Tenma Sumeragi

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Revision as of 06:59, 25 April 2017 by Carpfish (talk | contribs) (Date Triggered)

Template:Summer Troupe



"One day, I'll be the man who's a star actor known around the world and win lots of awards!"

Character Description

A talented actor who was a prodigy child actor, he is a thoroughbred whose parents are both movie stars. He has absolute confidence in his own acting, has an ore-sama personality, and hates to lose. It's because of that that he doesn't have many friends. Although he was in the middle of filming for a movie, he joined the MANKAI Company for a certain reason to take on the stage. He is the leader of the Summer troupe.


Home Screen

If you want me to pay attention to you so much, be my partner for a kiss scene.

I'm not free either.

That bastard Yuki, so noisy with his nagging in our room…

Oops… don't startle me.

学校なんてつまんねーよ オレは芝居してる時が一番楽しい
School is so boring. I'm having the most fun when I'm acting.

いつか 『月刊盆栽の友』 の表紙に...!
Someday on the cover of "Monthly Pals of Bonsai"…!

I don't have poor sense of direction! …I'm just bad with remembering roads.

Hmm? Do you need something?

Have you finally come to understand my greatness?

It seems like the TV drama starring me is airing in a bit.

おはよ。監督も早く支度しろよ。じゃ、いってきます (Morning Greeting)
Morning. You get ready quickly too director. Then, I'm off.

Lesson Room

You can't relax just because it's practice, so get ready.

Instruct me in acting? Bring it on.

I want to do a sword battle too...Awesomely, like this...

How about it? My acting just then was perfect, right?

Damn it, this role is pretty tough...

There's no time to whine.

The only one around here who understands the goodness of bonsai is Tsumugi-san.

Playing an old man who turns into a high school girl in a drama....Yeah, I had mixed feelings about that.

Plays are a test of physical strength. Everyone in the summer troupe needs to train more.

Not even death could cure Yuki's brattiness.

It'd be nice if Muku could grow more bold in his acting.

Misumi has a weird way of getting into character. Just what on earth is he...?

Kazunari just says we're friends! It's not like I...really...!

今日はこのくらいにしてやる お疲れ
Let's leave it here for today. Good job.

Date Triggered

アリスさんが、三角のトンチンカンなポエムに感動して泣いてた・・・。あの2人何なんだ・・・ (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Arisu-san, he was so moved by Misumi's absurd poem he started crying... what are those 2...

ファンからのチョコは食べられないんだよ。・・・だから仕方なく貰ってやる(Valentines day; February 14)
I can't eat the chocolates I get from my fans... that's why as a last resort I'll accept yours.

丞さん誕生日おめでとう。アンタの芝居は認める。でも、オレも負けるつもりないから (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)
Tasuku-san, happy birthday. I approve of your acting. However, I don't plan on losing either.

咲也おめでとう。お前にはその・・・色々助けられた。これからもリーダー同士よろしく (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)
Sakuya, congratulations. You've, well... You've helped me out a lot. Let's do our best together as leaders from here on out.

お返し、何が欲しいんだよ。気持ちだけで十分とか言うなよ? (White Day; March 14)
What do you want as a return gift? Don't say something like "it's the thought that counts", alright?

真澄の誕生日、か…。プレゼントはやっぱり監督…?いや、それはズルいだろ…。 (Masumi's birthday; March 30)
Masumi's birthday, huh... As expected, his present is the Director herself...? No, that's unfair.

オレを騙す気だろ?今日がエイプリルフールだってことぐらい分かってるんだからな! (April Fools; April 1)
Do you think you can fool me? Even I know that as much that it's April Fools Day today!

綴さん、誕生日おめでとう。これからも脚本、楽しみにしてる (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)
Tsuzuru-san, happy birthday. I'll be looking forward to more of your scripts.

監督のおかげでオレはいろいろ気づくことが出来たし、仲間も作れた。ありがとうな (Player's birthday)
Thanks to the Director I was able to notice many things, and I was also able to make friends. Thank you.

Story Images

250px 250px 250px

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Shopping Buddies Banri Settsu 意外と気の合う男友達二人組!セレブな点も共通点 Co 10% Up
Ouka High School Group Juza HyodoTaichi Nanao 偏差値低め公立高校。自由な校風で不良多め。制服は学ラン Ac 10% Up
Parents Overseas Masumi Usui Turning the lights on after coming home from school. It's so lonely Ac 10% Up
Leaders Sakuya SakumaBanri SettsuTsumugi Tsukioka 各組を導く大切な存在。リーダー会議も定期間催中! Ac 40% Up
新生夏組 Summer Troupe どたばた賑やかコメディ劇が得意な演劇ユニット Co 50% Up


  • His favourite food is hamburger
  • His least favourite food is vegetables
  • His specialty is fast crying
  • Cards

    (The Door to Summer) Tenma Comedy N.png (The Door to Summer) Tenma Comedy N+.png (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Action N.png (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Action N+.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Serious N.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Serious N+.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Serious R.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Serious R+.png (Water me!) Tenma Serious R.png (Water me!) Tenma Serious R+.png (Handsome Rider) Tenma Action R.png (Handsome Rider) Tenma Action R+.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Action SR.png 200px (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Serious SR.png (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Serious SR+.png (Unconcealed Aura) Tenma Comedy SSR.png 200px (MANKAI Kaika Sengen) Tenma Serious SSR++.png



    (The Door to Summer) Tenma Comedy N Transparent.png (The Door to Summer) Tenma Comedy N+ Transparent.png (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Action N Transparent.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Serious N Transparent.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Serious N+ Transparent.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Serious R Transparent.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Serious R+ Transparent.png (Water me!) Tenma Serious R Transparent.png (Water me!) Tenma Serious R+ Transparent.png (Handsome Rider) Tenma Action R Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Action SR Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Action SR+ Transparent.png (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Serious SR Transparent.png (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Serious SR+ Transparent.png (Unconcealed Aura) Tenma Comedy SSR Transparent.png (Unconcealed Aura) Tenma Comedy SSR+ Transparent.png (MANKAI Kaika Sengen) Tenma Serious SSR++ Transparent.png

    Full Body

    Tenma 02 Fullbody.png Tenma Fullbody.png Tenma Uniform Fullbody.png Tenma The Adventure for Sardines Fullbody.png Tenma Rehearsal Fullbody.png Tenma Water me! Fullbody.png