| Established over one hundred years ago, the hotel sits far from popular tourist destinations and even the nearest train station. Unfortunately with its poor location, competing hotels have quickly snatched up many potential guests and this once grand hotel has begun to fall into disrepair. |
| The hotel has also been short staffed for quite some time, forcing the owner, Owari, and manager, Tsuzuki, to perform the majority of the maintenance and upkeep of the hotel. They spend each day tending to the needs of their few, but always eccentric guests. |
Owari | Take care, we hope to see you again. |
| So Tsuzuki, how many reservations do we have today? |
Tsuzuki | Zero. |
Owari | How many job applications did we get? |
Tsuzuki | Zero. |
Owari | How unfortunate. |
| Maybe you ought to look for a new job yourself. |
Tsuzuki | You have entrusted the role of manager to me so I will continue to work here until the very end. |
Minami | Glurrgghh gluurggg.... |
Tsuzuki | Mr. Minami! |
Owari | Please refrain from trying to down yourself in the soup bowl. |
Minami | Just let me die... |
| This is the end for me. |
Owari | How about saving the dying for after you have had a taste of our chef’s signature corn soup? |
| This morning’s soup is made with farm-fresh corn straight from Hokkaido. |
Minami | It tastes... like.... TV dinner... |
Owari | It is famous for it’s nostalgic taste. |
Tsuzuki | Owner, it’s the front desk. |
Owari | What is it, Higashikawa? |
Higashikawa | Well we have quite an unusual guest.... |
Owari | I will be right there. |
| Tsuzuki, please get Mr. Minami some more soup. |
Tsuzuki | Understood. |
| During one day at work, Owari and Tsuzuki find themselves having to stop one of their long term guests, Minami, from killing himself. |
| Whenever he can, Minami spends his time planning new ways to kill himself. To prevent any further damage to the hotel’s reputation, Owari and company do their best to try and prevent Minami’s continuous suicide attempts. |
| After successfully stopping Minami from drowning himself his breakfast soup, Owari and Tsuzuki get a call from the Higashikawa who is working at the front desk. |
Kitami | ..... |
Higashikawa | My apologies. |
| However if you have not made a reservation we cannot... |
Owari | Welcome! |
| Would you like to book one room for tonight? |
Kitami | ...... Yes. |
Owari | Then please write your name here in this notebook. |
Higashikawa | ...... But owner-- |
Owari | Higashikawa. |
| Please show Mr. Kitami to his room, number 301. |
Higashikawa | Are you sure about this? |
Owari | We cannot choose our guests here at Hotel Compass. |
Higashikawa | But what about that mask, we should really.... |
Owari | We do not choose our guests here at Hotel Compass. |
| Please do not show any hesitation like that. |
Higashikawa | .... Understood. |
Nishi | Excuse me. |
Owari | Welcome. |
Nishi | I made a reservation under the name Nishi. |
Owari | Oh yes, Mr. Nishi. |
| Please wait a moment. |
| Hmm Mr. Nishi, Mr. Nishi... |
Tsuzuki | Excuse me, owner-- How about I take it from here? |
Owari | Didn’t you say we had no reservations? |
Tsuzuki | Yes, I did. but.... |
| Excuse me, but when did you make your reservation? |
Nishi | February 11th, 2100. |
Owari | 21... Wait, this year? |
Nishi | 2100. |
Tsuzuki | Owner-- |
Owari | Alright, Mr. Nishi. |
| Please follow me to your room. |
Tsuzuki | .... Huh. |
| Owari arrives at the front desk to help Higashikawa who is having trouble with a guest who does not seem to have a reservation. With the hotel falling more and more into bankruptcy, Owari allows the masked guest named Kitami to book a room. |
| Soon after, a man by the name of Nishi arrives at the hotel. Despite claiming to have a reservation, it appears his name cannot be found anywhere. He says he made his reservation on a day far in the future. Ignoring the perplexed look on Tsuzuki’s face, Owari checks the man in. |
Owari | So then, please enjoy your stay. |
Nishi | ..... Isn’t it tonight that -- will go missing? |
Owari | Huh? What did you just say? |
Nishi | Oh, never mind, it’s nothing. |
Owari | Please excuse me. |
| ..... Someone will go missing... from the hotel? |
Tsuzuki | MR. MINAMI! |
| Please refrain from trying to crush yourself to death in the elevator door. |
Owari | Trying you crush yourself to death this time, huh.... |
Tsuzuki | Mr. Minami. |
| The elevator is not going to move. |
Minami | DON’T STOP ME! |
Owari | How about some coffee instead? |
| Tsuzuki. |
Tsuzuki | Understood. |
Owari | How about taking a seat on the sofa over there for a moment? |
Minami | .... |
Tsuzuki | Here is your coffee, Mr. Minami. |
