Misumi | Nyaan! Everyone say it with me~! |
Spectator A | Wah, the guy in the black cat costume is doing a cat pose! So cute~! |
Izumi | (Fufu, the way Misumi-kun is walking is really cute. The audience members are all smiling.) |
Spectator B | The next guy is also too cute…! That hat is so stylish~! |
Hisoka | ...Thanks. |
Izumi | (Hisoka-san is walking so casually! His body language is really impressive.) |
Spectator C | That guy is so cool! Is it some type of visual kei cosplay? |
Chikage | Haha, not quite. It’s a crow costume. |
Izumi | (Chikage’s almond-shaped eyes look even more striking with the dark makeup.) |
Spectator D | Is that next guy Frankenstein? Is there even such a thing as a good-looking Frankenstein!? |
Tasuku | Ha, thanks. |
Izumi | (That being said, Tasuku-san is looking really dignified. The clothes are tough, but he’s wearing them with ease.) |
Spectator E | That skeleton guy, I wanna know how he did his makeup! |
Banri | You wanna know? ...I ain’t telling ya. |
Spectator E | So cool…! |
Izumi | (Banri-kun’s makeup is the most horror-oriented, but… I think he’s still more fashionable than scary.) |
| (Now, next up is Sakuya-kun--.) |
Spectator A | Hey, those two are walking side by side! |
Izumi | Eh? |
Spectator B | Are their costumes matching? |
Spectator C | They are! They’re ghosts! |
Izumi | (The plan was supposed to be for them to go out one by one… They were talking about feeling like a matching pair, so I guess they changed it.) |
Sakuya | Sakyo-san, the audience seems pretty happy! |
Sakyo | Seems like it. |
Izumi | (Sakyo-san and Sakuya-kun walking side by side in a friendly manner like that show that ghosts can be more than just scary.) |
| (All seven of them had such good walks, each with their own impression. I’m so glad they participated…!) |
| |
| Good work, everybody! |
Tasuku | Good job. |
Hisoka | How’d we do? |
Izumi | You all did well! And it was pretty crowded with people too. |
Chikage | That’s good. |
Izumi | Anyway, I didn’t expect you two to walk together like that, Sakuya-kun and Sakyo-san. |
Sakuya | That was Sakyo-san’s suggestion. |
Izumi | It was? |
Sakyo | Yeah. I thought I’d take advantage of the similarity of the costumes when I was able to. |
Staff | Excuse me for interrupting. The treats are ready, so please move! |
Tasuku | That reminds me, we’re going to parade around the city with all the participants and hand out sweets, right? |
Banri | Well, let’s do one last job while basking in the afterglow of the fashion show, why don’t we? |
Izumi | Everyone, take one basket of candy each! |
| |
| (All the members are happily walking around handing out candy. I guess they’re relieved that the show went well.) |
Kid | Ah! You’re my big bro from earlier! |
Sakuya | Ah, it’s you…! Are you okay? You haven’t fallen down again, right? |
Kid | Yeah, I’m okay! |
Sakuya | I’m glad! Well then, here you go. Happy Halloween! |
Kid | Waah, thanks, big bro! |
Sakyo | ...I see. |
| Earlier, you saw that kid fall down and went to help them. |
Sakuya | Yeah, that’s what it was. But I got separated from everyone in the process… |
| I’m really sorry for making you all worry. |
Sakyo | Don’t worry… Although, that kind of thing is a typical Sakuma thing to do. |
| However, next time, don’t forget about your phone. |
Sakuya | Sorry. But I’m glad you found me, Sakyo-san! |
Sakyo | That was… Because of your guest performance. |
Sakuya | Eh? |
Sakyo | Thanks to your role, you have this habit of grasping your neck accessory like it’s important… Because of that gesture, I was able to find you. |
Sakuya | If you say so, I was probably doing it unconsciously. I guess that habit is still stuck with me. |
| And that means, it’s all thanks to you coming to see my guest performance, Sakyo-san! |
Sakyo | It’s not that big of a deal--. |
Izumi | Sakyo-san, Sakuya-kun! |
Sakyo | Director-san. |
Sakuya | Director, are you handing out sweets to the participants too? |
Izumi | Actually… I was restocking the sweets for everyone but we ran out of sweets to give out. |
Sakuya | Eeh, really!? |
Sakyo | In that case, I still have some leftover, so I’ll split with you. |
Sakuya | I’ll share mine too! |
Izumi | I’m sure there are lots of people who’d rather get them from both of you, I’ll be okay. |
Sakyo | Even so… |
Sakuya | I’ve got it! Then if it can’t be for handing them out… We’ll just personally give the sweets to you, Director! |
Izumi | Are you sure? |
Sakyo | Yeah. You also did your best, Director-san. |
Izumi | Fufu, I’m happy to hear that. Thank you so much! |
Sakuya & Sakyo | Happy Halloween! |