Sakyo | Now, for today’s Inste Live--. |
Sakoda | Aniiikiii! |
Sakyo | Here comes that loud dumbass… |
| The hell do you want? |
Sakoda | Don’t be like that, Aniki! I just wanted to report that I bought a copy of “VELUDO”… Look! |
Izumi | Really!? Thank you so much. |
Sakoda | This ain’t the only one! I’ll buy at least a hundred more of ‘em! |
Sakyo | You don’t need that many. |
Sakuya | That’s so great, Sakoda-san! |
Misumi | Yeah yeah! The cover is really nice~! |
Hisoka | But 100 is too many. |
Sakoda | But Aniki’s on the cover! Ah, Takato-san’s lookin’ pretty cool in this pic too! |
Tasuku | Ah, Um… Thanks. |
Sakyo | You don’t have to take him so seriously, Takato. |
Sakoda | Aniki, you’re so mean~! |
| …Anyway, sorry I got carried away. I’d better get back home! |
Banri | Leavin’ already? |
Sakoda | I really only came here to tell Aniki that I bought a copy of “VELUDO” today! |
| Well, lookin’ forward to the Inste Live! I’ll be watchin’ it with the rest of Ginsenkai~! |
Sakyo | …And he’s gone as fast as he came. |
Izumi | If everyone in Ginsenkai is watching, we’ll have to work extra hard to deliver today, Sakyo-san! |
Sakyo | Yeah. |
| |
| So, we’ve got all of this time’s participating members gathered. |
Izumi | Well then, let’s start the Inste Live! |
Sakuya | Hello, everyone! |
Group Members | We’re MANKAI Company! |
Misumi | Everyone’s commenting with a lot of hellos~! |
Banri | There are quite a lotta people writin’ that they bought “VELUDO”. Thanks, y’all. |
Chikage | Sakyo-san’s and Tasuku’s cover seems to be well received. They’re saying the ghost and Frankenstein are both cool. |
Tasuku | Thank you all so much for picking up the magazine and giving us feedback. |
Hisoka | Not only thanks for that, but we wanna show you all something special today. |
Banri | Something special? Oh, the comment section is really going wild. |
Sakyo | It’s… These hats. |
| We were able to borrow the hats from the Halloween costumes we used for the photoshoot and the fashion show, specifically for this Inste Live. |
Misumi | They’re saying it’s sooo cool! They wanna see them! That’s what they’re saying~! |
Sakuya | Well then, let’s show them! |
Tasuku | When they’re put together like this, Sakyo-san’s and Sakuma’s hats are really similar. |
Chikage | So were the costumes. They were like a pair of ghosts. |
Misumi | Huh~? Someone said, “They look a little like father and son”! |
Banri | Haha! I can see that. Those two could totally be father and son. |
Sakyo | Oi, that’s ridiculous. The age difference between Sakuma and I isn’t even that much--. |
Hisoka | Sakyo, That’s… counterproductive. |
Chikage | The comments are all about Sakyo-san’s age now. |
Sakuya | W-What about other people’s hats!? Umm, l-like Tasuku-san’s…? |
Tasuku | This one has bolts sticking out of it. The costume was Frankenstein inspired, you know. |
Misumi | So cool~! |
Hisoka | Misumi’s is my favorite. The cat ears are cute. |
Misumi | Ehehe, thanks! Your pumpkin one was also cute, Hisoka! |
Banri | If you look closely at Chikage-san’s, it’s got all sorts of black feathers on it. Hadn’t noticed that before. |
Chikage | Your skeleton one was also quite realistic, Banri. |
Banri | It’s got a lot of weight to it. I had to be careful when I walked during the show. |
Sakuya | Anyway, did any of you come to see the “Veludo Halloween Fashion Show”? |
Hisoka | …It seems like a lot of them did. Everyone is commenting about how much fun they had. |
Tasuku | Well, thank you for coming. |
Misumi | I’m happy that you all are saying that! |
Banri | Me too. And again, I’m really glad I got to participate. |
Sakyo | There are quite a few pictures of those same costumes in this issue of “VELUDO” so--. |
| If you haven’t yet, please do pick it up. |
Sakuya | You can also see what we did during the fashion show! |
Misumi | You might also be able to see a special picture of Sakuya~. |
Sakuya | Special? |
Hisoka | The mask… |
Tasuku | Ah, that, huh. |
Chikage | It looked surprisingly good on him. |
Misumi | Yeah yeah, it was really cool~. |
Izumi | (Well, it’s almost time to wrap things up. I better signal to Sakuya-kun…) |
Sakuya | ! |
| Umm, That’s it for this, Inste Live! Thank you all for watching! |
Sakyo | Thank you so much for watching until the end. Please look forward to the next one. |
Group Members | We’re MANKAI Company! |