View table: Event

From A3! Wiki

Table structure:

  1. number - Integer
  2. name_jp - String
  3. name_ro - String
  4. name_en - String
  5. name_alt - String
  6. name_lit - String
  7. start - String
  8. end - String
  9. type - String
  10. troupe - String
  11. theme - String
  12. theme2 - String
  13. extra - Wikitext

This table has 217 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page number name jp name ro name en name alt name lit start end type troupe theme theme2 extra
Events (edit) 210 特集:BACK to the 00's BACK to the 00’s 01/07/2025 14:00 01/14/2025 13:59 Promotion
Events (edit) 211 ルキャドの祝福 The Blessings of Le Cadeau 01/20/2025 14:00 01/30/2025 13:59 Anniversary mankai
Events (edit) 212 Last Step 02/04/2025 14:00 02/14/2025 23:59 Seasonal sakyo
Events (edit) 213 Omnibus: Stranger & Nocturnality 02/19/2025 17:00 02/28/2025 13:59 Omnibus
Events (edit) 214 With love to you All 03/05/2025 16:00 03/14/2025 13:59 Outing
Events (edit) 215 真田十勇士伝 Sanada Jyuuyuushi Den Legend of the Sanada Ten Braves 03/19/2025 16:00 03/28/25 13:59 Seasonal tasuku
Events/2017 (edit) 1 不思議の国の青年アリス Fushigi no Kuni no Seinen ARISU Boy Alice in Wonderland Alice as a Boy 3/24/2017 16:00 4/3/2017 13:59 Troupe masumi Wonderland A Go Go!
Events/2017 (edit) 2 にぼしを巡る冒険 Niboshi wo Meguru Bouken The Adventure for Sardines Adventure for the NIBOSHI! 4/14/2017 16:00 4/24/2017 13:59 Troupe Nyanbare! Nya Nya Nya Nya☆Nyansei
Events/2017 (edit) 3 絆のキャンプ大作戦 Kizuna no KYANPU Dai Sakusen The Great Camp Bonding Strategy 5/2/2017 16:00 5/12/2017 13:59 Seasonal citron

This is the first Seasonal Event in the game.

Events/2017 (edit) 4 異邦人 Ihōjin Stranger Stranger on the way to Paradise 5/19/2017 16:00 5/29/2017 13:59 Troupe omi Just For Myself
Events/2017 (edit) 5 Enjoy!大人の修学旅行 Enjoy! Otona no Shuugakuryokou Enjoy! Adult School Trip 6/6/2017 16:00 6/15/2017 13:59 Seasonal banri
Events/2017 (edit) 6 主人はミステリにご執心 Shujin wa MISUTERI ni Go Shuushin The Master Likes a Mystery butler and the silver spoon 6/20/2017 16:00 6/29/2017 13:59 Troupe homare es no Yuutsu
Events/2017 (edit) 7 真夏のSparkleMemory Manatsu no SparkleMemory Midsummer SparkleMemory 7/4/2017 16:00 7/13/2017 13:59 Seasonal tenma
Events/2017 (edit) 8 ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ Zenmai Jikake no KOKORO The Clockwork Heartbeat 7/18/2017 16:00 7/28/2017 13:59 Troupe tsuzuru Omoide no Nejimaki
Events/2017 (edit) 9 ギラギラ☆渚のPASSION GIRAGIRA☆Nagisa no PASSION Dazzling☆Beachside PASSION 8/7/2017 16:00 8/16/2017 13:59 Etude tasuku

This is the first Etude Event in the game.

