Sakyo Furuichi
"You must return the money in full immediately. If you don't, I will tear down this theatre."
Character Description
The elite yakuza who was going to shut down the theatre that belonged to the indebted MANKAI Company. Somehow he knows more about the theatre's history and structure than the manager. He joins the company for a certain reason and starts to revamp the company by being in charge of accounting. Although you can rely on his intelligence, he sometimes acts like a little bit of an old man.
Home Screen
Oi you… who are you looking at?
People without motivation go home. I came here to act.
If I just stay quiet and say nothing you're doing whatever you want… you are prepared for the worst right?
People keep saying yakuza this yakuza that…they're so noisy
So it's called nakibokuro huh (tn: mole under the eye). Touching it isn't really fun isn't it,
Try touching my glasses and leaving your fingerprints over them just for a moment. I'll kill you in instant.
What will you do next? Director-san
Are you doing this unconsciously? No... even so it's still problematic.
Simplicity, Frugality, Moderation! Try repeating that.
だらだらすんな、しゃきっとしろ。あと5分以外に起きなければ殺す(Morning Greeting)
Stop lazing around and wake up. If you don't wake up within 5 minutes I'll kill you
随分の疲れだな。仕方ねぇ、労ってやるよ ...今日も一日頑張ったな (Evening Greeting)
You look pretty tired. It can't be helped, I'll tend to you... Today too you did your best.
お前、疲れてるじゃなかったのか?ったく...それで?俺にどうしてほしいんだ? (Night Greeting)
Lesson Room
It's important to keep building things up daily.
Could I have your opinion, Director?
Oi, make sure you turn off the power when you're not using it!
We can reuse the small props so take care when you use them.
The script's not bad. Now it's up to the actors.
We could adlib this line, huh.
The theatre's become lively again.
A waste of time is a waste of money.
It's a bit worrying that it's all naive guys who can't see reality here, but...well, it's not bad.
Banri needs to have more awareness of himself as a leader.
I tend to be harsh on Hyodo, but...that's [tough] love.
Taichi's always going 'I wanna be popular, I wanna be popular'...Is that the only thing he can say?
Omi's too considerate. Though it's true he's helpful.
*sigh* There's a lot to reflect on...
Date Triggered
有栖川のバースデーポエムだと?一日中読まれたらまったもんじゃねな (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Arisugawa's birthday poems you say? If I hear them for the whole day I won't last.
高遠の誕生日か。あいつの迫力のある演技は参考にさせてもらってる (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)
バレンタイン…そういや、そんな行事もあったか。いや…こらは貰っておく(Valentines day; February 14)
Valentine's Day... Now that you say it, there was an event like that. No... I'll take it.
思い起こせば、全てはお前から始まったんだ おめでとう、佐久間 (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)
When I think about it, all of this started with you at the beginning. Happy birthday, Sakuma.
ほら、俺が監督ちゃんのために選んだお返し。大事にしろよ? (White Day; March 14)
Here you go, the return gift that I selected especially for you, Director-chan. Treasure it well.
碓氷はまた監督さんのところか。仕方ねぇ、誕生日くらいは大目に見てやるよ (Masumi's birthday; March 30)
Masumi's with the Director again? Very well, I will overlook it just for his birthday.
摂津、兵頭。長い道のりだったな・これでやっと秋組にも平和が訪れる (April Fools; April 1)
Settsu, Hyodo, it's been a long journey. With this, the Autumn Troupe will finally know peace.
皆木の誕生日か。脚本もいいが、根詰めて体調崩さねぇようにしろよ (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)
It's Minagi's birthday, is it? His scripts are fine and all, but it'd be best if he wouldn't ruin his health writing them in the first place...
お誕生日おめでとさん。来年から2歳ずつ年食ったらどうだ?早く俺に追いつけ...なんてな (Player's birthday)
Happy birthday. How about starting from next year, you age two years at a time? Hurry up and catch up to me... Just kidding.
Story Images
Link Skill
Link Skill | Characters | Description | Bonus |
Reborn Autumn Troupe | 30px [[Autumn|]] 30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]] |
A theatre unit specialising in aggressive action plays. | Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up |
Shojo Manga Appreciation Group | Muku Kazunari Sakyo 30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]] |
"It's a tea party!" "Party!" "I have stock of some gyokuro I received as a gift." | Co {{{bonus}}}% Up |
The Troupe's Mahjong Club | Citron Kazunari Sakyo Azuma 30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]] |
"Azu's eyes turn to gamblers' eyes when he sits at the table..." | Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up |
Ex-Yankees | Omi Sakyo 30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]] |
Those who don't initiate talk of their time as one are the real deal. | Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up |
The Eldest Group...? | Sakyo Azuma 30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]] |
"...You've a silly way of ending your sentences, Sakyo-kun." "...Stop adding -kun to my name." | Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up |