Owari | Excuse my directness, but would you mind me asking why are you trying to kill yourself? |
Minami | You know, don’t you? I’m a writer. |
| But for some reason I can’t seem to get any ideas for my work. |
| I can’t even bring myself to write a single word. |
| This is the end for me. |
Owari | But that doesn’t mean you have to die... |
| Perhaps you can take a short break from writing? |
Tsuzuki | Maybe a little change of scenery would help. |
Minami | But writing is my whole raison d’etre... |
| If I can’t write, there is no point in living. |
Owari | Well, anyhow, how about you sit here and save the dying until after you finish your coffee |
Minami | ...... Alright. |
| I made it this far anyway. |
Owari | So then we will excuse ourselves. |
| If one person were to disappear from this hotel.... |
| That person would probably be Mr. Minami. |
Tsuzuki | Hm? |
Owari | If someone were to die in this hotel, there is no way anyone would come back to stay with us. |
| We need to do all we can to make sure he doesn’t kill himself. |
Tsuzuki | Understood. |
| Whilst escorting him to his room, Nishi mutters the statement “One person will disappear from this hotel”. |
| Before he has any time to think about the strange utterance, Owari finds himself having to work with Tsuzuki again to prevent Minami from taking his own life. This time, Owari asks Minami why he is trying to kill himself. Minami reveals that he is in fact a famous writer who has won awards for his works, however he has recently found himself in a slump. Minami cannot even find the motivation to write a single word and thus feels as if he has no more reason to live. Owari tells Minami he should take a break from writing and that even if he can’t find any motivation there was no way they would let him take his own life. Once Minami seemed to have calmed down, Owari tells Tsuzuki to stay vigilant and to keep his head up. |
Owari | What is it this time, Higashikawa? |
Higashikawa | We have an emergency in room #302! |
| Hurry. come quick! |
Owari | OH NO! |
Tsuzuki | Looks like a flood... |
Owari | Mr. Nishi! |
Nishi | My apologies... I really had no idea this was going to happen. |
| The utilities here are so outdated I didn’t know how to properly use them. |
Owari | .... My apologies for not explaining how they work. |
| Can we get Maeda from housekeeping up here? |
Tsuzuki | He is currently out today for personal reasons. |
Owari | .... Alright then, I’ll leave it to you, Tsuzuki. |
Tsuzuki | .... Understood. |
Owari | Please allow me to show you to a different room, Mr. Nishi. Follow me. |
| Owari and Tsuzuki rush to Nishi’s room after getting a call from Higashikawa. The guest from the future tells Owari that he was not familiar with how the utilities in the hotel worked and thus flooded the room. Owari quickly moves Nishi to another room. |
| Despite his initial shock, Owari apologies for not explaining how to use the utilities to his time traveling guest. |
Higashikawa | May I have a moment, owner? |
Owari | What is it? |
| It’s about that Mr. Nishi... |
| Something about him seemed a bit.... off.... |
| The way he holds himself, kinda makes me think he may also be in the hotel business. I get the feeling he could be a spy for one of our rivals. |
| What could anyone gain by spying on us? |
Higashikawa | Well, I guess.... You’re right. |
| Without knowing, Nishi’s posture and way of carrying himself tips Higashikawa off that he could from a rival hotel. |
| Higashikawa tells Owari that Nishi seems to act and move like someone who works at a hotel and that he suspects the mysterious traveler of being a spy. |
| Despite brushing off Higashikawa’s concerns, claiming there was no reason anyone would spy on them, Owari decides to keep an eye on Nishi as well. |
Minami | Hello....? |
| Ahh ahh, no, I’m on the verge of death... |
| No no, in a couple days, no, in two weeks.. |
| I don’t think I will even have a pen with me... |
| No, there is no need to worry. |
| You don’t need to come over here. |
| I will definitely send it to you. |
| I promise. |
| Huh!? C-Can you see me? |
| W-Where are you watching me from....?? |
Kitami | .... |
Minami | C-Could it be..... No way... |
| Have you been there this whole time... ? |
| It’s no use! |
Owari | MR. MINAMI! |
| Please refrain from trying to crush yourself under the sofa. |
Minami | IT’S OVER! |
| The reaper will be coming for me soon. |
Owari | Reaper...? |
Minami | That man over there is my manager, Kuroda. |
| He is here to give me an ultimatum! He’s been watching me this whole time...!! |
