Sunny Blanc/Episode 5

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Sunny Blanc
Episode 5
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IzumiWoah, I feel like more people are out than last time.
GuyThe number of stalls may have increased as well.
TasukuThey might have increased the scale since it’s so popular.
AzumaAll of us want to browse different things this time, so let’s meet up again after an hour and show off what we purchased.
Alright then, see you later—.
Homare“How do you do? Arisugawa Homare here.
At the present moment, I am at the World Market with everyone in Winter troupe.”
TasukuAre you really doing a VLOG here…
HomareShall we film together?
TasukuI’m going to take a look at the junk parts way over there.
Hisoka…I’m heading a different direction too.
HomareI think the sweets corner is next to the used books corner.
“Now then, why don’t we head off together!
Let’s find a gem that’s one-of-a-kind!”
Foreign boy《Ah, that guy over there! 》
HomareOh my? It appears that young man at that stall is calling out to you, Hisoka-kun.
Foreign boy《Long time no see!
Do you remember me? 》
(It’s the kid who was a customer at August’s candy shop…)
Foreign boy《I’m glad I got to meet you again, mister. 》
Hisoka《Same here…》
HomareHm… his artworks truly are a sight to behold…
They are simple, but it is as if they see the true nature of the viewer’s heart…
《Did you paint all of these? 》
Foreign boy《Yes! I mostly have landscape paintings here, but I also draw portraits quite often. 》
《Here, like these—I love painting people’s smiling faces or how they look while they’re conversing. 》
Homare《Your portraits are fantastic.
The expressions are full of life and it warms your heart. 》
Foreign boy《If you have something you want me to paint, then I can do it here. 》
Homare《Ooh! In that case, draw me like one of your—》
Hisoka《Okay, can I think about it and ask you later? 》
Foreign boy《No problem. 》
CustomerExcuse me. About this painting here—.
Foreign boy《Ah, yes. 》
《Sorry, I have to get back to it—I’ll be in this spot the whole time the event is running, so please come back anytime. 》
HomareHisoka-kun, and here I thought I was going to have my portrait painted.
Hisoka…You’re enough on your own, Arisu.
HomareI bought a lot as usual.
Hisoka…What are you shopping for?
HomareI am going to take a quick peek at that shop next.
I found a rare poetry anthology last time.
Homare—Oh, is this not the art book I have always been searching for?
I can’t believe I found it here…!
HisokaThis smell…
(Will I remember again…?
I want to remember… but…)
HomareTake the camera, Hisoka-kun.
Film me finding this treasure at the end of my hunt.
Hisoka…No thanks. That’s a pain.
Homare…Hmph. That’s why you’re Hisoka-kun.
HisokaWhat do you mean…?
HomareNever mind.
Well then, shall we return to where everyone else is?
IzumiHa~. We shopped ‘til we dropped. It was fun!
TsumugiYou bought a lot of spices like usual.
IzumiDid you get gardening goods, Tsumugi-san? They’re nice.
TsumugiIt’s fun to look at the wide variety of tools they have in countries where gardening is popular.
TasukuMikage’s impressive too.
Those are all sweets, aren’t they?
Hisoka…I gave up on what I couldn’t hold.
TasukuThere was more than that…?
TsumugiHolding a drinking party after the World Market reminds me of our closing party for our 6th performance.
IzumiThe only thing different back then was the shop.
AzumaMhm, Journey didn’t exist yet.
GuyWhat would you like for your drinks and appetizers?
AzumaSeeing as we went to the World Market today, it might be fun to try drinks from all over the world.
IzumiGreat idea!
TasukuWe’ll leave it to you then, Guy.
GuyUnderstood. Please wait a moment.
Izumi(Sharing drinks with everyone at Journey like this has become a familiar sight.)
(It sure is relaxing…)
Izumi(Hisoka-san’s smiling…)
Are you having fun, Hisoka-san?
Hisoka? Why do you ask?
IzumiYou were smiling.
I feel like you smiled more than usual today.
Izumi(I wonder if we could switch up his mood, even a little.)
AzumaCan I get a refill?
IzumiI’m good with water.
GuyComing right up.
HisokaZzz, zzz…
AzumaHe’s sleeping blissfully surrounded by sweets, hm?
TsumugiHe found a lot of marshmallows, so it looks like he cheered up a bit.
IzumiI’m glad.
*dreams starts*
Hisoka(I’m starving…
I wonder if anything fell around here…)
(What’s that…
There’s a bunch of letters written down…)
(I wonder what it says…)
ShopkeeperAre you interested in books?
ShopkeeperThat’s what that is.
My, have you never seen a book until now?
HisokaI can’t even read the words…
If it’s not food, then I’m not interested…
ShopkeeperBooks aren’t edible. That’s very true.
However, you see, books will enrich your life.
Well, even if I tell you that right now, it might just go in one ear and out the other…
But I pray that one day, the day will come for you when you can think you’re interested in books as well.
I’m sure when that time comes, you will have become much happier than you are at this moment.
*dream ends*
HomareZzz, zzz…
Hisoka(This smell… is it from the book Arisu bought…
I guess I had that dream because of this scent…)
(This time it wasn’t about August.
It was before I met him…)
(Ah, that’s right… that old lady who was selling books didn’t treat me harshly like a dirty rag. She talked to me.)
(She treated me like a human being…)
(When I saw that rosary a while ago, I recalled the kindness of a priest in the past.[1] So there were other people like that…)
(It’s just like that old lady said. I forgot…)
*flashback starts*
IzumiAre you having fun, Hisoka-kun?
Hisoka? Why do you ask?
IzumiYou were smiling.
I feel like you smiled more than usual today.
*flashback ends*
Hisoka(I was smiling… so I had fun…
I had lots of fun visiting the World Market with everyone…)
(But some day, that memory might disappear…
Even though I want to make sure I remember everything…)
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  1. References Hisoka’s SSR MANKAI Memory card story
