Act 3/Episode 28

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Act 3
Episode 28: Final Warning
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IzumiI-it's done...!
YukiHurry and try them on.
Juza...Fits fine.
BanriNo problems! As expected of me! And Yuki!
JuzaFor once, I have to agree.
SakyoYou can hardly tell where they've been fixed.
YukiYou’ll notice if you look up close, but the audience won't know.
IzumiThat's more than enough. Thank you for your hard work, Yuki-kun!
IzumiTaichi-kun? How's the outfit?
Taichi—A, ah, it's fine.
SakyoOi, Nanao, you...
OmiTaichi, are you not feeling well? We still have a few hours till the performance—you should take a nap and rest as much as you can.
OmiCome on, let's go.
TaichiAh. Uh, yeah.
IzumiYou guys should get a little rest too.
BanriDon't we need to do a rehearsal?
IzumiYour well-being is top priority right now.
JuzaAll right.
Izumi(We’ve never done a performance without a dress rehearsal... Plus, everyone is sleep deprived and in the worst physical condition possible.... I wonder if we'll be okay.)
(I hope we make it through safely....)
Luciano“Why'd you call us here, boss?”
Capone“Luciano, Lansky. I’m going to have the two of you pair up.”
Lansky“I refuse.”
Izumi(Huh....? They're full of energy?)
Luciano“That's my line! Why do I have to pair up with penny-pinching Lansky!? He's gonna infect me with poverty.”
Lansky“And he’s gonna give me a venereal disease. I absolutely refuse.”
Luciano“I have it worse than you!”
Capone“Shut up! You're not brats, so stop yapping around and get to work!”
Izumi(I wonder if they're so energetic because they're sleep-deprived... Everyone looks relaxed, and they’re performing like usual.)
Audience AI watched the Spring and Summer Troupe’s plays too, but this one’s pretty different. It’s entertaining.
Audience BYup, yup. This kinda play is nice too~.
Izumi(I'm glad.... We made it through safely... If we can recover and keep going like this, we should be fine.)
IzumiNice work, everyone!
JuzaZzz~.... Zz....
IzumiEveryone's asleep....
SakyoThey knocked out the second the performance ended.
IzumiIt’s no surprise that they ran out of stamina.
Thanks, everyone. You all worked really hard.
SakyoThis is just the first day. The real battle starts here.
IzumiThat's true. But it's a huge first step!
Sakyo...You’re right. I'm glad everyone in our troupe has a stupid amount of energy.
IzumiHaha, for sure.
(There’s something by the door....)
Sakyo-san, this letter....
SakyoDoesn't look like a fan letter.
“Next time, it won't be just the outfits.”
IzumiAnother threatening letter....
Should we contact the police or strengthen our security...?
Sakyo...No, that's probably pointless.
Izumi(What does that mean...?)
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