Banri Settsu

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Revision as of 08:36, 25 April 2017 by Carpfish (talk | contribs) (Date Triggered)

Template:Autumn Troupe



"My life's in super ultra easy mode."

Character Description

A super high-spec delinquent who can handle academics, sports, and pretty much everything else. Having not found a point to life, he always tried to pick fights until he tasted defeat for the first time. Having been defeated by Juza, he followed him into the MANKAI Company to seek revenge. He is the leader of the Autumn troupe.


This piercing is great isn't it? It really suits me right?

Oi oi, what is it? Do you want my attention? Try saying it honestly?

I'm telling you, it's not a fight.

Yeah yeah, practice right? I told you I'll be there in a bit.

NEO? ああ、俺のハンネのことだろ
NEO? Aa, it's about my handle name, right?

The director's words are sometimes very piercing. It's because for me you're a special being... maybe?

My life's on super ultra easy mode. Isn't it cool and easy?

Hyodo, you bastard... Today we will settle it.

Yeah yeah, it's an easy victory.

ふぁあ...マジねみい...学校?行きたくねーけど、サボるとアンタにおこられっからな... (Morning Greeting)
Yawn... So sleepy... School? I don’t want to go, but if I ditch you'll get angry, so...

おいおい、夜更かしは美容の天敵だろ それとも、寝られねぇなら一緒に寝る? (Night Greeting)
Oi oi, staying up late is the natural enemy of beauty, isn't it? Or if you can't sleep, wanna sleep together?

Lesson Room

Let's hurry up and get this over with.

To gather one's feelings...How do you do that?

At this rate, I'll lose to him again.

Oh, didn't that go perfectly just then?

Haha, this is fun.

This much is easy~

Tests can be handled just by flipping casually through a textbook.

Are you gonna game too, Director?

I suddenly feel like going shopping. I might hit up Tenma on LIME.

I don't want to lose to that guy...Anyone but Hyoudou.

Taichi's super simple. Well, that's one of his good points.

Is Omi seriously in uni? That's gotta be a lie.

I'm gonna make Sakyo-san acknowledge me someday.

Well, practice wasn't bad.

Date Triggered

誉さんのポエムを解読しろって、無理難題すぎんだろ・・・ (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Decode Homare-san's poems you say... This challenge is just impossible...

あ~、どーりでたくさんチョコがもらえるわけだわ。で、監督ちゃんもくれんでしょ?(Valentines day; February 14)
Aa~ I'm really getting lots of chocolates. And Director is going to give me one too right?

へー、丞さんの誕生日ね。猫の日生まれとかなんかギャップじゃね? (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)

咲也はダメってかんじしねーんだよな。ま、とりあえずおめ (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)

ほら、俺が監督ちゃんのために選んだお返し。大事にしろよ? (White Day; March 14)

真澄が誕生日ね~あいつのくそ生意気な態度、どうにかなんねーんかよ (Masumi's birthday; March 30)

俺、兵頭に突っかかんのやめるわ。いいヤツに思えてきたし。秋組も平和になるだろ? (April Fools; April 1)
I've decided, I'm gonna stop buttin' heads with Hyodo. He seems like a nice guy after all. The Autumn Troupe'll be more peaceful like this, won't it?

綴おめ~。今日はぶっ倒れんなよ? (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)
HPB, Tsuzuru~ Don't collapse today, okay?

監督ちゃん、おめ。ここにきて、芝居に出会えてよかった。・・・あ?二度は言わねぇよ (Player's birthday)
Director, congrats. I'm happy I came here and was introduced to acting. ... Aa? I won't say it twice.

Story Images

300px 300px

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Shopping Buddies Tenma Sumeragi 意外と気の合う男友達二人組!セレブな点も共通点 Co 10% Up
Gamer Club Itaru Chigasaki Play games an hour a day? What if there isn't a save point? Ac 10% Up
Hanasaki Gakuen Group Sakuya SakumaMasumi Usui 偏差値高めな中高一貫式の私立高校。制服はブレザー Sr 30% Up
新生秋組 Autumn Troupe 迫力ある本格派アクション劇が得意な演劇ユニット Ac 50% Up


  • His favourite food is California roll
  • His least favourite food is natto
  • His specialty is solving disentanglement puzzles and Rubik's Cubes
  • Cards

    (Longing for Autumn) Banri Serious N.png (Longing for Autumn) Banri Serious N+.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Banri Comedy N.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Banri Comedy N+.png (Rehearsal) Banri Action R.png (Rehearsal) Banri Action R.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Banri Serious R.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Banri Serious R+.png (Premonition of Blooming) Banri Action SR.png (Premonition of Blooming) Banri Action SR+.png (Gamers Eden) Banri Comedy SSR.png 200px (Temptation Orangette) Banri Serious SSR.png (Temptation Orangette) Banri Serious SSR+.png (MANKAI Kaika Sengen) Banri Action SSR++.png


    (Temptation Orangette) Banri SSR Raw.png



    (Longing for Autumn) Banri Serious N Transparent.png (Longing for Autumn) Banri Serious N+ Transparent.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Banri Comedy N Transparent.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Banri Comedy N+ Transparent.png (Rehearsal) Banri Action R Transparent.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Banri Serious R Transparent.png (How Wonderfully Picaresque) Banri Serious R+ Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Banri Action SR Transparent.png (Gamers Eden) Banri Comedy SSR Transparent.png (Gamers Eden) Banri Comedy SSR+ Transparent.png (Temptation Orangette) Banri Serious SSR Transparent.png (Temptation Orangette) Banri Serious SSR+ Transparent.png (MANKAI Kaika Sengen) Banri Action SSR++ Transparent.png

    Full Body

    200px Banri Fullbody.png Banri Uniform Fullbody.png Banri Rehearsal Fullbody.png Banri How Wonderfully Picaresque Fullbody.png