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"Geez. Good grief... Seriously."
"Geez. Good grief... Seriously."

Revision as of 11:44, 6 June 2017

Template:Spring Troupe



"Geez. Good grief... Seriously."

Character Description

The third eldest in a large family of ten brothers, he is a caring older brother who wanted to look after his 7 younger brothers until high school. Wanting to be a playwright, he joined the MANKAI Company to live in and ease the financial burden off of his parents. He is a strong part-time worker and has experience from many different part-time jobs.


Hey, no playing around and let's practice already!

Good grief, both Sakuya and Masumi are so troublesome...

Haha, just like my little brothers.

Good thing I worked as a mover—

Hn? What happened?

I wonder what to do about material for the next screenplay...

Poking me so much, isn't fun right?

Good grief... Seriously.

W-Wait, where are you touching... I'll counter back you know?

「よし、今日も一日頑張りましょう!」 (Morning Greeting)
All right, let's do our best today too!

「あれ、まだ起きてんすか?睡眠は大事っすよ。人のこと言えねーけど」 (Night Greeting)
Eh, you're still up? Sleep is important. I can't talk about others though.

Now, let's do our best at practice.

Sit-ups are tough... My abs are going to split... ...Ah, it might be good if they do?

「鳩ポッポほろほろハヒフヘホ 日にゃ……噛んだ…」
Hatapopo horohoro ha hi fu he ho. Hinya... I messed up... (from the Amenbo no Uta, for vocalisation practice)

This scene's not that great when it's acted out... I might rewrite it.

Oh, that went all right just then.

As I thought, this line is... and... so...

What should I do about my little brothers~

In terms of the number of part-time jobs I've worked until now, I won't lose to even you, Director.

I feel like the number of little brothers I have has increased since I joined this company...

Sakuya's occasionally too good a guy; I worry for him...

I'd like Masumi to hold interest in a few more things than just the Director...

I'm not confident I can handle Itaru-san well...

The Spring Troupe's mood maker would be... Citron-san, maybe?

Heh... That was tougher than work.

「おめっす、有栖川さん。いつもおすすめの本教えてくれてありがとうございます」 (Homare's Birthday; February 12)
Happy Birthday, Arisugawa-san. Thank you for always recommending books for me.

「あ・・・チョコ、ありがとうございます いつか自分でも作れるようになりたいっすね」 (Valentine's Day; February 14)
Ah... thank you for the chocolates. Someday I want to be able to make some myself.

「おめでとうございます、高遠さん。今度また人集めてサッカーしにいきましょーよ」 (Tasuku's Birthday; February 22)
Happy Birthday, Takato-san. Next time again let's gather people and go play soccer.

「咲也がほしがってたのは、前もってリサーチしたんすよ。あとはこれを渡すだけです」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)

「えーっと、何したらいいかわかんなかったんですけど・・・これ、お返し・・・です」 (White Day; March 14)
Well, I didn't know what would be nice to give you but... Here... A gift.

「同室のよしみだし、部屋も誕生日仕様に装飾してやろっかなー」 (Masumi's Birthday; March 30)
Since we're roommates, maybe I'll decorate our room with birthday decor.

「毎年やられてるんで騙されないっすよ・・・え?至さんがゲームやめたってマジっすか?」 (April Fools; April 1)
This happens to me every year, so I won't be fooled... Eh? Is it true that Itaru-san will stop playing games?

「誕生日か~。時が経つのは早いっすね 劇作家になるために、日々精進します!」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
Birthday, huh~ Time sure passes quickly. To become a playwright, I'll work hard every day!

「至さんって、ゲーム以外に欲しいものあるのか…?」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Does Itaru-san even want anything besides games...?

「おめでとうございます。シトロンさんがいてくれると空気が和むしすげぇありがたいっす」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)

「斑鳩さん、おめでとうございます。握り飯ですけど、サンカクいりますか?」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)

「お誕生日おめでとうございます。カントクのおかげで、夢に一歩近づくことができました」 (Player's Birthday)
Happy Birthday. Thanks to the Director, I was able to get one step closer towards my dream.

「いままでありがとうございました!この劇団で過ごした日々、一生忘れないッス!」 (Leaving Troupe)

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
目指せ漫才の星 Citron 「ワタシたちは登り始めたばかりネ。この長く果てしない…」 Co 10% Up
Literature Club Association Homare Arisugawa 誉発足の文芸部。コラボ誌の発行も間近? Co 10% Up
Soccer Club association Omi FushimiTasuku Takato 「皆も伏見も筋が良い...フットサルチームも作りたいよな」 Ac 30% Up
Wolf University Group Omi Fushimi 偏差値並だが人気大学。葉大生は「妖精ボーイと呼ばれる」 Sr 10% Up
Reborn Spring Troupe Spring Troupe 正統派メルヘン&ファンタジー劇が得意な演劇ユニット Sr 50% Up


  • His favourite food is yakisoba (fried noodles)
  • He doesn't have a least favourite food
  • His specialty is general housework and especially making fried rice
  • Story Images
