Itaru Chigasaki
"Haha. If anything's troubling you, you can count on me."
Character Description
A well-mannered elite company employee who gives off the air of a refreshing and calming adult. He is very trusted by both his higher-ups and his coworkers for the work he does, and he is treated like a prince even within the company. However, this is only how he is on the surface. He seems to have a reason for joining the MANKAI Company...
Home Screen
I wonder, why morning preparations are such a pain.
Come here, it can't be helped so I'll pay attention to you.
I want a machine that will automatically get me into the bath...
ん? どうしたの?
Hm? What's wrong?
In front of Director I become looser in so many ways. Haha, so many ways is just how it sounds like.
はー…不労所得で生活したい… 働かずにゲームしてたい
Haa... I want to live with an unearned income... I want to play games without working.
Damn it, I'll kill you small fry.
Seriously, it's finally here.
Haha, you can rely on me with anything.
Aa- I messed up. Seriously don't screw with me.
朝の支度って、なんでこんなに面倒なんだろうね(Morning Greeting)
I wonder, why morning preparations are such a pain.
もう寝た方がいいんじゃない?…俺? 俺は今日も楽しい夜更しだよ (Night Greeting)
Isn't it better if you go to sleep already? ...Me? For me today is another fun day of staying up late.
Date Triggered
Both practice and levelling are things to build up over days.
Vocalisation practice?
Maybe I'll put an ad-lib in here.
I wonder if this line could be a bit shorter.
Would I be able to take a five minute break?
I'd like your thoughts on my acting?
I can't keep calm if I don't have my phone nearby.
I'm basically a solo player.
I might have Sakuya scout for me today.
At crucial moments, Sakuya's the indispensable scouting pinch-hitter.
From my perspective, Masumi fumbles his way through life too much.
Thanks to Tsuzuru, I can always be at ease. I'm grateful, so grateful.
Citron's way too much of a mystery, but honestly, he hits my humour buttons at times.
Alright, that's it. My phone, my phooone.
Date Triggered
おたおめです。俺、割と誉さんの謎ポエム好きなんだよね (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Happy birthday. I rather like Homare-san's enigmatic poems.
バレンタインか。ありがとう。なんだか学生時代を思い出すな(Valentines day; February 14)
Valentine's day huh. Somehow it makes me remember my student days.
丞、おたおめー紬リーダーのこと、ちゃんと支えてやれよ (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)
咲也は何あげても喜びそうだな。ここは俺のゲーム機を・・・ (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)
お返し、たくさんもらってるだろうけど俺のが一番でしょ? (White Day; March 14)
真澄には、監督さんをプレゼントするのが一番だと思うんだけど。どう? (Masumi's birthday; March 30)
ゲーム?はは、俺がそんな時間の無駄になるようなことするわけないでしょ (April Fools; April 1)
いつも苦労かけてるし、今日くらいは綴孝行するか~ (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)
誕生日おめでとう。普段は言わないけど、監督さんのカレー、結構好きだよ(Player's birthday)
Happy birthday. I don't say it often, but the Director's curry, I quite like it.
Story Images
File:Prologue Avante 3.png File:Prologue Avante.png File:Act 1 Ch 14.png File:Act 1 Ch 29.png File:Act 1 Ch 34.png
Link Skill
Link Skill | Characters | Description | Bonus |
魚卵嫌い | Homare Arisugawa | 両者共に「プチプチした食管が苦手」などと供述しており―… | Co 10% Up |
Gamer Club | Banri Settsu | Play games an hour a day? What if there isn't a save point? | Ac 10% Up |
Junk Food | Taichi Nanao | バーガー・ピッツァにホットドッグ!ドリンクはコーラ一択 | Ac 10% Up |
Good At Teaching | Tsumugi Tsukioka | 実は至もカテキョ経験アリ。外面の良さを最大限発揮 | Sr 10% Up |
新生春組 | Spring Troupe | 正統派メルヘン&ファンタジー劇が得意な演劇ユニット | Sr 50% Up |