Play/Yin Yang Midnight

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Yin Yang Midnight
Yin Yang Midnight Poster.png
Yin Yang Midnight Poster B.png

Play Information[edit]

Yin Yang Midnight (陰陽の宵 Inyo no Yoi) is the fifth mixed troupe play in the game.

Related Event: Yin Yang Midnight
Related Story: Yin Yang Midnight
Type: Mixed Troupe Events




During the Heian era - Amidst the extravagant culture blossoming
amongst the nobles in the capital outskirts
unbeknownst to anyone, an onryou descended upon them.

Before long, an unexplainable epidemic swept the town.
It ran rampant within the imperial court, and even the emperor
was affected by illness.


Lead Actor
(Yin Yang Midnight) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Between Yin and Yang) Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png
Sakyo 071 Chibi.png
Sakyo Furuichi as Seimei Abeno
An exceptional onmyouji from the Onmyou Bureau.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Second Lead A
(Yin Yang Midnight) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Pulled In By An Invisible Rope) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png
Azuma 070 Chibi.png
Seimei's shikigami.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Supporting Cast A
(Yin Yang Midnight) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Extraordinary Practitioner) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png
Citron 065 Chibi.png
Citron as Geppaku
Seimei's junior disciple who has a rivalry with him.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Supporting Cast B
(Yin Yang Midnight) Guy Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Named Color) Guy Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png
Guy 043 Chibi.png
Guy as Hisui
An onryou who spreads a curse to breach the capital's protection.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Supporting Cast C

Any Character as Head of the Onmyouji
The Onmyou Bureau Chief.

Supporting Cast D

Any Character as Townsman
A townsman who witnessed the will-o'-the-wisp in the middle of town.


Yin Yang Midnight Poster.png Yin Yang Midnight Poster B.png

Play Translation[edit]

