Fortune Festival/Episode 10

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Fortune Festival
Episode 10
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Izumi(The play was a huge success. I’m glad it was well received by the audience.)
(Everyone went back to helping after the stage. But it’s almost time for the event to wrap up, so I’ll go see how they’re doing.)
(Huh? The Flower Fortune slips are starting to clean up already…)
SakuyaAh, Director!
GuySo you came.
IzumiGreat work, you two.
You’re putting away the Flower Fortune slips already?
SakuyaActually, it was so popular that we ran out of fortune slips.
IzumiAh, I see. Those fortunes did look adorable!
GuyI’m glad that they were able to please a lot of guests.
SakuyaWe’re going to go to the other fortune tellers to help out after we’re done tidying up here.
IzumiGreat, thanks!
Alright, I’ll head off to check how the others are doing.
GuyYes, see you later.
OmiOh, Director. Good job today.
JuzaIs somethin’ the matter?
IzumiThanks for your work! I came to check how you guys were doing, but it looks like the Horoscope readings have mostly died down now, huh?
OmiThe event’s coming to a close, after all.
I had quite a lot of fun helping out.
JuzaI was grateful that some people who came to watch our stage talked to us.
IzumiOh, really? You must’ve been happy, right!
OmiThanks for coming to check on us, Director.
We’re fine here, so go see where the other guys are too.
IzumiYeah, got it. I’ll be off!
(It’s pretty much empty here at the fortune-telling street.
The fortune-tellers have already begun cleaning up…)
(Kazunari-kun and Tsumugi-san are… it doesn’t look like they’re outside. Maybe they’re helping to tidy up the room.)
(I’ll just take a peek at how it’s going inside.)
*door opens*
Excuse me…
KazunariWelcome to the Tarot reading room.
KazunariOh, hey, it’s Director-chan~!
TsumugiWe thought it was a guest, so we greeted you on instinct.
MelvinAhh, Director-san. Welcome.
IzumiSorry for entering the room without warning.
I came to see how you two were doing.
TsumugiWe were just about to start tidying up here.
IzumiAh, I figured you were!
MelvinAh, that’s right. Since you came all the way here, if you don’t mind, why don’t you get your fortune read as well, Director-san?
IzumiEh, but the clean-up…
MelvinWe haven’t put anything away yet, so it’s not a problem.
KazunariGo for it! Get your fortune told, Director-chan!
Izumi(He went out of his way to ask, and I’d feel bad if I refused.)
Alright, I’ll take your offer up and try it out.
Um… can you tell me about my future?
TsumugiYour future…?
Ah, then it would be better if we went outside, right?
Izumi? Why would that be?
TsumugiI assume you don’t want us to hear it…
KazunariYeah! If Director-chan’s gonna get her love fortune told, then isn’t it better if we leave?
MelvinYes, there are many people who don't want others to hear about their romantic troubles.
KazunariAnd that’s why we’ll step out~.
IzumiEhh!? Wanting to get my love fortune told… that’s not what I meant, guys!
I’m not going to ask for anything I don’t want you to hear, so you're both safe to stay!
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