of my consoles somewhere... That's why my room only has a TV in it.
BanriSo that's what happened...
Banri(There was a keyholder of that game we just played in the corner of his study desk, so I thought it was weird that he didn't have any consoles...)
TakashiBoth of them said that if I only play games, it wouldn't be good for me. They said that if I don't study, I won't be a successful adult in the future...
BanriWell, to stop 'em from findin' out, why not go to a game center rather than playin' at home?
TakashiBut if my mom finds out...!
BanriIf it happens, I'll help get you permission to keep comin' to the arcade. I'll also bring along an OP support.
TakashiA support...?
BanriThis person that I know well, he's an even more extreme gamer than I am, but he's also an adult who has higher education, good income, and an OP public persona.
TakashiWha... There's someone out there like that!?
BanriWell, yeah. He's out there.
BanriHe grew up on a theory that the important things in life could basically be learned through games, but even as the game addict he is, he's still responsible from a societal standpoint.
BanriTbh, just his public persona and his society specs are good. Once he gets in the dorms, he turns into a insanely lazyass cheat character, though...
BanriIf I bring 'im along, and he says how he was raised, then your mom can't complain, right?
Takashi... Yeah.
BanriAll in all, if ya don't want complaints about bein' a gamer, you've got no option but to skill up the rest of yourself so that they can't complain.
Banri... So, what're you gonna do?
TakashiJust like that person you talked about... I want to work hard so that no one will complain even if I play games a lot...!
BanriNice one.
BanriWelp, when we get back, first thing's test prep.
Takashi... Okay.
BanriBefore we go, wanna fight one more time?
TakashiYeah! Banri-san, tell me how to do the combo you did before!
BanriHaha. Guess I got no choice.
TsumugiGood work. How was your short-term intensive work?
BanriBy teachin' someone somethin', it becomes somethin' that can be used by that person... That's the kind of thing that makes it feel worth doin'?
BanriI kinda feel like I understand that now.
TsumugiReally? Even if you only "kind of understand," that's still good. How was he after that?
BanriEven after the tutoring period ended, I still sometimes LIME Takashi.
BanriHe made a friend in his class that likes fightin' games, so he's havin' fun at school now.
TsumugiThat's a relief.
TsumugiYou were having problems with communicating with him at first, but... How did you become so close after that?
ItaruAh, damn it! ... I'm gonna shit on this guy.
Itaru*Sigh*... Banri~ after this is done, join my party—.
BanriYeah, yeah.
ItaruASAP, thanks~.
ItaruTch... The healer's dead as a doornail.
Banri... In some cases, even a useless adult can be a good example.
TsumugiHaha. I think I understand.



  1. Itaru says メシウマ (meshiuma) which is slang for enjoying other people's suffering. It could technically be translated to the German "Schadenfraude" or the English "epicaricacy" but I decided to use Schadenfraude because it matches with how the same slang was translated (also said by Itaru) in the main story over here [1]