This story takes place during the Heian era-- The extravagant culture and lifestyles of the wealthy elite are coming to an end as murmurings of a mysterious Onryo begin to spread through the court.
Then suddenly, an unexplained plague begins to sweep through the streets of the city. The epidemic moves swiftly through the royal court until the emperor himself falls ill.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-1.png
Onmyouji ChiefSeimei, you heard about the disease that is spreading through the city, right?
SeimeiI have.
Onmyouji ChiefWell there’s only one other person who knows this but...
The Emperor has fallen ill.
Onmyouji ChiefBut if this got out to the rest of the imperial court, it would definitely incite a bunch of useless panic.
There would probably be a power struggle if this news got out that the emperor is in critical condition.
So, let’s pray he recovers from this.
You should go perform a purification ritual immediately.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-2.png
SeimeiCleanse the heart, cleanse the body
KouLeaving all the grunt work to you again? Tch.. Typical.
Despite your efforts, you know they are just looking for someone to scapegoat, right?
SeimeiDon’t say such things, Kou!
KouYah, yah, whatever.
Kou..... Something’s coming.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-3.png
SeimeiMake haste, follow my command!
KouToo bad, he got away.
Seimei..... What’s the meaning of this?
KouWere you even listening to me? This is all just busy work.
SeimeiThe Emperor’s life is in danger.
We must hurry!
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-4.png
Onmyouji ChiefIt’s an Onyro you say? Don’t be ridiculous.
There are no gaps in the boundary of the imperial court.
If that were the case it would mean one of our fellow onmyouji has turned on the great emperor himself.
Completely impossible.
Onmyouji ChiefSeimei.
Was this your plan all along? To put the blame on some so-called Onryo as an excuse for why you couldn’t complete the purification ritual?
No matter how hard you try, you’re still as conceited as ever.
Seimei-- I wasn’t trying to make excuses for--
Onmyouji ChiefThen step down!
Let someone else handle the ritual.
The Onmyouji Bureau tasks Abeno Seimei in charge of holding the purification ceremony in order to cure the emperor. However, during the ritual, Seimei encounters a troubling sign that convinces him that the plague sweeping through the imperial court is the work of an onryo. Seimei then sets out to find a way to exterminate the spirit from the court.
Seimei brings his findings to the head of the Onmyouji Chief and is met with laughter. Without the support of the Onmyouji Bureau, Seimei struggles to continue his investigation.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-5.png
KouYou don’t need those shitheads. They’re gonna realise they were wrong sooner or later.
SeimeiI doubt it.
If we don’t take action now the damage is only going to get worse.
KouBut those higher-ups at the Onmyouji Bureau got their eyes on you so there’s no way you can just move around freely.
SeimeiBut Kou....
I can’t just sit back and watch!
KouYou work too hard. Hope you don’t regret it later.
SeimeiI don’t care about all that nonsense, just tell me what you found.
KouI told you already. The barrier surrounding the imperial court is pretty strong, so strong I doubt even we could break through. An onryo could never slip through.
Seimei.... That’s just like what the Onmyouji Chief said... Right?
GeppakuMaster Seimei.
Seimei-- Geppaku? You came back!?
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-6.png
GeppakuI got here yesterday. Sorry I didn’t write you sooner.
SeimeiI see, long time no see!
GeppakuYou look happy as ever, I’m glad!
SeimeiSame for you, Geppaku.
You look just as healthy as I imagined.
GeppakuThank you so much!
Even far from the city I caught wind of some rumors.
SeimeiGuess even I couldn’t stop that.
GeppakuWhat’s with that blank expression? Did something happen?
SeimeiYou didn’t happen to hear about a mysterious plague sweeping through the city, did you?
GeppakuYes, I heard no one knows where it came from.
SeimeiI’m afraid it is the work of an onryo.
Sadly I just couldn’t catch it myself....
GeppakuPerhaps maybe I could lend you a hand?
GeppakuI don’t really know if I could do much, but I’ll do whatever I can to help, please let me try.
SeimeiWhat a lifesaver!
With you at my side, Geppaku, there is nothing we can’t do!
-- Kou.
KouYou called?
SeimeiPlease enlighten Geppaku on the curse of the vengeful spirit.
KouEhh, I’m kinda not feeling it right now.
SeimeiExcuse me, this is not a question of whether you want to do it or not.
KouFine, whatever.
GeppakuHehe, what a quirky shikigami you got there.
SeimeiI don’t know how I put up with him, really.
GeppakuOn the flip side, he definitely seems pretty strong!
That’s the Seimei I know!
SeimeiYou too, Geppaku.
How goes your training? You have to tell me all about it later.
GeppakuI can’t say I am as nearly as adept as you, Master Seimei.
SeimeiWhat are you saying? Surely by now our skill levels are almost even.
Seimei is at a loss of what to do when an old student of his, Geppaku, appears. Geppaku is a foreign boy and because of that, despite his strength, was unable to enter the ranks of the Onmyouji. Geppaku returns to Seimei after he had left the city to continue his training.
Geppaku volunteers to help Seimei and from there the two begin their investigation into the cause of the epidemic. However, Seimei’s shikigami, Kou, does not seem to like Geppaku much and acts coldly toward him. Seimei does not seem to notice this, however. Towards the end of their research, the pair hear of another happening outside of the town that could be related to the so-called onryo. The duo make haste to the scene.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-7.png
SeimeiSo this is where all that commotion about that onryo was coming from?
KouThis is right about where the first case broke out.
And also around the same time of day.
SeimeiI don’t really know if there’s any relation, but it’s definitely something to look into.
Villager’s there somethin’ I can help ya with?
SeimeiYou didn’t happen to hear anything about an onryo sighting here, have you?
VillagerAh well ya see...
I was pretttyyy drunk one night,
‘nd I saw it riiiight here. A big ol’ ball ‘o fire flew up and I tripped at this ‘ere stone and whaddya know a will-o-wisp came flyin’ out!