Events/2017 (edit) 10 抜錨!スカイ海賊団 Batsubyou! SUKAI Kaizoku-dan Captain Sky Pirates Anchor! Sky Pirates 8/21/2017 16:00 8/30/2017 13:59 Troupe misumi Susume! Pirates
Events/2017 (edit) 11 夜を歩け! Yoru wo Aruke! Walk with me, talk with me! Walk the night! 9/4/2017 16:00 9/13/2017 13:59 Seasonal itaru
Events/2017 (edit) 12 任侠伝・流れ者銀二 Ninkyouden・Nagaremono Ginji Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer Like a Lead Bullet 9/19/2017 16:00 9/28/2017 13:59 Troupe sakyo BUZAMA
Events/2017 (edit) 13 タッグマッチ・ハロウィン'17 TAGGU MACCHI・HAROWIN'17 Tag Match: Halloween '17 10/3/2017 16:00 10/12/2017 13:59 Etude omi
Events/2017 (edit) 14 真夜中の住人 Mayonaka no Juunin Nocturnality Residents of the Night 10/17/2017 16:00 10/27/2017 13:59 Troupe azuma Shoutai
Events/2017 (edit) 15 hAve A greAt trip! 11/6/2017 16:00 11/15/2017 13:59 Seasonal kazunari
Events/2017 (edit) 16 TRY!輝きのコラボステージ TRY! Kagayaki no KORABU SUTEEJI TRY! Shining Collab Stage 11/21/2017 16:00 11/30/2017 13:59 Etude
Events/2017 (edit) 17 Merry,Xmas! Mr.Blooming. 12/6/2017 16:00 12/15/2017 13:59 Seasonal misumi

This is the first Christmas event in the game.

Events/2017 (edit) 18 みんなのゆく年くる年 Minna no Yukutoshi Kurutoshi Everyone's Old Year, New Year 12/26/2017 16:00 1/4/2018 13:59 Etude juza

This is the first New Years' event in the game.

Events/2018 (edit) 19 咲かせよう!エールでMANKAI☆ Sakaseyou! EERU de MANKAI☆ Let's Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆ 1/12/2018 16:00 1/22/2018 13:59 Support

This is the first support event in the game, and was released as part of the A3! First Anniversary celebration. Instead of event cards, this event gives out Revival Medals for use in the Revival Scout.

Events/2018 (edit) 20 キミを魔法にかけようか? Kimi o Mahou ni Kakeyou ka? Valentine's Magic Shall I Enchant You? 2/7/2018 16:00 2/16/2018 13:59 Seasonal hisoka

This is the first Valentine's Day event in the game.

Events/2018 (edit) 21 第5幕促進キャンペーン Dai 5-maku Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 5 Advancement Campaign 2/19/2018 15:00 2/26/2018 13:59 Campaign chikage Usotsuki wa Mahou no Hajimari

This is the first campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 5 of the Main Story. It features the Spring Troupe's Fourth Play: The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz.

Events/2018 (edit) 22 One Day Princess! 3/7/2018 16:00 3/16/2018 13:59 Seasonal tsumugi
Events/2018 (edit) 23 第6幕促進キャンペーン Dai 6-maku Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 6 Advancement Campaign 3/22/2018 17:00 3/29/2018 13:59 Campaign kumon Exciting Charmer!

This is the second campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 6 of the Main Story. It features the Summer Troupe's Fourth Play: First Crush Baseball.

Events/2018 (edit) 24 花びらひらり、君すやり Hanabira Hirari, Kimi Suyari Petals Flutter, You Slumber 4/9/2018 17:00 4/18/2018 13:59 Training Camp masumi

This is the first Training Camp Event in the game.

Events/2018 (edit) 25 第7幕促進キャンペーン Dai 7-maku Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 7 Advancement Campaign 4/23/2018 16:00 5/1/2018 13:59 Campaign azami RESPAWN

This is the third campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 7 of the Main Story. It features the Autumn Troupe's Fourth Play: DEAD/UNDEAD.

Events/2018 (edit) 26 わくわく!ミソシオサ島 Waku Waku! MISOSHIOSA-tou Exciting! Misoshiosa Island 5/7/2018 16:00 5/16/2018 13:59 Training Camp muku

The name Misoshiosa Island (ミソシオサ島 MISOSHIOSA-tou) is a pun based on the words for miso (味噌 miso), salt (塩 shio), and sugar (砂糖 satou).

Events/2018 (edit) 27 第8幕促進キャンペーン Dai 8-maku Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 8 Advancement Campaign 5/22/2018 16:00 5/29/2018 13:59 Campaign guy UNMASK

This is the fourth campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 8 of the Main Story. It features the Winter Troupe's Fourth Play: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra.

Events/2018 (edit) 28 それぞれのMarry me! Sorezore no MARRY ME! All of Their 'Marry me!'s 6/5/2018 16:00 6/14/2018 13:59 Seasonal

This is the first event to have two SSRs as rank rewards.

