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Revision as of 08:11, 8 October 2017

Template:Summer Troupe



"Director-chan~♪ Lookin' forward to work today too☆"

Character Description

A frivolous and trendy young man who has lots of friends and excellent social skills. He believes that he's friends with everyone he sees, and he talks to everyone and anyone as if he's known them for forever. He's very skilled in graphic design and was responsible for designing the troupes' flyers and promotional website. His relationship with Tsuzuru is the same as a high school senpai-kouhai relationship.


Nyahaha! It's ticklish.

Well then, I'll go play with Kamekichi~♪

You're looking cu-te as always today♪

Doesn't it sound cute when I end my sentences with piko?

Director-chan, take care of me today too piko

What is it what is it~?

On days like this when you're feeling like doing nothing, limit it to independent lecture cancellation♪

Please fall in love with me or something!?

I want you to see me as myself, or in the first place as a man already? ... Just kidding.

「おはピコ☆ 今日のオレも絶好調♪」 (Morning Greeting)
Mornin' piko☆ I'm in top condition today too♪

「ふわぁ...やばねむ~ こっそり二人でお昼寝しない?」 (Noon Greeting)
Yawn... I'm super sleepy~ Wanna secretly take a nap together?

「もしかしてオレからのあやすみのチューをご所望!?仕方ないな~」 (Night Greeting)
Could it be that you're waiting for a goodnight kiss from me!? Well if that's the case, then~

Director, I'm in your care for today as well piko

I don't understand this character's feelings~...

Can I arrange things to my taste!?

You're strict, director~!

Oh, it's going well today ☆

Aw man! I messed up my line!

I found high school Tsuzurun in my grad album, so I'll show you next time ♪

Are you gonna join us at the next meetup, Director?

When I can draw everyone's portraits, I'll upload them to the HP~ ♪

I like how Tenten's pompous and not honest with his emotions ♪

Yukki's got mad sense! Our tastes match too well ☆

I'm never bored when I'm with Mukkun ♪ He's the best roommate ☆

I'm designing an Ultra Triangle-kun for Sumi right now ♪

How was it? I was pretty good today, wasn't I~?

「アリリンハピバ!われら最高アーテイストコンビ~!」(Homare's Birthday; February 12)
Aririn, Happy Birthday! We're the greatest artists duo~!

「ん~?何んだか甘い匂い...これは...期待しちゃっていいすか!?」(Valentine's Day; February 14)
Hmm~? There's a sweet smell... This is... Is it okay for me to have expectations!?

「タスクおめおめー!よっ、色男♪あさっての合コンこない?」(Tasuku's birthday; February 22)
Takusu, congrats! Yo, sexy guy♪ You coming to the mixer the day after tomorrow?

「いつもしゃかりきボーイのサクサクには~・・・お誕生日に花丸あげちゃうっ♪」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)

「バレンタインのお返し♪俺のハートをフォーユー」 (White Day; March 14)
In return for Valentine's Day♪ My HEART is FOR YOU!

「まっすーに絵文字だけでハピバLIME送ったら即ブロ…泣きついたら解除してくれた♪」 (Masumi's Birthday; March 30)
I sent a birthday message made entirely of emojis to Massu on LIME and he instablocked me... But once I cried and begged him, he unblocked me again ♪

「こんにちは、カントクさん。え、口調が変?...ピコ?知らない日本語ですね...」 (April Fools; April 1)
Good day, Director-san. Eh, am I speaking strangely? ... Piko? I know no such word in Japanese...

「つづるんへのサプライズ、半年前にストップかかったけど10ヶ月前から準備してた♪」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
I had to stop Tsuzurun's surprise half a year ago, but I'd been preparing it for ten months ♪

「いたるーん♪いたるんるん♪バースデーるんるんるーん♪」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Itaru~n ♪ Itarunrun ♪ Birthdayrunrunru~n ♪

「おお~立派で個性的な鯉のぼりが1つ2つ3つ・・・?」 (Children's Day; May 5)
Ooh~ One, two, three elegant and unique carp streamers...?

「ロンロンバースデー!なんかロンロン見てると肖像画描きたくなる・・・謎衝動」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)
Ronron Birthday! For some reason looking at Ronron makes me wanna draw a portrait... Mysterious.

「すみーの誕プレにハイパーさんかくくん作ってみました~」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)
For Sumi's birthday I tried making a Hyper Triangle-kun~

「おたおめサンキュー♪ 今日はみんなパリピちゃお~」 (Kazunari's Birthday; August 1)
THANK YOU for the birthday wishes♪ Tonight, let's all go out and party!

「大学生の夏休みは まだまだ終わらないんだな ♪」 (End of Summer Holiday; August 31)
For us college students, summer holiday isn't over yet ♪

「カントクちゃんハピバ!!今日は何でも言うこと聞いちゃうよ♪」(Player's Birthday)
Director-chan, HAPIBA!! Today I'll listen to whatever you tell me ♪

「オレ、友達いーっぱいいるから大丈夫だよ!だから、寂しくなんかないよ。」 (Leaving Troupe)
I've got tons of friends, so I'll be fine~! I won't be lonely or anything...

「おれと友達になってくれんの?芝居はやったことないけど、友達の頼みならWELCOME!」 (Scouting SSR)
You'll be my friend? I've never acted before, but if it's a request from a friend I'd be glad to!

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Reborn Summer Troupe 30px [[Summer|]]
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A theatre unit specialising in lively slapstick comedy. Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
Shojo Manga Appreciation Group Muku Card Icon.png Muku
Kazunari Card Icon.png Kazunari
Sakyo Card Icon.png Sakyo
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"It's a tea party!" "Party!" "I have stock of some gyokuro I received as a gift." Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
Wan Wan Combo Kazunari Card Icon.png Kazunari
Taichi Card Icon.png Taichi
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A friendly, high-tension combo! The illusion of a tail is also part of their charm ♪ Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Eccentric Artist Combo Kazunari Card Icon.png Kazunari
Homare Card Icon.png Homare
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
That's right, we're artists! Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Mahjong Club Citron Card Icon.png Citron
Kazunari Card Icon.png Kazunari
Sakyo Card Icon.png Sakyo
Azuma Card Icon.png Azuma
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"Azu's eyes turn to gamblers' eyes when he sits at the table..." Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up


  • His favourite food is candy
  • His least favourite foods are sticky foods
  • His specialty is drawing illustrations
  • Story Images