It had some kinda creepy glow.
I got quite a shock and nearly poo’d my pants.
I dun remember a thin’ after dat though.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 1-8.png
SeimeiA rock, huh... Seems like such a childish prank for a ghost...
It makes me kinda worried.
I have never heard of anything like this before, let’s look it up, Kou.
KouHey hey, isn’t that something a little heavy for a Shikigami?
Seimei hears about a sighting of the spirit from a villager who encountered it during a drunken evening. Intrigued by the story, Seimei tasks Kou to see if there are any similar stories from inside the city.
After looking into it, Seimei realises this spirit is not just a simple prankster, but in fact a strong force that could even penetrate the safeguards placed around the city’s borders.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-1.png
SeimeiThere’s quite a lot of them.
This battle formation is really quite...
KouThis curse thing sure is powerful.
So in order to surround the palace whoever planned this needed to be smart about how exactly they were going to stretch this curse around the perimeter.
The guy behind this must have waaay too much time on their hands.
SeimeiWhoever did it must hate the imperial court so much to put all this effort into this curse.
Just taking away one or two points wouldn’t really have any effect.
If only we could find a way to get the leader...
KouSo you plan to fight that bastard face to face?
You’re not gonna ask me to do it, right?
SeimeiGo get Geppaku for me. We need to think of a plan of attack.
KouHoping you don’t regret it later.
Seimei deduces that whoever is responsible for the plague must have some deeply held resentment for the imperial court.
At the same time, Seimei’s discovery reveals that the onryo they are dealing with is incredibly strong.
Seimei and Geppaku decide to split up to wait at the locations they predict the onryo could appear next.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-2.png
SeimeiIt will definitely appear here next.
Kou, help me set a trap. I want to conceal myself
KouYou got it.
Seimei conceals himself and waits for the onryo to arrive.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-3.png
SeimeiIt’s here.
Bind! Make haste, follow my command!
SeimeiDid it get away?
This guy sure is a pain in the ass, what the hell.
He’s powerful and cunning.
SeimeiWho knows what damage that gremlin will do if we just let him run wild....
We really do need the support of the Onnyouji Bureau.
Seimei manages to ambush the onryo and even though it seems like his attack did some damage, the onryo manages to escape.
After telling the Onmyouji Bureau of his encounter and presenting his findings, Seimei is finally able to persuade the Onmyouji Bureau to help him.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-4.png
SeimeiAnd after all this, we can finally move around the court as we please.
GeppakuI am happy to hear that. As for me, I will continue to search the town for curses scattered throughout the area.
SeimeiHey, Geppaku, you should come and investigate with me inside the imperial court --
GeppakuWell about that. You know I am not allowed to set foot inside that place.
SeimeiI was the one who got us permission so there is no need to worry.
GeppakuBut don’t you think someone like me would cause unnecessary panic if I was to wonder around in there?
The fact of the matter is, there is an unexplained pandemic going around. If I was to wonder inside the imperial court people would be quick to point fingers and wonder what sort of chaos my presence would signal.
SeimeiWell I don’t think people would really--
GeppakuPeople fear those who are different.
My deepest apologies that I cannot be of more help.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-5.png
SeimeiKou, go search for any impurities within the imperial court!
KouEhh, sounds like a pain. What about asking your friend?
SeimeiGeppaku is not allowed to enter the imperial court.
KouHuh, you mean he can’t get past the barrier?
Seimei...... But me and Geppaku are....The same...
Even though we are both part of the Onmyouji Bureau...
SeimeiOur teacher was also looking forward to seeing Geppaku’s talent shine....
But because of where he was born, he could never fulfill his dreams.
KouI see.
Well then I could see why he ended up so rebellious.
KouHave you not noticed?
Wooow, you really are dense.
SeimeiWhat are you talking about?
KouExactly what I said.
That brat friend of yours is not who you think he is.
SeimeiHey, I will not stand for this Geppaku slander!
KouWell excuse me then.
Fine fine fine, I guess I don’t understand humans after all.
Seimei invites Geppaku to come with him and investigate inside the imperial court, however Geppaku tells him that he is not allowed inside and rejects his invitation.
Later, during Kou’s investigation, he discovers traces of the mysterious curse inside the imperial court.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-6.png
SeimeiSo what you’re telling me is you found signs of the curse within the imperial court?
KouYep, seems like it got through the barrier.
I couldn’t have imagined that it would spread this far.
SeimeiThis is something only a human could have done.
Now that I think of it, when we encountered that onryo the other day I had a feeling it could be someone else’s shikigami....
It would have to be someone strong for them to control such a powerful shikigami.
There’s no one from this land that could--
KouWhat is it?
Kou, let’s go set up a counter curse.
How many times will I have to tell you, this is the work of spirit that holds an immense amount of negative energy--
It would literally swallow you alive, you wouldn’t be able to handle it!
SeimeiWe can keep chasing this thing in circles like we have been, but it would only yield the same result. With this method, we can finish it all in one shot.
KouWell, well, didn’t expect you to go through such extremes.
By setting up a counter attack, Seimei aims to find out if the person on the other side of the mysterious epidemic is indeed a human. Seimei cannot fathom anyone who would be strong enough to control such a large-scale attack and control a shikigami so skillfully.
Despite his hesitation to believe this could be a work of another Onmyouji, Seimei takes it upon himself to find out who the mastermind is behind all of this.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 2-7.png
