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Episode 8
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KumonIt’s not here either…
MukuIt’s gotten completely dark now. Is there a good way to find it?
KumonHow about asking people online?
Oh! I’ve got a LIME! Maybe someone has found it?
MukuFrom who?
MukuWhat is it?
KumonYamaguchi got accepted into a uni!
MukuReally?! That’s great!
KumonHe got accepted through recommendation, so he’ll be continuing baseball in uni.
MukuCollege baseball, huh~.
KumonLet’s go watch his match!
All of you are amazing… You already decided on what you want to do.
I feel kinda ashamed of myself for choosing to go to uni for no particular reason.
KumonYou’re not the only one, Muku. I still haven’t fully decided on what I want to do.
MukuBut you already know which uni you want to go to, right?
KumonOh… I actually wanted to tell you after I made my decision.
Actually, I want to go to Yosei.
But it’s not like I want to go there because there’s something I want to do in the future. It’s simply because Nii-chan and Tenma-san are there.
The Yosei boys always talk about their college, and they seem to be having fun commuting to campus together. I’m jealous.
I’m sure my campus life will be much more fun if I’ve got to spend it with them all.
I can join a circle, and do a lot of part-time jobs because they have longer breaks…
And… a-a group date, maybe?!
Universities usually take four years to complete, right? So I figured we can just go find what we want to do in those four years…
MukuI see… You have a point, we do have four years.
I’m sure those four years will pass by without us knowing. But there’s a chance we may find something within that time.
KumonYep, and I believe there are a lot of people who still don’t know what they want to do in the future.
MukuYeah. We don’t need to force ourselves to think about the future…
Thank you, Kyuchan.
KumonNoprobs! Oh, don’t tell the others about my uni choice just yet, ‘kay!
MukuGot it. I’m sure Juchan and Tenma-kun will be happy, though.
YukiSee? They’re there.
TenmaI just made a lil mistake, alright?!
YukiBut you clearly went the opposite direction.
MisumiIs Tenma lost again?
TenmaI just made a lil mistake!
KumonOh! How was the search going, guys?
KazunariWe didn’t find it anywhere~.
MukuI see… Same here.
YukiIt’s getting harder to find it because it’s so dark here.
KumonOh, yeah! How about we use this kid to find it by its smell?
KoroWoof woof woof…
YukiBut he’s not a police dog.
MisumiHe said it’s impossible~.
KumonI see~…
YukiIt’s fine. Let’s just give up.
I bet someone must have picked it up because we couldn’t find it no matter how hard we looked for it.
It’s not like it’s an expensive item, so…
MukuYou can’t give up.
You said you like that hat, right? You told me it’s your first handmade hat.
It’s an important hat to you, right, Yuki-kun? One that you can’t find in any other places.
KazunariSeriously?! We’ve gotta find it for real, then!
KumonI think we haven’t looked at those bushes!
YukiI’ve told you, it’s fine.
I did tell you it’s my first handmade hat, but it’s not like I have any special memory of it. I can just make a new one.
KumonStill! Let’s try looking for it a little bit more!
KazunariYou must be tired, right, Yukki? You can just wait here.
TenmaI’ll look over there.
YukiWhy are you guys more desperate than me?
MukuYour important thing is also important to us.
YukiYou all are surely busybodies. Thanks, though.
KoroWoof woof woof!
YukiWhat is it?
MukuWhat’s wrong?
MisumiLooks like there’s something over there~!
KoroArf arf!
MisumiIs it here?
YukiBut we’ve looked around this area a lot of times already…
KoroWoof woof woof!
KazunariHuh? What is it? There’s nothing there…
MukuDon’t tell me, a ghost…?
TenmaCo-Come again?!
Big DogWoof!
KumonWhoa! That surprised me…
KoroWoof woof woof woof!
YukiHey, calm down.
Big Dog’s OwnerHe must have scared you. I’m sorry.
KoroArf arf!
YukiWhy are you barking that–huh?
MukuThat hat…
Big Dog’s OwnerOh. He wouldn’t let go of this hat ever since he picked it up somewhere…
KumonFound it!
Big Dog’s OwnerIs it yours? My apologies.
TenmaI can’t believe we really found it…
YukiLol. You were freaking out just until a while ago.
KumonIt’s a good thing we found the hat, but it’s tattered now…
Big Dog’s OwnerI’m so sorry. It’s all my dog’s fault. Let me buy you a new one.
YukiNo, it’s fine. I’m just glad that I could find it. Thanks for picking it up.
YukiAnd thank you, Koro. Let’s go back now. I’m starving.
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