Yuki | Oh, this came out great. |
Muku | Didn’t it? I like this one too. |
Yuki | The way the light comes in looks stylish. |
Muku | I appreciate the compliment, Yuki-kun. |
| *door opens* |
Azuma | I’m home. |
Muku | Azu nee-san, welcome back! |
Yuki | Welcome home. |
Azuma | What are you two looking at all excitedly? |
Yuki | Inste pics. |
Muku | I posted the picture of William that you helped me with to inste! |
| What’s more, it got tons of reactions from our fans. |
| I was able to take a wonderful picture thanks to you, Azu nee-san! |
Azuma | Fufu, I didn’t do that much. |
| *door opens* |
Izumi | Ah, all of you are together. Perfect timing! |
Yuki | What’s up? |
Izumi | I was able to request a tour of the venue for the doll event before it’s open for the public. |
| Seeing as you guys are going to help out as guides, I wanted to make sure all of you knew the layout of the site. |
| I’m thinking of having all the participants pay a visit, so I’ll let you know the schedule later. |
Muku | Okay! |
Yuki | I got it. |
Izumi | That’s how it is, so I’d like to ask you to come too, Azuma-san. |
Azuma | Sure thing. I look forward to seeing what kind of exhibit it will be. |
| |
Organizer | Thank you all very much for coming all the way here today. |
Izumi | Same here. Thank you very much for inviting us. |
Organizer | I would like to show you all how the venue is before it opens to the public. |
| The venue is this way, so I will lead the way. |
Muku | I can’t wait! |
Banri | I’m curious what it’ll be like. |
Masumi | I can’t wait for my exhibition date with Director. |
Izumi | Ahaha… |
| |
Muku | Woah… it’s amazing…! |
Yuki | It feels like another world. |
| It’s like we’ve wandered into the world of dolls. |
Izumi | It’s overwhelming with all these dolls displayed…! |
Organizer | Some of the dolls placed out here are part of my private collection. |
Azuma | Perhaps he’s doll collector. |
Banri | Amazin’. |
Hisoka | Do you know that person then? |
| Arisu’s acquaintance… |
Organizer | Yes, of course! |
| I had an opportunity to talk with him the other day, and he said he was very grateful to everyone at MANKAI Company. |
| It is also an honour for me to be able to work with all of you like this. |
Azuma | We’re very happy to hear that, right, Director? |
Izumi | Yes! Thank you so much. |
| |
Organizer | I will show you around the space over here next. |
| This panel here introduces the history of dolls in great detail. |
Muku | So there’s this kind of history too, huh? |
Azuma | Fufu. This event is very elaborate and a must-see for doll-lovers. |
Yuki | It might be pretty interested if you give it a good read. |
Banri | An aesthetic atmosphere sounds good, but with this vibe, it’ll turn into a horror with one wrong step. |
Izumi | B-but that sort of atmosphere is what’s great about this exhibit, right! |
Azuma | Fufu. Gothic horror is its own genre too. Maybe it’s a fine line between aesthetic and horror. |
Masumi | Stay back. I’ll protect you. |
Izumi | Nothing’s happened, and I don’t think anything will!? |