Special Edition: VELUDO Antique Book Fair/Episode 2

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Special Edition: VELUDO Antique Book Fair
Episode 2
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TsumugiI wonder if there will be any books that catch my interest … ah.
(I’ve read this book a long time ago.
If I’m not mistaken, I borrowed it from Tasuku…)
Maybe I’ll give this a flip through for the first time in a while.
YukiAre you going to read something too, Tsumugi?
TsumugiAh, Yuki-chan. I thought I would read something while Taichi-kun’s hard at work on his own.
Were you able to find what you were looking for?
YukiYep. I wanted to check out some dressmaking books.
Muku told me they had them at the library too.
That saved me since there’s a limit to buying everything at the store.
TsumugiYou make plenty of costumes for the theatre company, and yet you’re also taking the time to read these types of books, huh?
YukiThere’s a lot of things you can learn from books. It makes good reference for creating my costumes.
TsumugiFufu. I expect no less from MANKAI Company’s costume designer.
YukiWhat? Is that a compliment?
TsumugiOf course it is.
Yuki…Is it now?
TsumugiAlright, I’m curious how Taichi-kun is doing, so I suppose I’ll head back now.
I’m back.
How is it going, Taichi-kun?
TaichiTsumugi-san, talk about timing!
I came across a part that I want you to teach me…
TsumugiWhere is it?
Ha~, I feel like I made more progress than usual since we studied at the library!
TsumugiI’m glad to hear that.
*notification sound*
TaichiHey, it’s a LIME from Director-sensei.
YukiShe said she wants to hold a meeting tonight.
What’s this about?
TsumugiHmm… Ah, it might be time to discuss the next photoshoot for “VELUDO”.
IzumiI’ve asked everyone to gather today to discuss “VELUDO”’s next issue.
TaichiIt was just like Tsumugi-san said!
TsumugiFufu, I guess so.
TenmaWhat’s the next theme and feature going to be?
IzumiThe theme of the next issue will be “books”!
SakuyaBooks… you say?
IzumiYes. They’re apparently planning to showcase the upcoming antique book fair that’s going to be held at Veludo library.
BanriSo does that mean the costumes are gonna look like librarians or bookstore clerks?
IzumiNope. It looks like the costumes are specifically going to be brown and chic, evoking the theme of books.
TasukuIf the troupe members are going to appear on the feature page like usual, then does that mean they’re going to attend the antique book fair?
IzumiYeah. I heard they want to photograph all the members helping out at the event.
On top of that, if possible, they’d like each participating member to introduce a book they recommend as a part of the festivities.
TsumugiA book we recommend…
Would any book work for that?
IzumiThey’d be grateful if it was from the selection at the antique book fair, so they provided a list.
TaichiWoah, there’s so many written down!
Maybe I’ll actually know a book or two in this case…!
IzumiOn the day of, they said they might hold a giveaway of the books that everyone recommends.
SakuyaThat sounds exciting!
IzumiThat’s all for the overview. As usual, I’m thinking of having 1 or 2 people per group. What do you guys think?
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