Cards/Muku Sakisaka
From A3! Wiki
< Cards
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
43 | Nyanderful Cafe | にゃんだふるCafe | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | Initial | |
44 | Premonition of Blooming | 開花の予感 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | Initial | |
45 | Rehearsal | 立ち稽古 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | Initial | |
46 | Water me! | Water me! | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | Initial | |
47 | The Door to Summer | 夏への扉 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | N | Summer | Initial | |
48 | St. Flora Middle School | 聖フローラ中学 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | N | Summer | Initial | |
165 | Fairytale Crepe-er | メルヘン・クレーパー | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | R | Summer | February Magic sweet | |
190 | Resolute Kitty | キリッとにゃんこ | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | The Adventure for Sardines | |
193 | The Adventure for Sardines | にぼしを巡る冒険 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | N | Summer | The Adventure for Sardines | |
205 | Brave Bridge | ブレイブ・ブリッジ | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | CAMP!CAMP!CAMP! | |
275 | MANKAI Birthday | 満開Birthday | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP | |
288 | Captain Sky Pirates | 抜錨!スカイ海賊団 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | N | Summer | Captain Sky Pirates | |
293 | Heart-Pounding Telescope | どきどきテレスコープ | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | Takaramono DAYS | |
331 | Bloom SUMMER | Bloom SUMMER | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR++ | Summer | Blooming SUMMER EP | |
336 | Melo Melon☆Prince | メロメロン☆プリンス | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | Mogitate à la Mode | |
365 | Brilliant Daoshi | 絢爛道士 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | Sudden Decree! | |
385 | Chilling Out with the Cousins | いとことチルアウト | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | Exciting New Year's Count | |
402 | Trajectory of Blooming | 開花の軌跡 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | 1st Anniversary Spring & Summer | |
454 | Melt-in-your-mouth Pudding | ほっぺた落下プリン | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | One Day Princess! | |
462 | First Crush Baseball | 初恋甲子園 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | First Crush Baseball (Second Half) | |
500 | Romantic Sandy Beach | 浪漫的サンディビーチ | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | Exciting! Misoshiosa Island | |
554 | Praying Papercraft | お祈りペーパークラフト | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | July 7th's Wishes | |
561 | Looking up to a First-Class Ninja | 一流忍者に憧れて | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | Tehepero Shuriken | |
564 | SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring | SHI★NO★BI珍道中 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | N | Summer | SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring | |
570 | MANKAI Playback | 満開Playback | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2018 | |
631 | Heart-Pounding Author ♪ Sakisaka-sensei | ときめき作家♪咲坂先生 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | girls manga holic. | |
666 | Jouet Boy | ジュエボーイ | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | DREAMED HOLIDAY | |
682 | God of Longevity | 長寿の神様 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | R | Summer | Treasure Ship Sky Cruise | |
694 | Journey of Blooming | 開花の旅路 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | 2nd Anniversary Summer | |
718 | Princely Smile Biscuit | 王子スマイルビスケット | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | Re:FebMAGIC | |
747 | Happily Ever After | ハピリーエバーアフター | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | The Floral Prince | |
751 | The Floral Prince | 花の王子さま | Muku Sakisaka | Action | N | Summer | The Floral Prince | |
788 | Apprentice Zookeeper | 見習い飼育員 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | Exciting animalS | |
822 | BRIGHT SUMMER | BRIGHT SUMMER | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR++ | Summer | BRIGHT SUMMER EP | |
838 | The Luminous Circus | ザ・ルミナス・サーカス | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | R | Summer | Fantastic Clown | |
841 | The Secret to Friendship | 仲良しの秘訣 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | The Luminous Circus | |
850 | MANKAI Encore | 満開Encore | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2019 | |
897 | Lifetime Best Friend | 一生涯の大親友 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | Welcome to the Bear Shop | |
929 | All Year Round Best Friend | 年中ベストフレンド | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | party people on ice | |
945 | Lone Flower Blooming in the Fields | 花野に咲く一輪 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden | |
961 | Banquet of Blooming | 開花の祝宴 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | 3rd Anniversary! Summer | |
1,009 | Delicate Playing Technique | 繊細な演奏技術 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | R | Summer | World's No. 1 Ohina-sama | |