Owari | You mean that man over there...? He is a guest here at the hotel. |
Minami | I know it’s him. Kuroda is a man who would do whatever it takes to get me to hand over a rough draft. |
| He once climbed up the wall of my house to sneak inside. |
| And he once pretended to be a delivery man so he could break into my house!!! |
Owari | O-Oh, I see... |
Owari | P-Please hold on a moment! |
| I will make sure that Mr. Kuroda does not get to you, Mr. Minami, do not worry. |
| In the lobby, Minami talks with his editor on the phone. His editor demands that he hand over his rough draft for his latest work and tells him that he has been watching him from afar this whole time. Right after the conversation, the masked guest, Kitami, enters the scene. In a panic, Minami throws himself under a nearby sofa and attempts to crush himself before Owari steps in. |
| Minami tells Owari he suspects that Kitami is actually his editor in disguise. However, even after hearing Minami’s ramblings, Owari is still not convinced. |
| Minami continues to try and persuade the hotel owner, telling him that his editor is the type of person to go to extremes to get what he wants. He recalls a time when his editor even climbed up the side of his house to retrieve his latest draft. He is convinced that Kitami is his editor in disguise. Despite his own opinion, Owari promises Minami that he will keep Kitami away from him as long as he does not try and kill himself again. |
| It is from that point forward that Owari begins to pay close attention to Kitami. He watches the masked guest closely for any suspicious behavior or signs that he is trying to find Minami. Even without seeming to have a specific goal in mind, Owari causes quite a stir throughout the hotel around the employee entrances and exits. |
Higashikawa | Owner! |
| Do you have a moment? |
Owari | What is it? |
Higashikawa | I knew it all along. |
| Mr. Nishi is a spy! |
| I saw him behind the front desk! |
Owari | Behind the front desk? |
Tsuzuki | And that is why we have brought him here to have a word with us, however his story is a bit.... |
Owari | I see, then I will listen as well. |
Tsuzuki | Please do. |
Owari | Our apologies to have kept you waiting. |
Nishi | No no, I should be the one apologising. |
| I am the one who went behind the front desk without permission. |
Owari | Why did you do that? |
Nishi | .... Well you see.... |
| I am also an employee at a hotel. |
| But please do not read this the wrong way. |
| I am from a hotel in the future so I am not from any of your rivals. |
Owari | Hmmm.... |
Nishi | I am learning about the history of this hotel. |
| So I thought it would be a good idea to try and spend a night here. |
| I then booked my room and came here. |
| However me being me, I naturally felt the need to want to help out around here. |
Owari | Well if that’s the case, we are currently accepting applications for guest relations-- |
Tsuzuki | But Owner... |
Nishi | Well I am sorry to say, but I will only be here until tomorrow. |
Owari | Oh, I see. |
Nishi | I am sorry to cause you trouble. Would it be alright if I stay here the rest of the night? |
Owari | You are welcome to do so. |
Nishi | Thank you so much! |
Tsuzuki | Are you sure about this, owner? |
Owari | Of course, it will work out. |
Minami | ..... A hotel worker... from the future? That is.. |
| I feel some inspiration coming on! |
| Whilst Owari is investigating Kitami, Higashikawa calls him to the lobby. Higashikawa tells Owari that he found Nishi behind the front desk and he is now fully convinced that Nishi is a spy. Owari and Tsuzuki meet in the lobby to hear what Nishi has to say. |
| Nishi tells the group that he works in a hotel in the future and that he is conducting research into the history of Hotel Compass. As part of his research, he came to spend a night at the hotel. Nishi denies that he is a spy from a rival hotel and his story supports that claim. Despite Owari’s bewilderment at Nishi’s claims, he decides to drop his suspicions and allow Nishi to continue his stay at the hotel. |
Owari | Hey, is Mr. Minami alright? |
| He’s been sitting in the same position at that table for a while now. |
| I think by now its time to lay down the pen for a bit. |
Tsuzuki | Really now... |
Owari | Mr. Minami. |
| Is everything alright? |
Minami | That’s it... |
| Yessss.... |
| It’s all coming to me now... |
| HUH? |
| What is it? |
Owari | Oh, is there anything we can do for you? |
Minami | Some coffee please. |
Owari | Right away, sir. |
| Tsuzuki, if you please. |
Tsuzuki | It will be ready right away, sir. |
Minami | My brush is flying. |
| My zest for life is overflowing... |
