Tsumugi Tsukioka/The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons

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Time Capsule in the Courtyard/Winter

Backstage Stories
SakuyaIt really makes you feel good when the weather is nice!
TsumugiIt's nice to hold the leader's conference in the courtyard once in a while.
IzumiI made lots of grubs with Omi-kun. Eat as much as you like.
TenmaSandwich, scones, and cake?
BanriAre we on a picnic?
TaichiLet's eat~ !
HomareI should have brewed some tea.
CitronA fun tea* would be nice!
TenmaA fun?
KazunariYou mean, afternoon tea?
BanriSo, what are these guys doing here?
SakuyaThere are more people in today's meeting than usual.
TenmaNon-leaders joined too.
IzumiUm, It seems like these four have some proposal.
It involves the whole Mankai Company so I'd like to bring it up in the meeting.
TaichiYes~! Yes ! We want to bury a time capsule with all the members!
KazunariThe other day, a time capsule was featured in a drama. We thought~ it defs gonna be good memories.
HomareIn other words, we have formed a time capsule committee.
TenmaJust when did you decide to do it?
CitronI'm sure it's going to be a good giraffe*[1].
BanriIt's 'memento'.
TsumugiWell, I don't mind burying something.
SakuyaIt's going to be lots of fun!
IzumiSo when are you planning to dig it back?
TaichiHmm, maybe after 10 years?
TenmaThat's too vague.
TaichiI want to dig it up after lots of time has passed so I want to bury it as soon as possible.
HomareIt's not going to be satisfying if we dig it back after a day.
BanriOnly dogs do that, y'know.
TenmaWhat's the point of burying it if we're going to dig it back again?
KazunariIt's a lot of fun to remember good ol' days you forgot about after a long time.
SakuyaIt's going to be fun to remember them again after ten years. I think it's wonderful.
TsumugiI think it's not a bad idea.
TenmaWell, I don't mind at all.
BanriSay, if we're going to bury it all at once, we have to dig up a huge hole, right?
TsumugiWill it be okay to do it separately as groups?
TenmaMaybe we should limit it to one item per person? Ours will be filled with triangles if we don't.
KazunariAhaha. Right ! One item per person sounds good.
HomareHow about let's start on digging once each troupe is done picking which item they want to bury?
SakuyaUnderstood !
TsumugiThe value of items inside the time capsule becomes really valuable when you dig it out ‘cuz of the amount of time that passed compared to its value by the time you buried it.
TasukuWhat's up with you all of a sudden?
TsumugiI am reading a novel where there's a time capsule in the story. I'm thinking about it somehow.
TasukuThat's not always the case. To give you an idea, the toys I treasured when I was a child might look like junk to me after seeing them 10 years later.
TsumugiI see.
TasukuPerhaps time capsules will be interesting if the time has passed by but the sense of value doesn't change.
TsumugiValues that do not change, huh.
TasukuThat's right.
TsumugiTasuku, have you picked your item?
TasukuNo, I haven't. How about the other guys?
HomareI will put this in.
AzumaIt's quite big.
TsumugiIs it a picture frame?
HomareIt's a personalized autographed poem of mine. I want to leave my art behind for the future generations.
HisokaToo big.
TsumugiAhaha... I'll confirm the size of the capsule just be sure.
How about you, Hisoka-kun?
TsumugiMarshmallow packaging?
HisokaI picked the packaging I liked the most.
HomareThose are premium marshmallows!
TsumugiAzuma-san, have you picked yours too?
AzumaOf course. It's a secret though.
It's something very precious to me so I want to know how I'll feel after seeing it 10 years later.
HomareHow about Guy-san?
GuyI chose the photos I took when I was in Zahra.
TsumugiI see. That's very time capsule-like.
TasukuEverything is impressively diverse.
TsumugiTasuku, what did you pick?
TasukuI have no idea what item should I put in yet.
TsumugiIn the novel, they put things like newspapers, photos, things they like, things that will remind them of those days.
Also, a letter addressed to their future self.
TasukuHow am I going to write such thing purposely? The present me and future me are all the same person, isn't it?
TsumugiHm... I was wondering if I could write a script. Like a script that will make me deeply moved when I see it in the future regardless of how many times I dig it back up even after ten years.
TasukuMakes sense.
TsumugiThe harder you think about different things, the harder it is to decide.
TasukuWell, we haven't set the deadline yet. I think we still have time to think about it carefully.
TsumugiI agree. Let's do so.
Izumi( Looks like he's tending to the garden by himself today)
Do you need help?
TsumugiAh, I appreciate it.
I will pull out the weeds. Could you water that planter over there?
By the way, Is Winter Troupe done burying their time capsule?
TsumugiNo, not yet.
IzumiLooks like Summer Troupe is done burying their time capsule.
Courtyard is the best place to dig in so they were very excited about it.
TsumugiIs that so? We already picked our items so we should be able to bury it soon.
IzumiWhat items did everyone pick?
TsumugiThings like handwritten poem, a treasured marshmallow bag, and photos. I suppose, Tasuku is going to put in his spare script.
IzumiEveryone did pick an item based on their own individuality. What did Tsumugi-san pick?
TsumugiActually, I wrote a letter addressed to my future self.
IzumiThat's a great idea !
TsumugiI didn't really write down anything impressive so it's almost like a diary.
I used a novel as a reference. They wrote down the things they've experienced in such great detail so I thought, It'll be nice if I could do the same too.
IzumiI understand.
TsumugiIt is something like, "Homare-san showed off his newly-realized poem this morning before the practice." I checked out the poem and wrote it down.
" Hisoka-kun fell asleep while holding a marshmallow bag during breaks. After a while, Azuma-san offered his lap as a pillow for Hisoka-kun"
"Guy-san and Tasuku have been talking to each other about stage play direction."
It's all about everyone. I even included the contents of our idle chats. I also tried to write down the detailed scenery around Winter Troupe during our practice routine.
IzumiIt's kinda nice to record our daily lives in letter again.
TsumugiIf everyone reads it, they might wonder why I would write down such insignificant things in great detail.
IzumiI wonder how Tsumugi-san will feel while looking back on his daily memories after 10 years.
TsumugiI wonder how.. It's a little exciting just imagining about it.
IzumiHehe... it's something to look forward to, right?
( 10 years later, I wonder what everyone will be doing at that time. I wonder if we can stay the same way as we are now...)
( I hope the scenery of daily lives of current Winter Troupe will stay the same even 10 years from now on.)



  1. Citron used the term "キリン" (kirin) or giraffe. Banri corrected him to "記念" (kinen) which means memento.