Seimei--- Ku...aah... UWAAA!!!
KouThis is bad.
Hey, master!
SeimeiREVERSE, Make haste, follow my command!
KouWow, more stubborn than I thought!
GREAT! Now he can’t escape!
SeimeiH-Huh, why are you here?
What do you want?
Why are you causing chaos in our city, why are you hurting the great emperor?
???W-Wouldn’t you like you know....
SeimeiWho is your master?
KouI think we’ve heard enough, don’t you think?
SeimeiAlright, fine.
KouNow’s time to deliver the punishment!
SeimeiHe disappeared...?
Seems like whoever is behind all of this interfered.
Seimei... Kou, follow that energy! We need to uncover the perpetrator!
KouYou don’t need to tell me twice.
Seimei takes it upon himself to plant a counter curse.
Despite taking severe damage, somehow the onryo manages to disappear. Seimei deduces this was the work of someone stepping in to save the onryo at the last minute.
In an attempt to find where the mastermind is hiding, Seimei orders Kou to chase after the onryo
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-1.png
SeimeiOf course it was you all along, Geppaku.
HisuiPlease run, Master.
GeppakuNo, you should run, you already are in a weakened state.
GeppakuNo, stand back!
KouLook Seimei, he is mastermind behind all of this.
Do you see it now?
SeimeiThere is no one powerful enough to control such a strong shikigami.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-2.png
GeppakuI will not back down, even to the likes of you.
SeimeiWhy did you do it, Geppaku?
GeppakuI have always hated this wretched country.
I was discriminated against just because I am different.
The only reason I studied the path of the Onmyouji was to one day get revenge on every person in this damn country.
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you....
SeimeiWhy? Tell me why you hate the people of the capital city?
GeppakuBecause the capital is the heart of this country.
SeimeiBut if you had not come to this city, I would not have been able to catch you.
GeppakuYou may be right....
Even though we both studied under the same master, I could never win against you.
SeimeiB-But... You seemed to happy when we were training together.
There’s no way you were only doing it for revenge.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-4.png
GeppakuI never knew my father... And my mother was murdered by a group of theives.
My life up until now has just been a living hell on earth.
I have never known peace, my life is just filled with constant suffering.
All that remains is just this vessel filled with hatred and malice.
I live only for revenge.
I am no longer human, I am a demon.
SeimeiA demon would not save his shikigami’s life.
SeimeiWhen you stepped in to save your shikigami from my counter curse, you took on immense damage to yourself.
It is a sign that you were not ready to simply throw him away and abandon him.
GeppakuI had no intention of saving his life.
My body simply acted on its own.
SeimeiSo that is proof that you still have some humanity left in you!
Turn back, Geppaku!
See, this is the power you are capable of!
There is still time to turn back and repent for your sins!
Let’s go back to the Onmyouji Bureau and study together again!
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-5.png
GeppakuNo chance, I have already-- GAH!
KouIt’s over.
The power of the curse was increased by your counter curse.
He’s reached his limit, his body can no longer take it anymore.
Geppaku....... I’m sorry, Hisui.
I wasn’t able to see you through to the end.
HisuiNo, no..... Thank you, Thank you so much for finding me.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-6.png
GeppakuMaster Seimei....
I-I choose this city b-because of you...
Why was I powerless to say anything at the time...
KouYou still have one more thing left to do, Seimei.
KouIf you just let them die like this they will lose their way and become onyo.
Seimei.... Kou, please do it for me.
KouAs you wish.
Don’t take it personally, ok?
I’m doing this for your own good.
KouNot gonna fight back?
HisuiI will never part from my master’s side.
KouHow sweet.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-7.png
Kou..... Is it finally over?
Geppaku reveals that the reason he studied the way of the Onmyouji was to exact his revenge on humanity for the oppression he faced before. Seimei urges the boy to atone for his sins and join him once again to study side by side.
Unfortunately the strength of Seimei’s counter curse is too weak and Geppaku begins to cough up blood and collapse. Hisui rushes to his master’s side and holds him close in a moment of silence before Geppaku takes his final breath.
A shikigami who has lost its master is doomed to become and onryou so Seimei orders Kou to deal the final blow and lay the two to rest. Hisui does not fight back, but instead stay silent with his master’s body cradled in his arms before disappearing.
Yin Yang Midnight Play 3-8.png
SeimeiTonight’s a full moon.
It reminds me that I was the one who gave Geppaku his name.
It was because the white in Geppaku’s eyes reminded me of a rising moon.
I could see the colour of the sky reflected in his eyes.
I bet if he wanted to, he could have become head of the Onmyouji. He definitely had the strength to do it.
With his achievements thus far, I would have definitely given him my recommendation to enter the Onmyouji Bureau.
Maybe if we were able to work together he wouldn’t have been so bitter.
Why did it have to turn out like that?
KouIt seems like you’re still too dimwitted to understand the feelings of those who have seen hell.
Seimei.... I guess you’re right.
I really didn’t understand what Geppaku was going through.
And to think I called us friends. I guess in the end the feeling was only one-sided.
Kou..... That Shikigami’s name was Hisui, right?
Maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but it seems like Geppaku took a note from your book and named his shikigami for the colour of his eyes.
SeimeiYou may be right.
I’d be happy if that’s true.
KouWhat re you smiling about?
SeimeiOh nothing, it was just to hear you try and comfort me suddenly makes me wonder if tomorrow pigs will fly.
KouRemind me to doodle on your face when you kick the bucket.
SeimeiI would much rather you try and emulate Hisui.
KouThen you better live a long life.
Seimei..... You know it.