Fortune Festival/Episode 8

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Fortune Festival
Episode 8
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IzumiThe line for Melvin’s Tarot readings starts heeere!
(I decided to help maintain the queue for a little while, but the guests never stop coming… Melvin-san’s amazing.)
(…Ah! Noboru-kun came out from the fortune-telling room.)
Noboru-kun! How did the reading go?
NoboruI learned so much…!
He really is an impressive person.
Izumi(Noboru-kun looks happy.)
NoboruI think I’ll go back to the main venue after this.
IzumiI see. …I have to start heading towards the stage too. Shall we go back together?
NoboruYes, let’s go.
IzumiAlright, I’ll just let those two know…
Tsumugi-san, Kazunari-kun!
I’m making my way over to the stage now.
TsumugiI got it. The replacement staff will be here shortly, so we’ll be fine over here.
Sorry for asking you to help out as well.
Thank you very much.
KazunariYou saved our butts, Director-chan. Thanks~!
We’ll head there when it’s time too!
Alright. Let’s go, Noboru-kun.
IzumiDo you have any fortune-telling recommendations at the main venue, Noboru-kun?
NoboruUmm, let me think…
???Hold on, you two over there!
Mother of ChinaI, Mother of China, will assess both your palms!
IzumiMother of China—I feel like I’ve heard that before…
(AH! That’s the person who caught Juza-kun and I in Chinatown in the past!)
Mother of ChinaIndeed, palm-reading. I, who has a reputation for my accuracy, will offer you two a special fortune reading!
IzumiW-we’re good!
Let’s get out of here, Noboru-kun!
NoboruEh, o-okay.
Mother of ChinaOh my, hold on!
Izumi(This event really does attract a variety of different fortune-tellers…)
KazunariNext up, over here.
SaraLet’s do this.
Kazunari(Ah, those girls from earlier…)
Now then, I will guide you into the room.
StaffThanks for your hard work! We’re swapping the queue organizers and ushers.
TsumugiThank you for your work.
KazunariHuh, you came early. We still have a some time before the changeover!
StaffYes. You two have your stage after this, don’t you?
I know it’s been busy, so if you’d like, please take a short break before you go on stage.
TsumugiSorry about that. Thank you very much for your consideration.
KazunariThat’s super appreciated! Thanks~!
Then we’ll do as they say and have a little drink and then make our way to the stage!
TsumugiSounds good.
Kazunari & Tsumugi!?
*door opens*
Attendee AEh, what? What’s that commotion?
Attendee BThey came out from Melvin-sensei’s fortune-telling room…
TsumugiW-what happened?
KazunariHold on, the guests and the fortune tellers around us are shocked, so let's head back into the room! Okay!
KazunariWhat in the world happened?
MoeThis fortune teller told us our compatibility is the worst!
He said that Sara doesn’t tell me what she really thinks!
SaraT-that’s not…
MoeHe’s not wrong! When I think about it, Sara only matches me and doesn’t express her own opinions.
I…! I thought we were going to be best friends forever, Sara!!
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