Act 11/Episode 21

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Act 11
Episode 21: Love and Passion
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Izumi(I finally made it here…)
(I had to take the bus to get here from the airport… It was a pretty long journey.)
(Looking at the buildings in this town, I feel like I'm in a movie set, not to mention they're all speaking English. That’s a given, though.)
YukioLong time no see! You've grown so much, huh!
Izumi(It's really Dad… I can’t believe he’s standing right in front of me, alive and well…)
Dad… You look old now.
YukioHere I thought you'd run and hug me.
IzumiI'm not a child anymore.
YukioWell, you're right…
IzumiI'm hungry.
YukioI'll take you to my favorite restaurant. Let's go. Their stew is delicious.
IzumiDo they serve curry?
YukioHaha. You haven't changed at all.
This place is our theater building.
It's the only one in this town. It's become too dilapidated though, so they’ve decided to demolish it.
I always hold rehearsals here since we don't have any other place to do it.
Citizen AYukio!
YukioOh, perfect timing. I'll introduce you to everyone.
She is my daughter. Comes from Japan.
Nice to meet you.
*the townspeople clap*
Townsperson A<< I didn't know you're married, Yukio! >>
Townsperson B<< Welcome! >>
Townsperson C<< You travelled so far! You must be tired now, right? >>
IzumiAre they all involved in your play?
YukioYes. All the actors and staff are from this city.
Izumi(From eldery to children, there are all kinds of people here. It's a theater building that's rooted in this city.)
YukioCan you wait a little bit? I have a rehearsal after this. You can always rest in my room if you're tired.
IzumiIt's okay. I'm going to stay here and learn.
YukioAlright, then. I'll be back.
Townsperson A<< Hey, Yukio, there's something I'd like to ask you about Act 2 Scene 2… >>
Yukio<< For that part, you have to slow down the timing and make it loose. >>
Townsperson B<< Yukio. I want to discuss the lighting in Act 1. >>
Izumi(Dad is producing a play with so many people who speak a totally different language from him… So amazing.)
Townsperson A<< Good job. See you tomorrow. >>
Townsperson B<< Bring your daughter to our store. >>
Yukio<< Will do. See you tomorrow. >>
Thanks for waiting.
IzumiGood work.
YukioI'll take you to the room.
IzumiI guess you're really staying in this building's dressing room.
YukioI've actually prepared another room for you to sleep in, but don't expect too much, okay?
IzumiSure. But just thinking about staying in a theater building is already getting me excited.
YukioI've actually dreamt of having this moment with you for so long. Here you go…
YukioI've always wanted to drink with my daughter.
IzumiI was left alone for a long time, though.
YukioUgh… I'm really sorry about that.
IzumiIt's fine. Let's have a toast.
YukioTo the success of our plays…
IzumiYou know, this theater building is quite nice despite its age.
YukioI agree. Both the building itself and the red curtain remind me of MANKAI Company. They caught my eyes right away.
It's sad to see it be demolished, but there's nothing I can do since the building itself is old and dangerous.
IzumiWhat are you planning to do after this?
YukioSomeone from a theater troupe in another city recognized my work here. So they asked me to join them.
They don't even have a drop curtain there, though.
IzumiHave you ever felt anxious about doing theater in a new environment?
YukioHmmm, I do have various things I'm worried about, like the language barrier or whether or not they’ll accept my work. …But in the end, it always comes down to "love and passion."
No matter how horrible I am at a language, I believe we can communicate well as long as both of us share the same goal: producing a great play.
As long as you have "love and passion", whether it's the actors, the staff, or even the audience, I have no doubt they’ll all be on my side.
Izumi…I think I understand what you mean.
YukioI won't deny that you’ll barely have an audience when you hold a play in a new place. However, even if there is only one audience member and one performer, it's still considered a play.
No matter how shabby the theater building is, we will be fine as long as we have actors who stand on the stage, and people who watch them.
I guess, having a director around will be the bare minimum.
Izumi(One audience member and one actor…)
(It reminds me of Sakuya-kun's first performance. He was the only performer, while Sakyo-san and I were the only audience members…)
(That performance was the beginning of all of this. To this day, I’m still glad I got to be the first one to watch Sakuya-kun on stage.)
(From then on, we had gained more new members, and I've been watching as they all grow day by day. It’s made me really happy.)
YukioMoving to a new place does make me anxious, but I can't wait to once again witness the birth of many new actors.
Izumi(Dad's eyes are sparkling. I guess he really does have a fulfilling life.)
(Looking at him, I've come to believe that all a director needs to do is to take their actors seriously and look at their performance carefully.)
(Lately, I've been thinking that I'm the only one who doesn't grow when the others do. It makes me feel anxious…)
(I do have confidence that I've been taking them seriously and helping them improve.)
(But I just wonder if I’ve been doing it wrong all this time…)
BanriYour position should be around here--Oh, my bad. Here.
MasumiBanri, you're running behind schedule.
BanriOops, alrite. We'll do it another time.
TasukuI can't join our next rehearsal.
BanriSeriously? We have to do it now, then…
Masumi, can you tell the other guys the next session will be ten minutes late?
MasumiGot it.
Banri(While Director-chan is absent, I've made a rehearsal schedule focusing on scenes where I don't appear. It ain't as easy as it looks, though.)
(We have more people than usual, and it's totally different from rehearsing as an actor. I'm still not used to it. In the end, we haven’t been progressing smoothly.)
(And while everyone is voicing out their opinions, I don't know how to put them all together…)
(Director-chan has been doing this all by herself without any trouble.)
TsumugiBanri-kun, what should we do about the timing in this part?
BanriUhhh, you can decide it by yourself.
TsumugiHmmm. I don't mind, but I think it's better to have the assistant director make the decision, since this can affect the entire stage production plan.
BanriI'll call Dire--. Ah, no, I'll decide before our next rehearsal.
(Since I've already told her to count on me, I can’t just give up so easily.)
(Still, we've been making slower progress than I’d expected.)
Guy"Tell me everything you know. Why does the pirate have this specimen? Where did you get it?"
Sakuya"…I have no idea. It's always been in my treasure chest ever since I was a child."
BanriOh, Sakuya, for that part I think it's better if you go like this--.
TasukuI think your interpretation is just different from him?
TsumugiAgreed. I think Sakuya-kun's interpretation of his character's feelings during that scene is not wrong.
BanriOh, okay… My bad.
SakuyaDon't be sorry. I know what you mean, Banri-kun. I'll try to change it a little bit, then!
BanriNo, we'll just go with your interpretation.
(I got impatient and ended up thinking it'd be faster to just show them how to do it. Director-chan would never do that kind of thing…)
(It ain't like I'm opposing the other guys, but I feel like I'm the only one who seems out of place because this is different from practicing as an actor.)
(I wonder what Director-chan usually does during rehearsals…)
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