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Episode 7
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KoroWoof woof!
YukiSighs… We’re finally back.
TenmaGood work.
KazunariGood workie!
YukiWha…? Why are you guys here?
KumonWe’re going to eat out after this, so we came to pick you up.
YukiThat’s too sudden.
MukuDirector-san will join us later.
YukiBut my job isn’t done yet, you know.
HatoIt’s okay, you can go home now.
Yuki…I’ll be taking my leave, then.
HatoHm? Rurikawa-kun, didn’t you wear a hat today?
YukiOh, yeah, I took it off because it was really hot… Huh?
TenmaDid you drop it somewhere?
YukiSighs… Yeah, I guess. I’m gonna go look for it so you guys can go ahead.
MukuOh, Yuki-kun–.
TenmaOh, well. I guess I’ll help him find it.
MisumiWe’ll be going then~.
TenmaOkay. I’ll contact you if we take too long.
Kazunari‘Kay, 'kay!
MukuBe careful.
TenmaHey. Don’t just go by yourself.
YukiWhat is it?
TenmaIt’ll be hard to look for such a thing alone, right? I’ll help you out.
YukiI never asked you to help me, though.
TenmaDo you have any idea where you dropped it?
YukiI took off my hat around here…
TenmaI don’t see it anywhere.
*phone rings*
Kazunari“Did you find your hat?”
Yuki…Nope, but I feel like it won’t take too long. We’ll be fi–..
TenmaGive it to me.
TenmaLet’s meet up here.
YukiHey! What did you just…
TenmaHere, your phone.
YukiI’ve never said you can do that.
TenmaYou should’ve relied on us.
YukiSeeing you get all smug like that is irritating.
…But well, thanks.
KumonThanks for waiting!
TenmaYou guys are fast.
KazunariTo tell you the truth, we were already heading this way when you called~.
MukuYou were walking the dog earlier, right? So I had a feeling you might go to this park.
KoroWoof woof!
YukiBut why is Koro here?
MisumiHe said he wanted to come with us~.
YukiBet he just wanted to walk some more.
KumonIt’s getting dark, so let’s look for the hat together!
YukiIt isn’t here, either… Sighs.
KazunariShall we take a lil break? I’ll go buy us some drinks.
KazunariHere you go.
I walked around this park several times when I was going out with Koro. I’ll be surprised if I don’t get tired.
KazunariAnd you immediately went to work right after school~. It’s no wonder you’re tired. Good work, good work.
How was school? Are you doing great?
Yuki…Why all of sudden?
KazunariMukkun is worried about you, y'see. He told us you might be having trouble deciding on your career path.
YukiThat guy… He’s surprisingly observant despite his easygoing attitude. Or am I just bad at hiding it?
KazunariYou guys are always together so it’s no wonder that he took notice.
YukiIt’s not really a big deal, but it’s just… I just don’t know what to write in my career survey.
Like should I go to a fashion university or a vocational school? But I also want to study abroad too, so it’s hard to throw away that option. And there’s also the option to work as a designer’s assistant.
In your case, you choose to focus on both art and acting, right? I think it’ll be impossible for me.
In the end, there will come a day where I have to pick only one.
But… it’s not like I can easily pick one. Both fashion and acting are important to me.
It’s taking me some time to get into work-mode, you see. I can’t make much progress in the play’s costumes if I keep being undecided.
KazunariI see~. I got you.
So that’s what you want us to help the most, huh.
KazunariNope. It’s nothing!
Okay… First things first, we’ve gotta find your hat!
YukiThe heck?
KazunariI’ll go look over there! I’ll throw away the empty can while I’m at it!
YukiSo you just listened and didn’t give me any advice?
MisumiKazu is kind~.
Don’t just show up so abruptly like that. And what do you mean by “kind”?
MisumiKazu wants you to think about other things as well, and not just that.
Be it the costumes, the play or the future, I guess he wants you to forget all of that now.
Being worried over something you like is distressful. Besides, there are cases where you end up hating them, right?
Yuki…What about you? Have you ever come to hate triangles before?
YukiThe heck, so you never hate them.
YukiOh, well. I don’t really get it, but I at least know that you’re being considerate.
MisumiGlad to hear that.
YukiGoodness. I’ve never asked for you guys’ help and here you are being such busybodies. Thank you, though.
YukiKoro. Why are you making such a smug face even though you didn’t do anything?
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