MAnkai ApArtment!/Episode 6

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MAnkai ApArtment!
Episode 6
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OmiI’ve cleaned the top of the stage.
MukuI’ve pulled all the weeds in this area!
TsumugiThank you. Next, we’ll take these flowers and...
IzumiShould I put this planter over here?
MasumiI’ll carry it.
IzumiT-thank you, Masumi-kun.
MasumiIs there anything else I need to do? I’ll do anything you ask.
GuyUsui is very devoted to her.
KumonApparently, Masumi-san fell in love with Landlord-san at first sight!
GuyLove at first sight... So that really does happen.
Hisoka...I’m here.
TsumugiHisoka-kun! You came.
HisokaI got off work early.
IzumiHisoka-san, what do you usually do?
Hisoka...I make medicine.
TsumugiHisoka-kun is a pharmacist.
IzumiOh... That scared me. I thought it was something like a shady job.
SakuyaI’m sorry! I’m late!
KazunariKazunari Miyoshi is here~! I finished sending my stuff to the printers, so I can help!
CitronSorry for the wait! We completed our new routine so I can help to my heart’s content~!
HomareYou must be in need of my help! So that you will enjoy working, I shall sing you a cheering song!
TsuzuruI’m sorry I’m late. I’ll work hard to make up for the time I missed! What should I start with?
Tsumugi...Thank you, everyone.
YukiHuh, this flower is cute. It might be nice to make a corsage like this.
IzumiSo you make corsages too, Yuki-kun.
YukiMore or less. ...By the way, can you model for me next time?
I’ve been kind of wanting to coordinate an outfit from top to bottom.
AzamiPlease let me in on that. Can I practice hair and makeup on you?
IzumiHuh? If you’re okay with me then I don’t mind...
That reminds me, Azami-kun and Yuki-kun, you two go to the same school, right?
(This is nice. It’s fun being able to talk about all sorts of things with the residents like this while maintaining the courtyard.)
AzumaGood work, everyone. I got you drinks.
MisumiI also brought triangle cookies~! Let’s take a break!
BanriOh, nice timing. I was just getting hungry.
IzumiYup, it’s become much tidier compared to the beginning.
TsumugiIt really has. And everyone is helping out too...
MasumiThe turnout isn’t that great though.
Izumi(I wonder if they really are busy with work after all...)
Nii-chan! You came...!
Juza...Sorry I haven’t been coming to help.
IzumiNo worries. Thank you for coming.
JuzaCan you let me help out too?
IzumiOf course! Please do!
KumonNii-chan... You’re mad at me for coming here, right?
JuzaNo... It’s not that I’m mad at you.
JuzaI... moved to this apartment be an actor, and yet I haven’t really been active as one.
I was ashamed to show you that side of me, so I ended up avoiding you.
Juza...Sorry for making you feel uneasy.
I plan to face acting seriously from now on too.
MukuI’m so happy for you, Kyu-chan...!
IzumiI’m really glad. I hope someday everyone else comes too though...
Masumi...I’ll bring them here for your sake.
IzumiHuh? Masumi-kun?
MukuHe left...
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