Events/2018 (edit) 29 Knights of Round IV THE STAGE 6/20/2018 16:00 6/29/2018 13:59 Troupe itaru The Pride Of The Knights
Events/2018 (edit) 30 天の川で逢いましょう Amanogawa de Aimashou Let's Meet by the Milky Way 7/4/2018 16:00 7/13/2018 13:59 Outing sakyo

This is the first Outing Event in the game.

Events/2018 (edit) 31 SHI★NO★BI珍道中 SHI★NO★BI Chindouchuu SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring 7/18/2018 16:00 7/27/2018 13:59 Troupe kazunari Konton ALL RIGHT!
Events/2018 (edit) 32 出航!クイーンカメリア号 Shukkou! KUIIN KAMERIA-gou Queen Camellia Set Sail! Queen Camellia 8/6/2018 16:00 8/15/2018 13:59 Etude sakuya
Events/2018 (edit) 33 燃えよ饅頭拳! Moeyo Man-ju-ken! Fire up, Mantou Fist! 8/20/2018 16:00 8/29/2018 13:59 Troupe taichi Road to Mantou Master!
Events/2018 (edit) 34 おつきさまとうさぎさま Otsuki-sama to Usagi-sama the moon and the rabbit 9/5/2018 16:00 9/14/2018 13:59 Seasonal misumi
Events/2018 (edit) 35 剣に死す。 Ken ni Shisu. Die by the Sword Samurai R.I.P 9/19/2018 16:00 9/28/2018 13:59 Troupe tasuku Dokkoudou
Events/2018 (edit) 36 タッグマッチ・ハロウィン'18 TAGGU MACCHI HAROUWIN'18 Tag Match: Halloween '18 10/3/2018 16:00 10/12/2018 13:59 Outing yuki
Events/2018 (edit) 37 ウラオモテTEACHER Uraomote TEACHER I Come with the Night. Two-Faced TEACHER 10/17/2018 16:00 10/26/2018 13:59 Mixed Troupe itaru Growing Pain Houkago Midnight

This is the first Mixed Troupe event in the game. The cast was chosen by popular vote during the Let's Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆ event.

Events/2018 (edit) 38 mAnkai ApArtment! 11/5/2018 16:00 11/14/2018 13:59 Parallel tsumugi

This is the first Parallel Event in the game. The setting and character outfits are based on new art produced for AGF 2018.

Events/2018 (edit) 39 嗚呼、麗しのガイア様 Aa, Uruwashi no GAIA-sama Ahh, Beautiful Gaia 11/20/2018 16:00 11/29/2018 13:59 Seasonal azuma
Events/2018 (edit) 40 DREAMED HOLIDAY 12/03/2018 16:00 12/12/2018 13:59 Seasonal juza
Events/2018 (edit) 41 2018/12 12/13/2018 16:00 12/17/2018 13:59 Rerelease

This is the first Rerelease Event in the game.