| I can still write my novel! |
Owari | I am glad to hear that. |
Minami | Oh, hey Kuroda! |
| ...? |
Minami | I have finished my rough draft, wanna see? |
| Hello, hello, Kuroda? |
| I have finished my rough draft so aren’t you gonna come have a look? |
| Huh, what? You’re at my house? |
| Wait, you’re not at the hotel!? |
| Huh, uh no it’s nothing. |
| Understood. I’ll email you right away. |
| Yes, I am alright. |
| There is no problem at all. |
| This is going to be my next masterpiece! |
Owari | So Mr. Kitami had nothing to do with Mr. Minami after all... |
| After eavesdropping on Nishi’s story, Minami is suddenly filled with inspiration and begins writing again. |
| Whilst writing, Minami also feels his will to live flowing back into his body. |
| Kitami appears and Minami tells him he is finished with his rough draft, however Kitami seems perplexed and simply walks away. |
| After a phone call with his editor, Kuroda, Minami realises that he had mistaken Kitami for his editor after all. |
Owari | Sigh... |
| Finally some time to catch my breath. |
Tsuzuki | Today has sure been eventful. |
Owari | I feel like we have had more troubles than we have guests. |
| Why does it feel like our hotel is filled with only the most eccentric of guests? |
Tsuzuki | Well our hotel is a place for lost travelers to come and rest after all, right? |
Owari | Lost travelers, huh? |
| I feel like I’m the one who’s lost my way. |
| I’ve been slaving away trying to take care of the hotel that’s been around since my grandfather’s time, but for what? |
| After my wife and children walked out, I feel as if I have been working my ass off for nothing. |
| This hotel has been so dead ever since they left. |
| Does that mean I’ll be the last owner of this hotel? |
| I should really just quit before it’s too late. |
| But I don’t think I could bring myself to really do it. |
| This is the worst. |
| Well, no use dwelling over it now I guess. |
| I suppose if things keep going downhill we’ll just have to file for bankruptcy. |
Tsuzuki | There are a lot of people that depend on this hotel. |
| If Mr. Minami could get back on his feet, I don’t see a reason why we couldn’t do the same. |
Owari | I suppose you’re right. |
| That evening, Owari takes a moment to catch his breath and take a much needed break. Owari complains that he feels like their hotel has been taken over by only the most eccentric of guests. Tsuzuki tells Owari that their hotel is a place for lost travelers to stay. |
| Owari confesses to Tsuzuki that he also feels lost. He reveals that his wife and children had all left him some years ago. Owari wonders if he can even continue to keep his grandfather’s hotel open or if he will become the hotel’s last owner. Tsuzuki tells Owari that there are many people that depend on the hotel. |
Detective | .... |
Owari | Welcome. |
Detective | We are with the police. Could we have a moment of your time? |
Higashikawa | Huh!? |
Detective | Have you seen a man who looks like this? |
| His name is Hashima Ryou. |
| He is wanted on account of murder. |
| A man who looked like the suspect was last seen at this hotel. |
Owari | Suspected murderer... |
| I don’t think I have seen anyone that fits that description... |
| I think I would have remembered if I saw someone with hair like that. |
Detective | Some features may look a little different to this image. |
| Well if you have any leads, please contact us right away. |
Owari | Understood. |
Higashikawa | By the way... |
| If they’re looking for someone suspicious maybe that Mr. Kitami has something to do with it. |
Owari | Well we just haven’t seen his true face. |
| .... It does seem suspect. |
| AH! |
Higashikawa | What is it? |
Owari | It’s just Mr. Nishi said earlier that one person will disappear from this hotel. |
| HUH!? |
| Maybe... |
Tsuzuki | What’s going on? |
Higashikawa | Big SOS, Tsuzuki! |
| We have a murderer amongst us! ALLEGEDLY! |
Tsuzuki | A murderer you say.... |
Higashikawa | And on top of that, someone in this hotel is going to die, probably!!!! |
Owari | I think you’re overthinking it. |
Higashikawa | We need to see Mr. Kitami’s real face! |
| I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight if we don’t! |
Owari | However... |
Higashikawa | The police did tell us to tell them if we had any information. We gotta try at least! |
Owari | And what will we do if he is the murderer? |
Higashikawa | Then I’ll let Tsuzuki take the wheel! |
Kitami | .... |
Higashikawa | Mr. Kitami! |
Kitami | -- |
Owari | Hey, Higashikawa. |
Higashikawa | Sorry to bother you, but we just got a visit from the police. We were wondering if you could take off your mask and-- |
