Sunny Blanc/Episode 6

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Sunny Blanc
Episode 6
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GuyHere you are, Mikage.
Are you sleeping?
Hisoka…I’m awake.
Were you looking for me?
GuyIt is about time to go to work, so I thought I would just let you know. Director told me you might be here.
Hisoka…I’ll come too.
GuyYou look a little pale.
You should take today off.
HisokaI’m not feeling unwell.
It’s just… I’ve been remembering a lot about the past lately.
GuyYou did say you dreamed about your family in our previous meeting.
HisokaYeah… I keep having those dreams.
GuyYour mind or your heart may be growing fatigued from recollecting so many things all of a sudden. I have experienced that as well. You should take it easy and rest today.
Hisoka…Alright, I’ll do that.
GuySure. Goodnight.
(It’s the usual scent of Guy’s incense…)
*flashback starts*
(I’m so hungry… I’m about to collapse…)
(What’s that? This smell…)
(It’s that stall… there’s a smoky scent coming from that stick…
I’ve never smelled this scent before, but it feels calming…)
Shop clerkOi, you’re not planning to steal anything, are ya?
You’ll regret it if you try somethin’ funny.
Hisoka…I’m not going to steal.
Shop clerkI don’t have anything to sell to a kid like you.
You’re gettin’ in the way of business. Get lost.
*flashback ends*
(I remembered something awful…
It would’ve been better if that was left forgotten.)
(That stick was definitely an incense…
I had no idea back then though.)
(I wish I went to the bar with Guy rather than staying here alone…)
AzumaAh, here you are.
Why are you here?
AzumaGuy told me to come check up on you. And it looks like coming was the right answer.
Were you feeling lonely by yourself?
AzumaYour expression looks like you couldn’t sleep, which is rare.
Would you like to use my lap as a pillow?
AzumaMy, my, you’re acting like a child.
Hisoka(It’s warm… I think I can fall asleep like this…)
AzumaRest well.
TsumugiI wonder if Hisoka-kun will be alright.
TasukuMikage, huh…
TsumugiI thought he cheered up after going to the World Market. But I feel like he’s been getting more depressed.
Tasuku…And how are you?
TasukuYou’ve been acting kind of weird ever since your grandma recovered, you know?
Everyone’s noticed.
TsumugiAhh, you did, huh…?
I kind of thought you might be aware of it. But it’s a matter of my own feelings, so it felt a little embarrassing to talk about.
TasukuBut it’s hard to sort your feelings out alone, isn’t it?
There are times when talking to someone about it can clear things up.
TsumugiThat’s true.
…Back at home, grandma and I were chatting about the past while looking at an album together.
But when I brought up the time we went to a flower garden when I was a kid, she didn’t know what I was talking about…
TauskuA flower garden?
TsumugiYes. It was quite a long time ago when I was around 6 or 7 years old.
Though, I don’t even remember all the details myself, so I have no right to feel lonely.
Hold on for a second.
TasukuIt should be here… there it is.
Here, look.
TsumugiA bookmark… with a picture of a peony?
*flashback starts*
Wooow, amazing!
It’s like a carpet of flowers!
Tsumugi’s grandmotherYes, it’s wonderful that they happen to be in full bloom.
It would have been nice if your mother and father could have joined us. But that will wait for next time.
TsumugiGrandma, the peonies are so pretty!
Tsumugi’s grandmotherAren’t they?
I wanted to see the peonies here, even if just once.
I’m glad I was able to come here with you, Tsumu-chan.
TsumugiLet’s come again for sure!
Tsumugi’s grandmotherOf course.
It’s a bit far, so perhaps once you’ve gotten a little older.
*flashback ends*
TasukuIsn’t this the flower garden that the two of you visited?
“Flower Park” is the name written on the back of the bookmark.
That’s right… grandma said mom and dad were busy, so she took me there by herself on her day off…
TasukuDid you not buy a souvenir for yourself?
TsumugiI’m not sure…
Maybe I didn’t purchase anything tangible.
Just one thing can make all your memories come rushing back, huh?
TasukuGlad to hear that.
TsumugiIn any case, you had such an old souvenir on hand?
TasukuI happened come across it when I was sorting through my stuff back home.
TsumugiI see, the errand you had to run at home was organizing your things?
TasukuI was in a rush since they told me they were about to send off the remaining half of my stuff they sent off before.
The bookmark was stuck in one of my old scripts
If I had casually shoved it into a textbook or something, then it would’ve been thrown away.
TsumugiFufu, I see. I’m glad it was in a script.
…Perhaps if I go there and take another picture, grandma will remember too.
TasukuI’m sure it’ll come back to her with some sort of trigger.
I mean, you remembered with a bookmark, after all.
TsumugiLet’s go and take a look at the peonies again some time.
(That reminds me, it seems Hisoka-kun has some sort of attachment to peonies too…)
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