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Revision as of 12:41, 8 October 2017

Template:Autumn Troupe



"All right, all right, stop fighting. The quiche is done baking~"

Character Description

Having been raised in an all-male family of 4, he took on all of the housework, and as a result, he feels like a mother and is skilled in cooking and making sweets. He always makes sure everyone in the company eats good meals every day. He's usually a caring person, but believe it or not, he is a reformed delinquent who was one of the strongest in his high school days. He is in his university's photography club.


Recently acting is my main job, but for the first time in a while I want to work as a cameraman too.

All right, all right, stop fighting.

Shining Wizard? Aa, come to think of it... It's my old man's special move.

Aa, this scar? Please don’t worry about it.

Everyone~ The quiche is ready~

Oops... Hey hey, don’t scare me like that.

"Mad Wolf"? Yeah... I don't remember that name.

Even though I want to treasure them, I end up thinking... What will happen if they're with someone like me? You can't get rid of old habits.

A long time ago I used to talk about pro wrestling moves with my old man and little brothers. Is it the cause for my build?

I'm on cooking duty today. I'll listen if you have any requests, so please tell me.

Good job today. I gave some to Juza earlier too, but are scones all right for refreshments?

「おはよう。って、おいおい...早く起きないと遅刻するぞ?」 (Morning Greeting)
Good morning! Wait— Oi oi, if you don't wake up quickly you'll be late.

「子守歌?あー、俺、歌はあんまり得意じゃないんだ。添い寝くらいなれ付き合うが...」 (Night Greeting)
A lullaby? Ah— Singing isn't really my speciality. If it's just sleeping together, I'll join you though...

Warm-ups went perfectly. Shall we start?

I'm not good with fine movements.

Thanks for the advice.

Then, next is this scene, huh.

It's hard to act comedy.

I've baked scones for break time.

I hope no one's hungry...

Let's all take a group photo next time.

Would you prefer a cream stew or a beef stew?

I hope I can be of some help to Banri, too.

Juza just makes me want to make sweets.

Taichi's cute and energetic, isn't he. It's like I've gotten another little brother.

When I'm in front of Sakyo-san... It feels a bit like I can't be my usual self.

Could I get help with dinner prep?

「今日は誉さんの好物、ニンジン尽くしのフルコースにしてみました」 (Homare's Birthday; February 12)
Today I tried to make a complete meal using only Homare's favorite food, carrots.

「今日はバレンタインか、ありがとう。作ってばっかりだから、人の手作りは嬉しいんだ」(Valentine's Day; February 14)
So today is Valentine's Day? Thank you. Since it's always me making food, other people's handmade food makes me happy.

「おめでとうございます、丞さん。この時期に冷やし中華...ちょっと寒かったですかね」 (Tasuku's Birthday; February 22)
Happy Birthday, Tasuku-san. Cold Chinese noodles in this season... I wonder if it was too cold for this.

「咲也、お誕生日おめでとう。今日はお祝いだし、ナポリタンにするか」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)
Sakuya, happy birthday. Since we're celebrating today, I'll make Spaghetti Napolitan.

「トリュふにブラウニー、ガトーショコラ...いくつが作ってみたんだが、お好みは?」 (White Day; March 14)
Truffle brownies, Gâteau au Chocolat... I tried making a few different kinds, but which do you like?

「おめでとう、真澄。生春巻きが好きなんだって?作ってみたから食べてくれないか」 (Masumi's Birthday; March 30)
Happy birthday, Masumi. You like Vietnamese spring rolls, don't you? I tried making them, so won't you have some?

「おお...とうとう万里と十座が和解か。歴史的瞬間に居合わせられてよかったよ」 (April Fools; April 1)
Oh... At last, Banri and Juza are at peace with one another. I'm so glad to have been present at this historic moment...

「おめでとう、綴。最近あんまり大学で遭遇しないよな。今度学食でも食べに行くか」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
Happy birthday, Tsuzuru. I haven't seen around at the university often, let's go get lunch at the cafeteria together some time.

「至さん、おめでとうございます。宅配じゃないですけど、ピザ作ったんでよかったら」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Itaru-san, happy birthday. It's not a delivery, but there's pizza I made if you'd like.

「こどもの日、男所帯には馴染みのある文化だよな。なんだか昔を思い出す・・・」 (Children's Day; May 5)

「おめでとう。シトロンには豚足を・・・って、ごめん、冗談だよ。ほら、甘エビの握りだ」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)

「三角には、おにぎり山積みで中身は鮭とツナとたらこと…まだまだたくさんあるからな」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)

「誕生日おめでとう。カレー味のケーキにしようかと思ったけど、左京さんに止められたよ」 (Player's birthday)
Happy birthday. I thought about making a curry flavoured cake, but got stopped by Sakyo-san.

「カントク、俺、あいつに顔向けできる役者にちょっとでもなれたかな。」 (Leaving Troupe)
Director... Did I become at least a little bit of an actor who can face him?

「役者を志しはじめたのは最近だが、よかったらこの劇団で、芝居をさせてほしい。」 (Scouting SSR)
I only started wanting to become an actor recently, but I'd like to act in this troupe if you'll have me.

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Reborn Autumn Troupe 30px [[Autumn|]]
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A theatre unit specialising in aggressive action plays. Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Handicraft Club Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
Omi Card Icon.png Omi
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
Lace knitting and needle felting. A pair that's good with their hands. Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Soccer Club Tsuzuru Card Icon.png Tsuzuru
Omi Card Icon.png Omi
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"Minagi and Fushimi both have good muscles...I want to make a futsal team too." Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
Yosei University Group Tsuzuru Card Icon.png Tsuzuru
Omi Card Icon.png Omi
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A popular high school of average rank. The students are called 'fairy (yousei) boys'. Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up
Ex-Yankees Omi Card Icon.png Omi
Sakyo Card Icon.png Sakyo
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
Those who don't initiate talk of their time as one are the real deal. Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up


  • His favourite food is Bagna cauda
  • His least favourite food is raw oyster
  • His specialties are cooking, making sweets, photography, and pro wrestling techniques
  • Story Images