Kitami | -- AH!!! |
Higashikawa | But Tsuzuki! |
| If we don’t see his real face-- |
Tsuzuki | There is no need for that. |
| Because, I am the one the police are looking for. |
Higashikawa | HUUUUHH!!!? |
Tsuzuki | I apologise for causing trouble. |
| I will now go turn myself in to the police. |
Owari | So you’re saying you really are....? |
Kitami | ....So we meet at last, Hashima. |
Owari | HUH? |
Tsuzuki | You are-- |
Kitami | I am the son of Shimoi, the man you killed. |
Tsuzuki | That you are... |
| I can see it in your face. |
Higashikawa | I-Is this some sort of plot to avenge his father!? |
Owari | RUN, TSUZUKI! |
Kitami | Not at all. |
| Actually I wanted to give my thanks to Hashima.... |
Owari | Thanks? |
Kitami | My father, Shimoi, was truly the most despicable type of human being. |
| He was known for committing numerous frauds, blackmail, and extortion, he even was violent towards the rest of our family. He was the type of person who was really just asking to be killed. |
| I felt so relieved when I heard the news of my father’s death. |
| It felt as if I was finally released from hell. |
Tsuzuki | No one deserves to die. |
| I am no better than him as I am a man who has also attempted to run from his sins. |
Kitami | But you are the one who saved my life. |
Tsuzuki | --- |
Kitami | I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am, Hashima. |
| Just in case anyone staying at this hotel knew who you were, I made sure to wear a mask so as not to draw any further suspicion. I am truly sorry for all the trouble I have caused. |
Tsuzuki | No, the secret would have gotten out eventually. |
| It is not like I could run forever. |
| The time has come. |
| It is a good thing we had this chat. |
| That evening, the police came to look for a suspected criminal. Owari recalled Nishi’s words and wondered if the two are somehow connected and if Nishi really knew a murder would happen. |
| Naturally, Owari and company first suspect their masked guest, Kitami. However, when they went to try and apprehend him, Tsuzuki makes a startling confession that he is the murderer. Owari and company are left in shock. |
| Kitami then removes his mask and reveals that he is the son of the man that Tsuzuki had murdered. |
| Owari and company tell Tsuzuki to run for fear that Kitami had come to avenge his father. To everyone’s surprise, Kitami tells the group about his father’s awful behavior in life and in fact felt relieved upon hearing news of his father’s death. |
| Kitami continues to explain that he came to the hotel to thank Tsuzuki for his actions. However, to avoid raising suspicion from the police and others at the hotel, Kitami wore a mask. |
Owari | Are you really going to give yourself in? |
Tsuzuki | Yes. |
| I am sorry for causing any trouble. My deepest apologies. |
Owari | Don’t worry about it.... So why did you do it? |
Tsuzuki | It was over something petty. |
| I was foolish. |
| It was during the time when I was taking care of my parents. I wasn’t able to work, so I was pretty low on funds. Shimoi tried to rob me of everything I had. |
| It wasn’t a lot, but when I tried to get him to give the money back, we got into a physical altercation. |
| I was able to escape, however in the end I could not be there before my parents passed. |
Owari | I see.. |
Tsuzuki | ....So I decided I first needed a place to hide, which is why I chose to come to this far removed hotel. |
| However over time, working alongside you and being with the other guests, I have become comfortable here and I would like to stay here forever. |
| But I have already made my decision.... |
| It will remain just a dream... |
Owari | This is a hotel that welcomes lost travelers.. |
| And a place where those who come can recharge and get back on their feet. |
| We really owe a lot to you. |
| Once you have finished your time, we would love to have you back. |
Tsuzuki | --- Thank you so much. |
Minami | Thank you so much for letting me stay here so long. |
Owari | Thank you so much for staying here. |
Minami | Next time I will come here for a peaceful holiday. |
Owari | We look forward to it. |
| Take care, we hope to see you again. |
| Thank you so much for staying here. |
Nishi | And thanks to you too. Thank you so much for everything. |
Owari | Take care, we hope to see you again. |
Nishi | See you later, Grandpa Hii-hii~ |
Owari | HUH?? |
Higashikawa | Now that I think about it, Mr. Nishi kinda looks like you, Owner. |
Owari | --- You don’t say. |
| Yes, hello? You have reached Hotel Compass. Yes, a reservation, alright. |