Izumi | So then, let’s toast to a successful performance in Zahra! Cheers! |
Citron | EARS~! |
Azuma | Cheers. |
Sakuya | It’s reassuring to know that along with Yuki and Azami, we’ll be going with the rest of Spring and Winter troupes. |
Izumi | Yeah that’s true, they have quite a lot of experience in Zahra and I am sure they can help us out, no worries. |
Yuki | I am looking forward to going back to Zahra. |
Itaru | I think the last time we were there was for our training camp. |
Tsuzuru | Ughh, this means I need to buy more souvenirs.. |
Yuki | I’m just going to bring an empty suitcase and fill it to the brim with fabrics. |
Azami | Me too, but with cosmetics. There are some things that you can only get over there. |
Chikage | You guys are gonna look like merchants or something. |
Azuma | I am thinking about going to look for perfumes. |
Homare | And I am interested in going to see that wonderful historical palace. |
Tsumugi | I want to go see a Zahran theatre performance. |
Tasuku | Well since Zahran is pretty difficult to understand maybe it’s best we see something like a musical. |
Tsumugi | That’s a good idea, I’ll look it up. |
Tsuzuru | Sounds good. I’m interested as well. |
Masumi | I love the feeling of sightseeing. |
Itaru | Yeah, we’re making the long journey over there so we gotta make the best of our time. |
Guy | << Here is your Kir Royale. >> |
Citron | << I didn’t order that. >> |
Guy | << Oh, I had a feeling that was the case. >> |
Citron | << Whatever, I guess I’ll take it. >> |
Guy | << .. Have you spoken to the others about Prince Orange and Prince Navel? >> |
Citron | << Hmm.. I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, we have to tell them. >> |
Guy | << Of course. >> |
Citron | << But I don’t want to kill everyone’s mood. I know they will worry, I don’t want to bring up those bad past memories.. |
| But you’re right, I can’t just stay silent. I just gotta wait for the right time. >> |
Guy | << I agree, that’s wise. >> |
Izumi | Oh, it’s almost time to go. |
Tsumugi | Shall we all start heading back? |
Homare | So then how about some closing remarks from our lead, Citron? |
Citron | .. I would like to talk to you guys about something cereal. |
Hisoka | .. Cereal? |
Masumi | Serious? |
Sakuya | Masumi understood him!? |
Citron | It’s about Orange and Navel. |
Yuki | Who? |
Itaru | The two brothers who put Citron through hell that one time. |
Tasuku | Those two princes? |
Azami | Oh I see.. |
Citron | Since then those two had been performing computer bee service as a punishment for their crimes and re-learning proper etiquette and behavior as members of the royal family. |
Homare | Computer bee service? |
Itaru | You mean “community service”, right? |
Citron | Yes, that! |
| But when their service ended, the two of them became very awkward and they began to isolate themselves from those around them. They have now retreated into the palace and shut the rest of the world out. |
Masumi | Well given their history and past events, it is not surprising they acted that way. |
Itaru | That may be true, but keep in mind they are still Citron’s brothers. |
Citron | It’s alright, Masumi is correct. |
| Those two regret their past actions. I do not think anything strange will happen, but I just wanted to let you guys know to keep your eyes open— |
Izumi | (I can only imagine what a mix of emotions Citron must be feeling about this situation. However I don’t see any sign that Citron completely hates them..) |
| .. Umm, could I ask what do you think about those two seeing our performance? |
| (If Citron is going to express his emotions through this play I think having those two there could ruin the mood.) |
Sakuya | I’m fine with them being around, Citron! |
Izumi | I am sure they will be happy to see you worked so hard. |
Hisoka | .. I am sure anyone who sees you perform will see how hard you worked. |
Citron | Are you guys sure? |
| They caused a lot of trouble for us at during our opera performance. I don’t want this to bring back any bad memories. |
Chikage | I am sure we are all indifferent, right? |
Masumi | I don’t mind. |
Azuma | On the contrary, I think we should be the one asking you. |
| You are the one who was most affected by this whole event after all. I think we should take into account how you feel before anything else. |
Citron | .. Thank you. |
Izumi | It’s almost time for us to get going. Is everyone here? |
Azami | I think Masumi is still sleeping. |
Chikage | I think Sakuya is trying everything he can to wake him up. |
Izumi | HUH!? |
Tsumugi | Same for Hisoka— I think Tasuku is carrying him here. |
Izumi | !! |
Itaru | Uhh.. |
Izumi | What’s up? |
Itaru | I can’t decide which gaming device to bring, |
Izumi | Hurry up and decide! Do you want us to miss our flight?! |
Madoka | Good morning. |
Izumi | Huh, Madoka? |
Madoka | Umm, is Tsuzuru here? |
Izumi | Sorry, we’re kinda all running around right now— |
Tsuzuru | — OH, That’s right! Sorry, just give me a sec! |
Misumi | Madoka~! |
Madoka | Good morning, nii-san. |
Misumi | Heading back to uni later today? Have you had breakfast yet? |
Madoka | Not yet. I was thinking about just eating when I got to school. |
Misumi | Then how about I make you some onigiri and we can eat together!? |
Madoka | Are you sure, nii-san? — Alright then, I’ll help you. |
Misumi | Yeah, let’s make onigiri together! |
Citron | .. What loving brothers. |
Homare | Human life is filled with the unexpected, just like snowfall in the spring and like thunder on a clear day. |
| Perhaps adding a little sunlight is just what could thaw the ice between those two brothers of yours. |
| No one knows where life may lead us after all. |
Citron | Oh, Homare, just like a poet. |
Homare | I am just a poet who speaks the honest truth. |
Citron | The weather is warm today. |
Homare | I think once we return it will be just about the time for the sakura blossoms to start blooming. |
Masumi | Zzzz.. |
Sakuya | I got Masumi! |
Hisoka | Zzzz.. Zzz.. |
Tasuku | And I have Hisoka. |
Guy | I have already loaded our luggage into the car. |
Izumi | Alright, let’s all head out! |