1,033 | Desert Angel | 砂漠の天使 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | mAnkai AnimAls! | |
1,067 | Minimum Bridal | ミニマムビライダル | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | Bride Concerto | |
1,105 | MANKAI Glitter | 満開Glitter | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2020 | |
1,120 | Midsummer's Unison! | 真夏のユニゾン! | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | +3Ghosts! | |
1,122 | +3Ghosts! | +3Ghosts! | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | N | Summer | +3Ghosts! | |
1,130 | Curiosity Guide | キュリオシティガイド | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | Jurassic Memoir | |
1,152 | Alluring Full Moon | 誘惑のフルムーン | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | Re:Tag Match Halloween | |
1,199 | Attract with a Muleta | ムレータで引きつけて | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | CRIMSON MATADOR | |
1,222 | Promise of Blooming | 開花の約束 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | 4th Anniversary Summer | |
1,264 | Aquamarine Dream | アクアマリンの夢 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | Beautiful eyes | |
1,301 | Bling Tonight | Bling Tonight | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | Trump the phantom thief | |
1,305 | Trump the PT | Trump the PT | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | N | Summer | Trump the phantom thief | |
1,336 | Kind-hearted Archer | ハートフル射手 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | Thus Begins the Horseback Archery | |
1,386 | MANKAI Memory | 満開Memory | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2021 | |
1,388 | Spotlight | Spotlight | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | BD Scout Letter (August) | |
1,398 | Nyanderful Garden | にゃんだふるGarden | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | Last Planet ep.02 Summer Troupe Edition | |
1,404 | Last Planet | Last Planet | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | Last Planet ep.02 Summer Troupe Edition | |
1,456 | Wonderful Smilin' | わんだふるスマイリン | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | A Puppy's Feelings. | |
1,464 | WONDER RUSH | WONDER RUSH | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | N | Summer | WONDER RUSH | |
1,468 | SUNNY SUMMER | SUNNY SUMMER | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR++ | Summer | SUNNY SUMMER EP | |
1,505 | A Hymn That Grants Your Wish | 願いを叶える聖歌 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | Resounding Chimes, Holy Night | |
1,533 | Yearning for Adulthood | 大人への憧れ方 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION | |
1,546 | Brilliance of Blooming | 開花の光彩 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | 5th Anniversary Summer | |
1,573 | Ikenai Fantasy | イケナイ恍惚 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | Risshun-Setsubun Festival | |
1,590 | Happy Bunny Celebration | 祝いのハッピーバニー | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | Rabbits Party! | |
1,607 | Pride and Friendship | プライドと友情 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | SK∞ the Infinity × A3! | |
1,641 | Peaceful Light | 安らぎの灯 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | Light the candles | |
1,684 | Like a mirror | Like a mirror | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | Sky Gallery | |
1,687 | Sky Gallery | スカイギャラリー | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | N | Summer | Sky Gallery | |
1,690 | MANKAI Party | 満開Party | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2022 | |
1,717 | Fun School Life | 楽しいスクールライフ | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | R | Summer | Nostalgic Gymnasium zwei | |
1,746 | Makeup: Ice | メイクアップ: アイス | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR | Summer | Yummy☆Cosmetics | |
1,782 | MANKAI☆New Year | 満開☆新年 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR++ | Summer | New Year 2023 Login Bonus | |
1,798 | Festival of Blooming | 開花の祝祭 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | 6TH ANNIVERSARY SUMMER | |
1,818 | Beyond Full Bloom | 満開のその先に | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | Night Street: First Star half | |
1,829 | Magical☆Rize | マジカル☆リゼ | Muku Sakisaka | Action | R | Summer | Wizard's Tea Party | |
1,839 | Harvest Star | ハーヴェスト・スター | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SR | Summer | Heaven's Arcana | |
1,874 | Wagashi for Wabi-Sabi Service | 和菓子わびさびおもてなし | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SSR | Summer | A Short Moment with the Overflowing Cherry Blossoms | |
1,909 | Journey to the Colors | 彩遊記 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | R | Summer | Journey to the Colors | |
1,923 | A Gentleman Protecting His Family | 一族を守る紳士 | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SR | Summer | Rurōni Hotarubi | |
1,952 | MANKAI Feature | 満開Feature | Muku Sakisaka | Comedy | SSR | Summer | AUGUST BIRTHDAY SP 2023 | |
2,004 | Visit from a Special Lecturer | 特別講師の来訪 | Muku Sakisaka | Serious | SSR+ | Summer | Spotlight: St. Flora & Tsukushi High | |
2,028 | Snow White Prince | 白雪の王子様 | Muku Sakisaka | Action | SR | Summer | Xmas PARK CARNIVAL |