Events/2018 (edit) 42 第三回MANMANグランプリ Daisankai MANMAN GURANPURI The Third MANMAN Grand Prix 12/18/2018 16:00 12/27/2018 13:59 Outing tsuzuru
Events/2019 (edit) 43 走れ!福の神セブン Hashire! Fuku no Kami SEBUN Run! Lucky God Seven 1/7/2019 16:00 1/15/2019 13:59 Etude kumon
Events/2019 (edit) 44 満開の軌跡の途中で。 Mankai no Kiseki no Tochuu de. On the Trajectory to Full Bloom. 1/18/2019 16:00 1/28/2019 13:59 Anniversary
Events/2019 (edit) 45 ヒミツの魔法ふたたび Himitsu no Mahou Futatabi Re:FebMAGIC Secret Magic Again 2/4/2019 16:00 2/13/2019 13:59 Seasonal chikage
Events/2019 (edit) 46 春ケ丘Quartet Harugaoka Quartet Harugaoka Quartet 2/18/2019 16:00 2/27/2019 13:59 Troupe citron Hajimari wa Quartet
Events/2019 (edit) 47 この声に感謝をのせて。 Kono Koe ni Kansha wo Nosete. Sing Big Thanks! 3/5/2019 16:00 3/14/2019 13:59 Outing azami
Events/2019 (edit) 48 2019/3 3/15/2019 16:00 3/19/2019 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2019 (edit) 49 花の王子さま Hana no Ouji-sama The Floral Prince 3/19/2019 16:00 3/28/2019 13:59 Troupe muku The Prince in Full Bloom ~The Floral Prince and His Retainer~
Events/2019 (edit) 50 Mekurumeku Bara no Yakata Dazzling Rose Mansion 4/3/2019 16:00 4/12/2019 13:59 Training Camp tsumugi
Events/2019 (edit) 51 Fallen Blood 4/17/2019 16:00 4/26/2019 13:59 Troupe juza Muddy Hero
Events/2019 (edit) 52 いざゆかんチャンバラロマン Izayukan CHANBARA ROMAN Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance 4/30/2019 16:00 5/9/2019 13:59 Training Camp itaru
Events/2019 (edit) 53 Risky Game 5/15/2019 16:00 5/24/2019 13:59 Troupe hisoka PLASTIC POKER
Events/2019 (edit) 54 2019/5 5/27/2019 16:00 5/31/2019 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2019 (edit) 55 花婿バトルロイヤル Hanamuko BATORU ROIYARU Bridegroom Battle Royale 6/4/2019 16:00 6/13/2019 13:59 Seasonal
Events/2019 (edit) 56 駆け巡る Kakemeguru Run around the field. 6/19/2019 16:00 6/28/2019 13:59 Mixed Troupe tsuzuru Fukutsu no Chant Sorachika
Events/2019 (edit) 57 アクアリウムShowTime AKUARIUMU ShowTime Aquarium ShowTime 7/3/2019 16:00 7/12/2019 13:59 Outing sakuya
Events/2019 (edit) 58 The Luminous Circus 7/17/2019 16:00 7/26/2019 13:59 Mixed Troupe homare Suisei to Circus Ou MagiClap
Events/2019 (edit) 59 2019/7 7/26/2019 16:00 7/30/2019 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2019 (edit) 60 HOLIDAY PARK CARNIVAL 8/5/2019 16:00 8/14/2019 13:59 Seasonal tenma
Events/2019 (edit) 61 2019/8 8/15/2019 16:00 8/19/2019 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2019 (edit) 62 ラスト・ランウェイ RASUTO RANWEI The Last Runway 8/20/2019 16:00 8/29/2019 13:59 Mixed Troupe yuki Mikansei na Sora de Professional
Events/2019 (edit) 63 肩までつかって♪びろ~ど湯 Kata Made Tsukatte♪Biro~do-yu Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths 9/4/2019 16:00 9/13/2019 13:59 Seasonal omi
Events/2019 (edit) 64 陰陽の宵 Inyou no Yoi Yin Yang Midnight 9/18/2019 16:00 9/27/2019 13:59 Mixed Troupe sakyo Kikyo no Hana Yoi no Mikazuki
Events/2019 (edit) 65 Day of the Marigold 10/2/2019 16:00 10/11/2019 13:59 Outing masumi
Events/2019 (edit) 66 Scarlet Mirror 10/16/2019 16:00 10/25/2019 13:59 Mixed Troupe hisoka SCARLET GAME Q to Ju
Events/2019 (edit) 67 2019/10 10/26/2019 16:00 10/30/2019 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2019 (edit) 68 TWILIGHT GUNMAN 11/05/2019 16:00 11/14/2019 13:59 Seasonal banri
Events/2019 (edit) 69 王家が愛したロイヤルブルー Ouke ga Aishita ROIYARU BURUU Royal Blue Loved by the Royal Family 11/19/2019 16:00 11/28/2019 13:59 Seasonal citron
Events/2019 (edit) 70 聖夜のKiss&Cry Seiya no Kiss&Cry Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night 12/04/2019 16:00 12/13/2019 13:59 Outing tasuku
Events/2019 (edit) 71 ここは大奥 花の園 Koko wa Oooku Hana no Sono This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden 12/17/2019 16:00 12/26/2019 13:59 Seasonal homare
Events/2020 (edit) 72 2020/1 01/05/2020 16:00 01/09/2020 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2020 (edit) 73 Starring Party! 01/14/2020 16:00 01/24/2020 13:59 Anniversary
Events/2020 (edit) 74 あの頃のMANKAI寮・春夏編 Ano Koro no MANKAI Riyou・Harunatsu-hen The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition 01/29/2020 16:00 02/05/2020 13:59 Etude
Events/2020 (edit) 75 マジカルピンクダイナー MAJIKARU PINKU DAINAA Magical Pink Diner 02/10/2020 16:00 02/19/2020 13:59 Seasonal kumon
Events/2020 (edit) 76 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 3 × A3! PSYCHO-PASS SAIKOPASU 3 × A3! PSYCHO-PASS 3 × A3! Special Collab 02/21/2020 16:00 03/02/2020 13:59 Etude misumi
Events/2020 (edit) 77 お内裏さま大行進 Odairi-sama Taikoushin ODAIRISAMA PANIC! Odairi-sama's Great March 03/04/2020 16:00 03/13/2020 13:59 Outing sakuya
Events/2020 (edit) 78 巣立ちの日のキミへ Sudachi no Hi no Kimi e Best wishes for your future. To You Leaving the Nest Today 03/17/2020 16:00 03/26/2020 13:59 Seasonal masumi
Events/2020 (edit) 79 2020/3 03/27/2020 16:00 03/31/2020 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2020 (edit) 80 mAnkai AnimAls! 04/06/2020 16:00 04/15/2020 13:59 Parallel kazunari
Events/2020 (edit) 81 2020/4 04/20/2020 16:00 04/24/2020 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2020 (edit) 82 ワキワキ♪ザフラ紀行 WAKI WAKI♪ZAFURA Kikou EGGciting♪Zahra Travelogue 04/28/2020 16:50 05/07/2020 13:59 Training Camp guy
Events/2020 (edit) 83 第9幕プレイ促進キャンペーン Dai 9-maku PUREI Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 9 Advancement Campaign 5/14/2020 17:00 5/21/2020 13:59 Campaign taichi The Contract

