Izumi | … |
Taichi | "Hey, Saku, are you done cleaning?" |
Sakuya | "Oh, yeah. I only have the captain's room left…" |
Taichi | "Thanks, man. Here's your reward." |
Sakuya | "Awmph…!" |
Taichi | "Woll made some tasty sweets~." |
Omi | "Rat! How many times have I told you not to eat the snacks!" |
Izumi | (I was surprised after hearing what Dad told me last night…) |
| |
| The theater building will be demolished next month? |
Yukio | "…That's right. Because of that, this will be my last play in this city." |
| "I figured it'll be like a culmination of all the plays I've produced with the people in this city over the years." |
| "That's why I hope you can come and watch it, but… I guess it's too sudden, huh? Given that it'll be held next month…" |
Izumi | I do want to go. I really do. But we've just barely started rehearsing for the MANKAI Show. |
Yukio | "I see, so preparations for the MANKAI Show are finally underway." |
Izumi | Yep. |
Yukio | "You have to work hard, then. No need to mind me." |
| "You can always come visit me once you're not too busy with the MANKAI Show." |
Izumi | … |
| |
Banri | Director-chan. Director-chan? |
Izumi | …Oh, sorry. |
Banri | Are you not feeling well? |
Izumi | Nope. I'm just sleep-deprived. It's nothing. |
| Let's repeat this scene once more! |
Masumi | … |
| *door closes* |
Omi | I think they're still rehearsing… Shall I make them late night meals? There should also be some who are practicing on their own now. |
Masumi | … |
Omi | …What brings you here, Masumi? Are you hungry or something? |
Masumi | No. I was thinking of making a late night meal for Director, but I guess curry would be too heavy. I don't know what I should make. |
Omi | Oh, okay. How about curry soup, then? |
| Eating soup at night can warm your body up and help you relax. I'm sure Director will be happy as well. |
| I suggest adding coconut milk too. It'll make the taste mild. |
Masumi | Recipe… |
Omi | Let's make it together. I'm about to make meals for the guys who are practicing, anyway. |
| Is Director still awake? |
Masumi | The light in her room is still on. I'm worried because she wasn't being herself during today's rehearsal. |
Omi | What do you mean? |
Masumi | Her eyes are always sparkling whenever we start our read-through. But today, she seemed miles away. |
| There must be something troubling her right now, something besides the theater. |
Omi | You're very sharp. |
Masumi | I can tell because I'm always watching her. |
| It looks like she's been hiding it from the others, so I didn't ask why she looked so troubled. |
| I could've just gone and asked her like I used to, but I know I’d only bother her. |
| So I decided to make her something she likes. |
Omi | …It's love, huh. |
| I think you should ask her if you think you can, though. I'm worried as well. |
Masumi | Okay. |
Izumi | … |
| (This isn't my last chance to watch one of Dad’s plays. He even told me I can always go and visit him whenever I have time…) |
| (But this is an important play that he’s been working towards all these years…) |
| --. |
| (What am I thinking about? It's not the time for this. MANKAI Company is my top priority right now.) |
| (I can't let my personal feelings ruin our schedule. I have to snap out of it and focus on our MANKAI Show.) |
| *door knocks* |
| Who is it? |
Masumi | …Thank God. You're still awake. |
Izumi | Masumi-kun? What brings you here this late at night? |
Masumi | I had a feeling you’d still be hard at work, so… Here you go. |
Izumi | Curry soup? Whoa, it looks good! Did you make it? |
Masumi | Yeah. |
Izumi | Thank you. I'll press on for a bit longer while enjoying this! |
Masumi | …I can't hold back any longer. I love you. |
| … |
Izumi | Masumi-kun? |
Masumi | You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to… |
| I thought there may be something troubling you since you looked out of it during today's rehearsal. It made me worried. |
| I won't force you, but if it can help you feel better, even if it’s just for a little bit, feel free to talk to me. |
Izumi | …So I made you worried, huh. |
| In that case, I guess I've gotta tell you. Come in. |
Masumi | Huh? Can I…? |
Izumi | I'll only make the others worried as well if I keep this up, anyway. |
Masumi | …I'm coming in. |
Izumi | (Masumi-kun has truly changed, huh. Before, he would not even hesitate to come in.) |
Masumi | Eat it before it gets cold. |
Izumi | Okay. I'm digging in. |
| Delicious… |
Masumi | The way you’re eating makes the food look so good, I’m really happy. |
Izumi | Hehe. Thank you. |
| …So, you see, my dad called me yesterday. |
| He's in the middle of preparing an important play, and he invited me to go and watch it. |
| While I really want to meet him and watch his play, I can't afford to go since the MANKAI Show is my top priority right now. |
| I don't think I’m making the wrong choice, but I can't get it out of my head no matter what… Sorry for worrying you. |
Masumi | --. |
Izumi | ? |
Masumi | If it were the past me… I would have absolutely hated the thought of you going somewhere far away… |
| But this time, I really want you to go. You have to go. |
Izumi | Masumi-kun… |
Masumi | Before joining MANKAI Company, I had never once cared about spending time with my family. |
| But now that I’ve also found a family in my troupe members, I've started to cherish the time spent with my grandma and my dad. |
| It was you who told me to cherish those times. |
Izumi | But… |
Masumi | I'm sure the others will say the same thing. |
| We all know you came to this theater troupe because you wanted to look for your father. We won't keep you from going as long as you come back here. |
Izumi | …Thank you, Masumi-kun. |
Sakuya | Have a safe trip! |
Tenma | Send our regards to Yukio-san. |
Itaru | Don't forget to bring back souvenirs. |
Misumi | Find a lot of rare triangles for me~! |
Tasuku | Tell me how Yukio-san's play is once you're back. |
Manager | Please tell Yukio-san about all the brilliant things that I, Isuke Matsukawa, have done! |
Sakyo | Be very careful. Stay away from suspicious guys. Don't walk around alone at night. Don't drink tap water. |
| Call us whenever you're troubled. Either I or Usui will come no matter what time it is. |
Masumi | If something happens to you, just know that I'll come flying even if it’s late at night. |
Sakyo | If you get caught up in dangerous matters, I'll have Utsuki do something about it. |
Chikage | Haha. I'll do anything I can. I've more or less come up with a back-up plan, anyway. |
Itaru | So scary. What does he mean by back-up plan? |
Citron | He'll probably send an around-the-clock bodyguard to her! |
Itaru | That's basically Masumi. |
Banri | I can do something about it if it's only for one week. Just go have fun with your family. A chance like this doesn't come every day. |
Izumi | Banri-kun… I'm sorry. |
Banri | What I mean is, you can count on me. |
| If anything, isn't this why you appointed me as your assistant director? |
| It's the perfect time to put what I’ve learned into practice. |
Izumi | Give me a call if anything happens. |
| And you guys, I'm sorry for the trouble. Thank you! |