This is the fifth campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 9 of the Main Story. It features the Seventh Mixed Troupe Play: Stray Devil Blues.

Events/2020 (edit) 84 2020/5 05/24/2020 16:00 05/28/2020 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2020 (edit) 85 花嫁コンチェルト Hanayome KONCHERUTO Bride Concerto 06/03/2020 16:00 06/12/2020 13:59 Seasonal
Events/2020 (edit) 86 第10幕プレイ促進キャンペーン Dai 10-maku PUREI Sokushin KYANPEEN Act 10 Advancement Campaign 6/18/2020 17:00 6/25/2020 13:59 Campaign tsuzuru ITTEKI ~Yoshitsune's Strange Tale Records~

This is the sixth campaign event in the game, released to promote easier unlocking of Act 10 of the Main Story. It features the Eighth Mixed Troupe Play: IMMORTAL CROW.

Events/2020 (edit) 87 ACTOR'S CIRCUIT 07/06/2020 16:00 07/15/2020 13:59 Outing azuma
Events/2020 (edit) 88 奇術師たちの純愛 Kijutsushi-tachi no Junai Magicians' Pure Love 07/20/2020 16:00 07/29/2020 13:59 Troupe masumi Mirages Occur During Magical Nights
Events/2020 (edit) 89 開花戦隊マンカイレンジャー Kaika Sentai MANKAI RENJAA Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers 08/03/2020 16:00 08/12/2020 13:59 Seasonal tasuku
Events/2020 (edit) 90 +3Ghosts! 08/17/2020 16:00 08/26/2020 13:59 Troupe misumi Shake the Shape
Events/2020 (edit) 91 2020/8 08/26/2020 16:00 08/30/2020 13:59 Rerelease
Events/2020 (edit) 92 The Amazing Museum 09/02/2020 16:00 09/11/2020 13:59 Seasonal tsuzuru
Events/2020 (edit) 93 異世界歓迎!元ヤン食堂 Isekai Kangei! Moto YAN Shokudou Welcome to Akebono-so! Denizens of Alternate Worlds, Welcome! The Former Delinquent's Diner 09/16/2020 16:00 09/25/2020 13:59 Troupe omi Hungry Neighbors
Events/2020 (edit) 94 Re:タッグマッチハロウィン Re:TAGGU MACCHI HAROWIN Re:Tag Match Halloween 10/05/2020 16:00 10/14/2020 13:59 Outing muku
